
Defines functions run_experiment

Documented in run_experiment

#' @title Run experiment
#' @description Runs an experiment with minimal parameters.
#' @param x A [CalmrExperiment-class] or design `data.frame`
#' @param outputs A character vector specifying which outputs to
#' parse and aggregate. Defaults to NULL, in which case
#' all model outputs are parsed/aggregated.
#' @param parse A logical specifying whether the raw results
#' should be parsed. Default = TRUE.
#' @param aggregate A logical specifying whether the parsed results
#' should be aggregated. Default = TRUE.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other functions
#' @return A [CalmrExperiment-class] with results.
#' @examples
#' # Using a data.frame only (throws warning)
#' df <- get_design("relative_validity")
#' run_experiment(df, model = "RW1972")
#' # Using custom parameters
#' df <- get_design("relative_validity")
#' pars <- get_parameters(df, model = "HD2022")
#' pars$alphas["US"] <- 0.6
#' run_experiment(df, parameters = pars, model = "HD2022")
#' # Using make_experiment, for more iterations
#' df <- get_design("blocking")
#' pars <- get_parameters(df, model = "SM2007")
#' exper <- make_experiment(df,
#'   parameters = pars, model = "SM2007",
#'   iterations = 4
#' )
#' run_experiment(exper)
#' # Only parsing the associations in the model, without aggregation
#' run_experiment(exper, outputs = "vs", aggregate = FALSE)
#' @export

run_experiment <- function(
    x, outputs = NULL,
    parse = TRUE,
    aggregate = TRUE, ...) {
  nargs <- list(...)
  if (!is_experiment(x)) {
    # parse design
    parsed_design <- parse_design(x)
    # make the experiment
    experiment <- make_experiment(
      design = parsed_design, ...
  } else {
    experiment <- x
  # sanitize nargs
  nargs <- nargs[!(names(nargs) %in% c(
    "experience", "mapping"
  # sanitize outputs
  outputs <- .sanitize_outputs(outputs, experiment@model)

  # check if experiment needs (can) to be run
  .calmr_assert("good_experiment", given = experiment)

  # now run the experiment
  exp_length <- length(experiment)
  pb <- progressr::progressor(exp_length)
  .parallel_standby(pb) # print parallel backend message
  # get results
  all_results <- future.apply::future_sapply(
    seq_len(exp_length), function(i) {
      if (!is.null(nargs$.callback_fn)) nargs$.callback_fn() # nocov
      # bundle arguments
      args <- c(list(
        experience = experiment@experiences[[i]],
        mapping = experiment@design@mapping,
        parameters = experiment@parameters[[experiment@.group[i]]]
      ), nargs)
      raw <- do.call(get_model(experiment@.model[i]), args)
      parsed <- NULL
      if (parse) {
        parsed <- .parse_model(
          raw = raw,
          experience = args$experience,
          model = experiment@.model[i],
          outputs = outputs
      pb(message = "Running experiment")
      list(raw = raw, parsed = parsed)
    simplify = FALSE,
    future.seed = TRUE
  experiment@results@raw_results <- lapply(all_results, "[[", "raw")
  if (parse) {
    experiment@results@parsed_results <- lapply(all_results, "[[", "parsed")
  # aggregate
  if (aggregate) {
    experiment <- aggregate(experiment, outputs = outputs)


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calmr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.