
Defines functions IDetect_cusum_one cusum_function start_end_points check.input fixed.intervals random.intervals grid.intervals all.intervals.flat mean.from.cpt wbs.K.int max.cusum systematic.cusums random.cusums all.slopechanges.are.cpts all.shifts.are.cpts

all.shifts.are.cpts <- function(x) {
	diff.x <- abs(diff(x))
	cpts <- which(diff.x > 0)
	no.of.cpt <- length(cpts)
	est <- x
	list(est=est, no.of.cpt=no.of.cpt, cpts=cpts)

all.slopechanges.are.cpts <- function(x) {
  diff.x <- abs(diff(diff(x)))
  cpts <- which(diff.x > 0)
  no.of.cpt <- length(cpts)
  est <- x
  list(est=est, no.of.cpt=no.of.cpt, cpts=cpts)

## for wbs2
# for roxygen2 to generate the help file - add ' below
# Generates a fixed number of random intervals and identifes one
# with the maximum absolute CUSUM value.
# @param x A numeric vector containing the input time series
# @param M An integer indicating the maximal number of intervals to be drawn
# @param max.cusum.fun A function that calculates the max of the cusum for a chosen setting
# @param seed An integer to be passed on to \code{\link[base]{set.seed}}
# @return A list which contains the below besides the input arguments
# \itemize{
# \item{res}{A matrix where each row contains the beginning and the end (second) of a random interval,
# the maximiser of the (absolute) CUSUM statistics and the maximum CUSUM value}
# \item{max.val}{The row of \code{res} with the largest maximum CUSUM value}
# }
# @examples
# # x <- mosum::testData('teeth10')$x
# # random.cusums(x, 100)

random.cusums <- function(x, M, max.cusum.fun = max.cusum, seed = NULL) {
	if(is.integer(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  # M=0 means there is a single cusum that gets taken over [1,length(x)] and therefore we are in the standard BS setting
  y <- c(0, cumsum(x))
  n <- length(x)
  M <- min(M, (n-1)*n/2)
  res <- matrix(0, max(1, M), 4)
  if ((n==2) || (M == 0)) ind <- matrix(c(1, n), 2, 1)
	else if (M == (n-1)*n/2) {
	  ind <- matrix(0, 2, M)
	  ind[1,] <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
	  ind[2,] <- 2:(M+1) - rep(cumsum(c(0, (n-2):1)), (n-1):1)
  else {
    ind <- ind2 <- matrix(floor(runif(2*M) * (n-1)), nrow=2)
    ind2[1,] <- apply(ind, 2, min)
    ind2[2,] <- apply(ind, 2, max)
    ind <- ind2 + c(1, 2)
	res[,1:2] <- t(ind)
	res[,3:4] <- t(apply(ind, 2, max.cusum, y))
	max.ind <- which.max(abs(res[,4]))
	max.val <- res[max.ind,,drop=F]
	list(res=res, max.val=max.val, M.eff=max(1, M))

systematic.cusums <- function(x, M) {
  y <- c(0, cumsum(x))
  n <- length(x)
  M <- min(M, (n-1)*n/2)
  ind <- grid.intervals(n, M)
  M <- dim(ind)[2]
  res <- matrix(0, M, 4)
  res[,1:2] <- t(ind)
  res[,3:4] <- t(apply(ind, 2, max.cusum, y))
 # max.ind <- which.max(abs(res[,4]))
  max.ind <- max.col(matrix(abs(res[,4]), 1, length(res[,4])))
  max.val <- res[max.ind,,drop=F]
  list(res=res, max.val=max.val, M.eff=M)

max.cusum <- function(ind, y, min.d = 0) {
  z <- y[(ind[1]+1):(ind[2]+1)] - y[ind[1]]
  m <- ind[2] - ind[1] + 1
  if(m >= 2*(min.d) + 2){
    ip <- sqrt(((m-1):1) / m / (1:(m-1))) * z[1:(m-1)] - sqrt((1:(m-1)) / m / ((m-1):1)) * (z[m] - z[1:(m-1)])
    mv <- max(abs(ip[(min.d + 1):(m - 1 - min.d)]))
    ip.max <- min(which(abs(ip) == mv))
  } else{
    mv <- 0
    ip.max <- 1
  c(ip.max + ind[1] - 1, mv)

wbs.K.int <- function(x, M, cusum.sampling) {
  n <- length(x)
  if (n == 1) return(matrix(NA, 4, 0))
  else {
    cpt <- t(cusum.sampling(x, M)$max.val)
    return(cbind(cpt, wbs.K.int(x[1:cpt[3]], M, cusum.sampling), wbs.K.int(x[(cpt[3]+1):n], M, cusum.sampling) + c(rep(cpt[3], 3), 0)            ))

