
Defines functions getWeights

Documented in getWeights

#' Optimize weights for model averaging.
#'Function to determine optimal weights for model averaging based on a proposal 
#'by Zhang et al. ( 2014) to derive a weight choice criterion based on the 
#'conditional Akaike Information Criterion as proposed by Greven and Kneib 
#'(2010). The underlying optimization is a customized version of the 
#'Augmented Lagrangian Method.
#' @param models An list object containing all considered candidate models fitted by
#' \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}} of the lme4-package or of class
#' \code{\link[nlme]{lme}}.
#' @return An object containing a vector of optimized weights, 
#' value of the minimized target function and the duration of the optimization 
#' process.
#' @section WARNINGS : 
#' No weight-determination is currently possible for models called via \code{gamm4}.
#' @author Benjamin Saefken & Rene-Marcel Kruse
#' @seealso \code{\link[lme4]{lme4-package}}, \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}},
#' \code{\link[lme4]{getME}}
#' @references Greven, S. and Kneib T. (2010) On the behaviour of marginal and
#' conditional AIC in linear mixed models. Biometrika 97(4), 773-789.
#' @references Zhang, X., Zou, G., & Liang, H. (2014). Model averaging and
#' weight choice in linear mixed-effects models. Biometrika, 101(1), 205-218.
#' @references Nocedal, J., & Wright, S. (2006). Numerical optimization.
#' Springer Science & Business Media.
#' @rdname getWeights
#' @export getWeights
#' @examples data(Orthodont, package = "nlme")
#' models <- list(
#'     model1 <- lmer(formula = distance ~ age + Sex + (1 | Subject) + age:Sex,
#'                data = Orthodont),
#'     model2 <- lmer(formula = distance ~ age + Sex + (1 | Subject),
#'                data = Orthodont),
#'     model3 <- lmer(formula = distance ~ age + (1 | Subject),
#'                  data = Orthodont),
#'     model4 <- lmer(formula = distance ~ Sex + (1 | Subject),
#'                 data = Orthodont))
#' foo <- getWeights(models = models)
#' foo
getWeights <- function(models)
  m             <- models
  .envi         <- environment()
  # Creation of the variables required for the optimization of weights
  # TODO: Suppress anocAIC's automatic output
  invisible(capture.output(modelcAIC <- anocAIC(m)))
  df            <- modelcAIC[[2]]
  tempm         <- m[[which.max(modelcAIC$df)]]
  seDF          <- getME(tempm, "sigma")
  varDF         <- seDF * seDF
  y             <- getME(m[[1]], "y")
  mu            <- list()
  # TODO: that needs to be made more effective ...
  for(i in 1:length(m)){
    mu[[i]]     <- getME(m[[i]], "mu")
  mu            <- t(matrix(unlist(mu), nrow = length(m), byrow = TRUE))
  weights       <- rep(1/length(m), times = length(m))
  fun           <- find_weights <- function(w){(t(y - matrix(mu %*% w))%*%(y - matrix(mu %*% w))) + 2 * varDF * (w %*% df)}
  eqfun         <- equal <-function(w){sum(w)}
  equB          <- 1
  lowb          <- rep(0, times = length(m))
  uppb          <- rep(1, times = length(m))
  nw            <- length(weights)
  funv 	        <- find_weights(weights)
  eqv 	        <- (sum(weights)-equB)
  rho           <- 0
  maxit         <- 400
  minit         <- 800
  delta         <- (1.0e-7)
  tol           <- (1.0e-8)
  # Start of optimization:
  j             <- jh <- funv
  lambda        <- c(0)
  constraint    <- eqv
  p             <- c(weights)
  hess          <- diag(nw)
  mue           <- nw
  .iters        <- 0
  targets            <- c(funv, eqv)
  tic           <- Sys.time()
  while( .iters < maxit ){
    .iters <- .iters + 1
    scaler <- c( targets[ 1 ], rep(1, 1) * max( abs(targets[ 2:(1  + 1) ]) ) )
    scaler <- c(scaler, rep( 1, length.out = length(p) ) )
    scaler <- apply( matrix(scaler, ncol = 1), 1,
                     FUN = function( x ) min( max( abs(x), tol ), 1/tol ) )
    res    <- .weightOptim(weights = p, lm = lambda, targets = targets,
                           hess = hess, lambda = mue, scaler = scaler, .envi = .envi)
    p      <- res$p
    lambda <- res$y
    hess   <- res$hess
    mue    <- res$lambda
    temp   <- p
    funv 	 <- find_weights(temp)
    eqv 	 <- (sum(temp)-equB)
    targets     <- c(funv, eqv)
      # Change of the target function through optimization
    tt     <- (j - targets[ 1 ]) / max(targets[ 1 ], 1)
    j      <- targets[ 1 ]
    constraint <- targets[ 2 ]
    if( abs(constraint) < 10 * tol ) {
      rho  <- 0
      mue  <- min(mue, tol)
    if( c( tol + tt ) <= 0 ) {
      lambda <- 0
      hess  <- diag( diag ( hess ) )
    if( sqrt(sum( (c(tt, eqv))^2 )) <= tol ) {
      maxit <- .iters
  toc <- Sys.time() - tic
  ans <- list("weights" = p, "functionvalue" = j,
              "duration" = toc)
  return( ans )

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cAIC4 documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 5:07 p.m.