bookdown-package: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

bookdown-packageR Documentation

Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown


A open-source (GPL-3) R package to facilitate writing books and long-form articles/reports with R Markdown.


Maintainer: Yihui Xie (ORCID)

Other contributors:

  • Christophe Dervieux (ORCID) [contributor]

  • JJ Allaire [contributor]

  • Albert Kim [contributor]

  • Alessandro Samuel-Rosa [contributor]

  • Andrzej Oles [contributor]

  • Atsushi Yasumoto (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Aust Frederik (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Bastiaan Quast [contributor]

  • Ben Marwick [contributor]

  • Chester Ismay [contributor]

  • Clifton Franklund [contributor]

  • Daniel Emaasit [contributor]

  • David Shuman [contributor]

  • Dean Attali [contributor]

  • Drew Tyre [contributor]

  • Ellis Valentiner [contributor]

  • Frans van Dunne [contributor]

  • Hadley Wickham [contributor]

  • Jeff Allen [contributor]

  • Jennifer Bryan [contributor]

  • Jonathan McPhers [contributor]

  • JooYoung Seo (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Joyce Robbins [contributor]

  • Junwen Huang [contributor]

  • Kevin Cheung [contributor]

  • Kevin Ushey [contributor]

  • Kim Seonghyun [contributor]

  • Kirill Muller [contributor]

  • Luciano Selzer [contributor]

  • Matthew Lincoln [contributor]

  • Maximilian Held [contributor]

  • Michael Sachs [contributor]

  • Michal Bojanowski [contributor]

  • Nathan Werth [contributor]

  • Noam Ross [contributor]

  • Peter Hickey [contributor]

  • Pedro Rafael D. Marinho (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Romain Lesur (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Sahir Bhatnagar [contributor]

  • Shir Dekel (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Steve Simpson [contributor]

  • Thierry Onkelinx (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Vincent Fulco [contributor]

  • Yixuan Qiu [contributor]

  • Zhuoer Dong [contributor]

  • Posit Software, PBC [copyright holder, funder]

  • Bartek Szopka (The jQuery Highlight plugin) [contributor]

  • Zeno Rocha (clipboard.js library) [copyright holder]

  • MathQuill contributors (The MathQuill library; authors listed in inst/resources/AUTHORS) [contributor]

  • FriendCode Inc (The gitbook style, with modifications) [copyright holder, contributor]

See Also

Useful links:

bookdown documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.