#wbs.K.int <- function(x, M) {
# M = 0 means standard Binary Segmentation; M >= 1 means WBS2	
#	n <- length(x)
#	if (n == 1) return(matrix(NA, 4, 0))
#	else {
#		cpt <- t(random.cusums(x, M)$max.val)
#		return(cbind(cpt, wbs.K.int(x[1:cpt[3]], M), wbs.K.int(x[(cpt[3]+1):n], M) + c(rep(cpt[3], 3), 0)            ))
#	}

mean.from.cpt <- function(x, cpt) {
  n <- length(x)
  len.cpt <- length(cpt)
  if (len.cpt) cpt <- sort(cpt)
  beg <- endd <- rep(0, len.cpt+1)
  beg[1] <- 1
  endd[len.cpt+1] <- n
  if (len.cpt) {
    beg[2:(len.cpt+1)] <- cpt+1
    endd[1:len.cpt] <- cpt
  means <- rep(0, len.cpt+1)
  for (i in 1:(len.cpt+1)) means[i] <- mean(x[beg[i]:endd[i]])
  rep(means, endd-beg+1)

all.intervals.flat <- function(n) {
  if (n == 2) ind <- matrix(1:2, 2, 1) else {
    M <- (n-1)*n/2	
    ind <- matrix(0, 2, M)
    ind[1,] <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
    ind[2,] <- 2:(M+1) - rep(cumsum(c(0, (n-2):1)), (n-1):1)

grid.intervals <- function(n, M) {
  if (n==2) ind <- matrix(c(1, 2), 2, 1)
  else if (M >= (n-1)*n/2) ind <- all.intervals.flat(n)
  else {
    k <- 1
    while (k*(k-1)/2 < M) k <- k+1
    ind2 <- all.intervals.flat(k)
    ind2.mx <- max(ind2)
    ind <- round((ind2 - 1) * ((n-1) / (ind2.mx-1)) + 1)

## for not, wbs - mostly follow the code from WBS2 in this version
random.intervals <-	function(n, M, seed = NULL) {
  if(is.integer(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  n <- as.integer(n)
  M <- as.integer(M)
  M <- min(M, (n-1)*n/2)
  #res <- matrix(0, max(1, M), 2)
  if ((n==2) || (M == 0)) ind <- matrix(c(1, n), 2, 1)
  else if (M == (n-1)*n/2) {
    ind <- matrix(0, 2, M)
    ind[1,] <- rep(1:(n-1), (n-1):1)
    ind[2,] <- 2:(M+1) - rep(cumsum(c(0, (n-2):1)), (n-1):1)
  else {
    ind <- ind2 <- matrix(floor(runif(2*M) * (n-1)), nrow=2)
    ind2[1,] <- apply(ind, 2, min)
    ind2[2,] <- apply(ind, 2, max)
    ind <- ind2 + c(1, 2)
  res <- t(ind)

# same two functions for interval drawing as in wbs and not
fixed.intervals <-function(n,M){
    n <- as.integer(n)
    M <- as.integer(M)
    M <- min(M, (n-1)*n/2)
    ind <- grid.intervals(n, M)
    M <- dim(ind)[2]
    res <- t(ind)

# check input numermic

check.input <- function(x){
  # if(length(x) < 1) stop("Data vector x should contain at least two elements.")
  if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("Data vector x vector must be numeric")
  if(!all(is.finite(x))) stop("Data vector x vector cannot contain NA's")

## for Isolate-Detect
start_end_points <- function(r, l, s, e) {
  r <- sort(r)
  l <- sort(l, decreasing = TRUE)
  if (s > e){
    stop("s should be less than or equal to e")
  if (!(is.numeric(c(r, l, s, e))) | (r[1] <= 0) | (l[length(l)] <= 0) | s <= 0 | e <= 0){
    stop("The input arguments must be positive integers")
  if (any(abs(r - round(r)) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)){
    warning("The input for r should be a vector of positive integers. If there is at least a positive real
            number then the integer part of that number is used.")
  if (any(abs(l - round(l)) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)){
    warning("The input for l should be a vector of positive integers. If there is at least a positive real
            number then the integer part of that number is used.")
  if (abs(s - round(s)) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5){
    warning("The input for s should be a positive integer. If it is a positive real
            number then the integer part of that number is used.")
  if (abs(e - round(e)) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5){
    warning("The input for e should be a positive integer. If it is a positive real
            number then the integer part of that number is used.")
  r <- as.integer(r)
  l <- as.integer(l)
  e <- as.integer(e)
  s <- as.integer(s)
  e_points <- unique(c(r[which( (r > s) & (r < e))], e))
  s_points <- unique(c(l[which( (l > s) & (l < e))], s))
  return(list(e_points = e_points, s_points = s_points))

