calibrate <-
function (g, y, tm, Fr, tmlab = tm, tl = 0.05, dt = TRUE, dp = FALSE,
lm = TRUE, verb = TRUE, axislab = "", reverse = FALSE,
alpha = NULL, labpos = 1, weights = diag(rep(1, length(y))),
axiscol = "blue", cex.axislab = 0.75, graphics = TRUE, where = 3,
laboffset = c(0, 0), m = matrix(c(0, 0), nrow = 1), markerpos = 3,
showlabel = TRUE, lwd = 1, shiftvec = c(0,0), shiftdir = "none", shiftfactor = 1.05 )
g <- as.vector(g)
if (is.matrix(weights))
Dw <- weights
else if (is.vector(weights))
Dw <- diag(weights)
else stop("calibrate: weights is not a vector or matrix")
if (verb > 1)
if(all(!as.logical(shiftvec))) { # c(0,0) vector
shiftvec <- switch(shiftdir,
right = shiftvector(g,Fr)$dr,
left = shiftvector(g,Fr)$dl,
none = c(0,0),
stop("invalid value for parameter shiftdir"))
shiftvec <- shiftfactor*shiftvec
optalpha <- t(g) %*% t(Fr) %*% Dw %*% Fr %*% g/((t(y) %*%
Dw %*% Fr %*% g) * (t(g) %*% g))
optalpha <- optalpha[1, 1]
useralpha <- NULL
if (is.null(alpha)) {
alpha <- optalpha
else {
useralpha <- alpha
Mmean <- matrix(rep(1, length(tm)), ncol = 1) %*% m
M <- alpha * (tm) %*% t(g) + Mmean
nrM <- nrow(M)
M <- M + matrix(rep(1, nrM), ncol = 1) %*% shiftvec
di <- 1/(alpha * t(g) %*% g)
yt <- di[1, 1] * Fr %*% g
e <- y - yt
Q <- t(e) %*% Dw %*% e
gos <- 1 - Q/(t(y) %*% Dw %*% y)
odi <- 1/(optalpha * t(g) %*% g)
oyt <- odi[1, 1] * Fr %*% g
oe <- y - oyt
oQ <- t(oe) %*% Dw %*% oe
gof <- 1 - oQ/(t(y) %*% Dw %*% y)
ang <- atan(g[2]/g[1]) * 180/pi
lengthoneunit <- alpha * sqrt(t(g) %*% g)
if (verb) {
cat("---------- Calibration Results for ", axislab, " ")
for (i in 1:(60 - (38 + nchar(axislab)))) cat("-")
cat("Length of 1 unit of the original variable = ", round(lengthoneunit,
digits = 4), " \n")
cat("Angle = ", round(ang,
digits = 2), "degrees\n")
cat("Optimal calibration factor = ", round(optalpha,
digits = 4), " \n")
cat("Used calibration factor = ", round(alpha,
digits = 4), " \n")
cat("Goodness-of-fit = ", round(gof,
digits = 4), " \n")
cat("Goodness-of-scale = ", round(gos,
digits = 4), " \n")
Fr2 <- Fr[, 1:2]
nn <- t(g) %*% g
scal <- (Fr2 %*% g)/nn[1, 1]
Dscal <- diag(as.vector(scal))
Fpr <- Dscal %*% matrix(rep(1, nrow(Fr)), ncol = 1) %*% t(g)
deltax <- tl * sin(ang * pi/180)
deltay <- tl * cos(ang * pi/180)
if (reverse == TRUE)
Mn <- cbind(M[, 1] - deltax, M[, 2] + deltay)
else Mn <- cbind(M[, 1] + deltax, M[, 2] - deltay)
if (graphics) {
lines(rbind(M[1, ], M[nrM, ]), col = axiscol, lwd = lwd)
if (lm) {
if (reverse == TRUE)
text(Mn[, 1], Mn[, 2], tmlab, pos = markerpos,
offset = 0.2, cex = cex.axislab, srt = ang)
else if (markerpos > 2)
text(Mn[, 1], Mn[, 2], tmlab, pos = markerpos -
2, offset = 0.2, cex = cex.axislab, srt = ang)
else text(Mn[, 1], Mn[, 2], tmlab, pos = markerpos +
2, offset = 0.2, cex = cex.axislab, srt = ang)
nm <- nrow(M)
if (dt == TRUE) {
for (i in 1:nm) lines(rbind(M[i, 1:2], Mn[i, 1:2]),
col = axiscol, lwd = lwd)
if (dp) {
nrFpr <- nrow(Fpr)
dlines(Fr2 + matrix(rep(1, nrFpr), ncol = 1) %*%
m, Fpr + matrix(rep(1, nrFpr), ncol = 1) %*%
m + matrix(rep(1, nrFpr), ncol = 1) %*% shiftvec)
if (showlabel) {
switch(where, text(M[1, 1] + laboffset[1], M[1, 2] +
laboffset[2], axislab, cex = cex.axislab, srt = ang, pos = labpos, adj = c(0.5,0.5)), text(M[round(nrow(M)/2),
1] + laboffset[1], M[round(nrow(M)/2), 2] + laboffset[2],
axislab, cex = cex.axislab, srt = ang, pos = labpos,
adj = c(0.5,0.5) ), text(M[nrow(M), 1] + laboffset[1],
M[nrow(M), 2] + laboffset[2], axislab, cex = cex.axislab,
srt = ang, pos = labpos, adj = c(0.5,0.5) ))
return(list(useralpha = useralpha, gos = gos, optalpha = optalpha,
gof = gof, lengthoneunit = lengthoneunit, M = M, Q = Q,
ang = ang, shiftvec = shiftvec, yt = yt, e = e, Fpr = Fpr, Mn = Mn))
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