
Defines functions retain_valid_ids bs_retrieve bs_remove

Documented in bs_remove bs_retrieve

#' Remove or retrieve Sass code from a theme
#' A Bootstrap theme created with [bs_theme()] is comprised of
#' [many Sass layers](https://rstudio.github.io/sass/articles/sass.html#layering).
#' `bs_remove()` and `bs_retrieve()` allow you to remove or retrieve an
#' individual layer, either to reduce the size of the compiled CSS or to extract
#' styles from a theme.
#' @inheritParams bs_theme_update
#' @param ids a character vector of ids
#' @return Returns a modified [bs_theme()] object.
#' @export
#' @family Bootstrap theme functions
#' @examples
#' bs4 <- bs_theme(version = 4)
#' # Retrieve sass bundle for print styles
#' bs_retrieve(bs4, "_print", include_unnamed = FALSE)
#' # Remove CSS rules for print and carousels
#' bs4_no_print <- bs_remove(bs4, c("_print", "_carousel"))
#' suppressWarnings(
#'   bs_retrieve(bs4_no_print, "_print", include_unnamed = FALSE)
#' )
#' # Remove BS3 compatibility layer
#' bs4_no_compat <- bs_remove(bs4, "bs3compat")
bs_remove <- function(theme, ids = character(0)) {
  ids <- retain_valid_ids(theme, ids)
  sass_bundle_remove(theme, ids)

#' @rdname bs_remove
#' @param include_unnamed whether or not to include unnamed [sass::sass_layer()]s
#' (e.g., Bootstrap Sass variables, functions, and mixins).
#' @export
bs_retrieve <- function(theme, ids = character(0), include_unnamed = TRUE) {
  ids <- retain_valid_ids(theme, ids)
  if (isTRUE(include_unnamed)) {
    ids <- c(ids, "")
  layers <- theme$layers[names(theme$layers) %in% ids]
    class = class(theme)

retain_valid_ids <- function(theme, ids) {

  bundle_ids <- names(theme$layers)
  if (!length(ids)) {
      "Provide one or more of the following `ids`: ",
      paste(bundle_ids, collapse = ", ")

  missing_ids <- setdiff(ids, bundle_ids)
  if (length(missing_ids)) {
      "The following `ids` weren't found in `theme`: ",
      paste(missing_ids, collapse = ", "), ".\n\n",
      "Possible `ids` include: ",
      paste(bundle_ids[nzchar(bundle_ids)], collapse = ", ")

  intersect(ids, bundle_ids)

Try the bslib package in your browser

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bslib documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:31 a.m.