Man pages for brainGraph
Graph Theory Analysis of Brain MRI Data

apply_thresholdsThreshold additional set of matrices
atlas_helpersAtlas helper functions
attributesSet graph, vertex, and edge attributes common in MRI analyses
auc_diffDifference in the area-under-the-curve of two vectors
BootstrappingBootstrapping for global graph measures
brain_atlasesCoordinates for data from brain atlases
brainGraphDefault options for brainGraph
brainGraphListCreate a list of brainGraph graphs
brainGraph-methodsbrainGraph generic methods
brainGraph_permutePermutation test for group difference of graph measures
centr_betw_commCalculate communicability betweenness centrality
centr_levCalculate a vertex's leverage centrality
check_attributesCheck for vertex or edge attributes
choose.edgesSelect edges for re-wiring
coeff_varCalculate coefficient of variation
communicabilityCalculate communicability
contract_brainGraphContract graph vertices based on brain lobe and hemisphere
cor.diff.testCalculate the p-value for differences in correlation...
correlation_matricesCalculate correlation matrix and threshold
count_edgesCount number of edges of a brain graph
create_matsCreate connection matrices for tractography or fMRI data
data_tablesCreate a data table with graph global and vertex measures
delete_all_attrDelete all attributes of a graph
dir2filesReturn a vector of filenames based on a directory name or...
edge_asymmetryCalculate an asymmetry index based on edge counts
efficiencyCalculate graph global, local, or nodal efficiency
get_rand_attrsConvenience function to get attributes for lists of random...
glmFit General Linear Models at each vertex of a graph
glm_brainGraphListCreate a graph list with GLM-specific attributes
glm_designCreate a design matrix for linear model analysis
glm_fitFit design matrices to one or multiple outcomes
glm_graph_plotsPlot a graph with results from GLM-based analyses
glm_helpersHelper functions to set-up for GLM analyses
glm_influenceInfluence measures for a bg_GLM object
glm_infoExtract basic information from a bg_GLM object
glm_model_selectModel selection for bg_GLM objects
glm_statsExtract model fit statistics from a bg_GLM object
hubnessCalculate vertex hubness
import_scnImport data for structural connectivity analysis
individ_contribApproaches to estimate individual network contribution
inverseCalculate the inverse of the cross product of a design matrix
make_auc_brainGraphCalculate the AUC across densities of given attributes
make_brainGraphCreate a brainGraph object
make_ego_brainGraphCreate a graph of the union of multiple vertex neighborhoods
make_intersection_brainGraphCreate the intersection of graphs based on a logical...
matrix_utilsMatrix/array utility functions
mean_distance_wtCalculate weighted shortest path lengths
mediationMediation analysis with brain graph measures as mediator...
mtpcMulti-threshold permutation correction
NBSNetwork-based statistic for brain MRI data
pad_zerosTest if an object is a character vector of numbers
plot.brainGraphPlot a brain graph with a specific spatial layout
plot_brainGraph_guiGUI for plotting graphs overlaid on an MNI152 image or in a...
plot.brainGraphListPlot a brainGraphList and write to PDF
plot_brainGraph_multiSave PNG of one or three views for all graphs in a...
plot_globalPlot global graph measures across densities
plot_rich_normPlot normalized rich club coefficients against degree...
plot_vertex_measuresPlot vertex-level graph measures at a single density or...
plot_volumetricPlot group distributions of volumetric measures for a given...
random_graphsPerform an analysis with random graphs for brain MRI data
randomiseGLM non-parametric permutation testing
rename_levelsRename the levels of global metrics in a data.table
residualsLinear model residuals in structural covariance networks
rich_clubRich club calculations
rich_club_attrsAssign graph attributes based on rich-club analysis
robustnessAnalysis of network robustness
s_coreCalculate the s-core of a network
set_graph_colorsColor graph vertices and edges
small.worldCalculate graph small-worldness
spatial_distCalculate Euclidean distance of edges and vertices
subset_graphSubset graphs based on a given logical condition
update_fs_namesUpdate column names in a Freesurfer table
utilsUtility functions
vertex_rolesGateway coefficient, participation coefficient, and...
vif.bg_GLMVariance inflation factors for 'bg_GLM' objects
vulnerabilityCalculate graph vulnerability
write_brainnetWrite files to be used for visualization with BrainNet Viewer
brainGraph documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 6:37 p.m.