# The CUSUM function for the case of a piecewise-constant signal.
cusum_function <- function(x) {
  if (!(is.numeric(x))){
    stop("The input in `x' should be a numeric vector containing the data
         for which the CUSUM function will be calculated.")
  n <- length(x)
  y <- cumsum(x)
  res <- sqrt( ( (n - 1):1) / n / (1:(n - 1))) * y[1:(n - 1)] - sqrt( (1:(n - 1)) / n / ( (n - 1):1)) * (y[n] - y[1:(n - 1)])

# This function estimates the signal in a given data sequence x with change-points at cpt.
# The type of the signal depends on whether the change-points represent changes in a
# piecewise-constant or continuous, piecewise-linear signal.
# est_signal <- function(x, cpt, type = c("mean", "slope")) {
#   if (!(is.numeric(x))){
#     stop("The input in `x' should be a numeric vector containing the data for
#          which you want to estimate the underlying signal.")
#   }
#   x <- as.numeric(x)
#   if (NA %in% x)
#     stop("x vector cannot contain NA's")
#   n <- length(x)
#   if (type == "mean") {
#     if (missing(cpt)){
#       cpt <- ID_pcm(x)$cpt
#     }
#     if (!is.null(cpt)){
#       if (any(is.na(cpt))){
#         cpt <- cpt[!is.na(cpt)]
#       }
#     }
#     cpt <- as.integer(cpt)
#     len_cpt <- length(cpt)
#     if (len_cpt) {
#       if (min(cpt) < 0 || max(cpt) >= n)
#         stop("change-points cannot be negative or greater than and n-1")
#       cpt <- sort(cpt)
#     }
#     s <- e <- rep(0, len_cpt + 1)
#     s[1] <- 1
#     e[len_cpt + 1] <- n
#     if (len_cpt) {
#      s[2:(len_cpt + 1)] <- cpt + 1
#      e[1:len_cpt] <- cpt
#    }
#    means <- rep(0, len_cpt + 1)
#    for (i in 1:(len_cpt + 1)) {
#      means[i] <- mean(x[s[i]:e[i]])
#    }
#    fit <- rep(means, e - s + 1)
#  }
#  if (type == "slope"){
#    if (missing(cpt)){
#      cpt <- ID_cplm(x)$cpt
#    }
#    if (!is.null(cpt)){
#      if (any(is.na(cpt))){
#        cpt <- cpt[!is.na(cpt)]
#      }
#    }
#    cpt <- as.integer(cpt)
#    len_cpt <- length(cpt)
#    if (len_cpt) {
#      if (min(cpt) < 0 || max(cpt) >= n)
#        stop("change-points cannot be negative or greater than and n-1")
#      cpt <- sort(cpt)
#    }
#    cpt <- sort(unique(c(cpt, 0, n)))
#    fit <- rep(0, n)
#    cpt <- setdiff(cpt, c(0, n))
#    X <- splines::bs(1:n, knots = cpt, degree = 1, intercept = TRUE)
#    fit <- stats::lm.fit(X, x)$fitted.values
#  }
#  return(fit)

# The following function finds the CUSUM value for the intervals [s[j], e[j]) at the location
# b[j], where j = 1,2,...,L, with L being the length of the vectors s,b,e.
# The input arguments are:
#  1) x which is a numeric vector containing the data.
#  2) s which is a vector of length L which has the startpoints for the CUSUM values that will be computed.
#  3) e which is a vector of length L which has the endpoints for the CUSUM values that will be computed.
#  4) b which is a vector of length L which has the location of the points where the CUSUM will be computed.
# The output is a numeric vector of length L which has the CUSUM values, CS[j], j=1,2,...,L calculated at the
# location b[j], when the interval [s[j], e[j]] is used.

IDetect_cusum_one <- function(x, s, e, b) {
  if (!(is.numeric(x))){
    stop("The input in `x' should be a numeric vector.")
  y <- cumsum(x)
  l <- numeric()
  d <- numeric()
  result <- numeric()
  if ( (length(s) != length(b)) || (length(s) != length(e)) || (length(e) != length(b))){
    stop("The vectors s, b, e, should be of the same length")
  if (any(s < 1) | any(b < 1) | any(e < 1)){
    stop("The entries of the vectors s, b, e should be positive integers.")
  if (any(s > b) | any(b >= e)){
    stop("The value for b should be in the interval [s,e)")
  if ( (any(abs( (s - round(s))) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5))
       || (any(abs( (b - round(b))) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5))
       || (any(abs( (e - round(e))) > .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5))){
    stop("The input values  for s, b, and  e should be positive integers.")
  for (j in 1:length(b)) {
    l[j] <- e[j] - s[j] + 1
    d[j] <- ifelse(s[j] == 1, 0, y[s[j] - 1])
    result[j] <- abs(sqrt( (e[j] - b[j]) / (l[j] * (b[j] - s[j] + 1))) * (y[b[j]] - d[j]) - sqrt( (b[j] - s[j] + 1) / (l[j] * (e[j] - b[j]))) * (y[e[j]] - y[b[j]]))

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