Man pages for bqror
Bayesian Quantile Regression for Ordinal Models

alcdfcdf of an asymmetric Laplace distribution
alcdfstdcdf of a standard asymmetric Laplace distribution
bqrorBayesian quantile regression for ordinal models
covEffectOR1Covariate effect in the OR1 model
covEffectOR2Covariate effect in the OR2 model
data25j3Simulated data from the OR2 model for p = 0.25 (i.e., 25th...
data25j4Simulated data from the OR1 model for p = 0.25 (i.e., 25th...
data50j3Simulated data from the OR2 model for p = 0.5 (i.e., 50th...
data50j4Simulated data from the OR1 model for p = 0.5 (i.e., 50th...
data75j3Simulated data from the OR2 model for p = 0.75 (i.e., 75th...
data75j4Simulated data from the OR1 model for p = 0.75 (i.e., 75th...
dicOR1Deviance Information Criterion in the OR1 model
dicOR2Deviance Information Criterion in the OR2 model
drawbetaOR1Samples beta in the OR1 model
drawbetaOR2Samples beta in the OR2 model
drawdeltaOR1Samples delta in the OR1 model
drawlatentOR1Samples latent variable z in the OR1 model
drawlatentOR2Samples latent variable z in the OR2 model
drawnuOR2Samples scale factor nu in the OR2 model
drawsigmaOR2Samples sigma in the OR2 model
drawwOR1Samples latent weight w in the OR1 model
Educational_AttainmentEducational Attainment study based on data from the National...
ineffactorOR1Inefficiency factor in the OR1 model
ineffactorOR2Inefficiency factor in the OR2 model
logMargLikeOR1Marginal likelihood in the OR1 model
logMargLikeOR2Marginal likelihood in the OR2 model
Policy_OpinionData contains public opinion on the proposal to raise federal...
qrminfundtheoremMinimizes the negative of log-likelihood in the OR1 model
qrnegLogLikensumOR1Negative log-likelihood in the OR1 model
qrnegLogLikeOR2Negative sum of log-likelihood in the OR2 model
quantregOR1Bayesian quantile regression in the OR1 model
quantregOR2Bayesian quantile regression in the OR2 model
rndaldGenerates random numbers from an AL distribution
summary.bqrorOR1Extractor function for summary
summary.bqrorOR2Extractor function for summary
bqror documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.