s_core: Calculate the s-core of a network

View source: R/s_core.R

s_coreR Documentation

Calculate the s-core of a network


Calculates the s-core decomposition of a network. This is analogous to the k-core decomposition, but takes into account the strength of vertices (i.e., in weighted networks). If an unweighted network is supplied, then the output of the function coreness is returned.


s_core(g, W = NULL)



An igraph graph object


Numeric matrix of edge weights (default: NULL)


The s-core consists of all vertices i with s_i > s, where s is some threshold value. The s_0 core is the entire network, and the threshold value of the s_{n} core is

s_{n-1} = min_i s_i

for all vertices i in the s_{n-1} core.

Note that in networks with a wide distribution of vertex strengths, in which there are almost as many unique values as there are vertices, then several separate cores will have a single vertex. See the reference provided below.


Integer vector of the vertices' s-core membership


Christopher G. Watson, cgwatson@bu.edu


Eidsaa, M and Almaas, E. (2013) s-core network decomposition: a generalization of k-core analysis to weighted networks. Physical Review E, 88, 062819. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062819")}

See Also


brainGraph documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.