
Defines functions get_exported_objects unused_declared_object_linter

Documented in unused_declared_object_linter

# nolint start: line_length_linter
#' Unused declared function and data objects linter
#' Checks that all defined/declared functions and data objects are used within the source file.
#' Functions and data objects that are marked with \code{@export} are ignored.
#' For use in `rhino`, see the
#' [Explanation: Rhino style guide](https://appsilon.github.io/rhino/articles/explanation/rhino-style-guide.html)
#' to learn about the details.
#' @return A custom linter function for use with `r-lib/lintr`.
#' @examples
#' # will produce lint
#' code <- "
#' #' @export
#' public_function <- function() {
#' }
#' private_function <- function() {
#' }
#' local_data <- \"A\"
#' "
#' lintr::lint(text = code, linters = unused_declared_object_linter())
#' # okay
#' code <- "
#' #' @export
#' public_function <- function() {
#'   some_variable <- local_data
#'   private_function()
#' }
#' private_function <- function() {
#' }
#' local_data <- \"A\"
#' "
#' lintr::lint(text = code, linters = unused_declared_object_linter())
#' @export
# nolint end
unused_declared_object_linter <- function() {
  lintr::Linter(function(source_expression) {
    if (!lintr::is_lint_level(source_expression, "file")) {

    xml <- source_expression$full_xml_parsed_content

    fun_assignments <- get_declared_objects(xml)
    exported_objects <- get_exported_objects(xml)
    function_calls <- get_function_calls(xml)
    object_calls <- get_object_calls(xml)
    glue_object_calls <- get_objects_in_strings(xml)
    local_calls_text <- c(function_calls$text, object_calls$text, glue_object_calls)

    lapply(fun_assignments$xml_nodes, function(fun_assign) {
      fun_assign_text <- xml2::xml_text(fun_assign)
      fun_assign_text <- gsub("[`'\"]", "", fun_assign_text)

      if (!fun_assign_text %in% local_calls_text &
            !fun_assign_text %in% exported_objects$text) {
          source_expression = source_expression,
          lint_message = "Declared function/object unused.",
          type = "warning"

get_exported_objects <- function(xml) {
  xpath_exported_objects <- "
  //COMMENT[text() = \"#' @export\"]

  extract_xml_and_text(xml, xpath_exported_objects)

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box.linters documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:20 p.m.