
Defines functions append_html_document cxHtmlPage

Documented in cxHtmlPage

#' Stand-Alone HTML Page Creation
#' This function creates and returns a stand-alone HTML page containing
#' the given canvasXpress object.  Width and height can be inferred from
#' the canvasXpress object (default) or overridden for the page output.
#' @param chartObject a canvasXpress plot object
#' @param width       plot width override for the HTML page (valid CSS units)  - default = NULL
#' @param height      plot height override for the HTML page (valid CSS units) - default = NULL
#' @return a character string containing a self-contained html page
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my_chart <- canvasXpress(data      = data.frame(Sample1 = c(33, 48),
#'                                                 Sample2 = c(44, 59),
#'                                                 Sample3 = c(55, 6)),
#'                          graphType = "Bar",
#'                          title     = "Example Bar Chart",
#'                          width     = "600px")
#' # create a page using the chart dimensions on my_chart
#' html_page <- cxHtmlPage(my_chart)
#' # or change the chart width/height for this page:
#' html_page <- cxHtmlPage(my_chart, width = "100%", height = "70vh")
#' # save page for viewing/sharing
#' writeLines(html_page, tempfile(fileext = ".html"))
#' }
#' @export
cxHtmlPage <- function(chartObject, width = NULL, height = NULL) {
    if (any(is.null(chartObject),
            !inherits(chartObject, "canvasXpress"))) {
        stop("chartObject must be supplied and be a canvasXpress object")

        if (!is.null(width))  htmltools::validateCssUnit(width)
        if (!is.null(height)) htmltools::validateCssUnit(height)
    error = function(e) {
        stop("If width or height are specified they must be valid CSS units.")

    result <- NULL

        if (!is.null(width)) {
            chartObject$width <- width

        if (!is.null(height)) {
            chartObject$height <- height

        tmp_widget <- tempfile('temp_widget_', fileext = '.html')
        tmp_md     <- tempfile('temp_md_',     fileext = ".md")
        tmp_html   <- tempfile('temp_html_',   fileext = ".html")

        page_rmd <- c("---",
                      "title: '&nbsp;'",
                      "output: ",
                      "  html_document",
                      "```{r echo = FALSE}",
                      paste0("append_html_document('", tmp_widget, "')"),

        htmlwidgets::saveWidget(chartObject, tmp_widget)

        knitr::knit(text   = page_rmd,
                    output = tmp_md,
                    envir  = new.env(),
                    quiet  = TRUE)

        # we do not want a title on the HTML page, so are suppressing the warning about it
        rmarkdown::render(input          = tmp_md,
                          output_format  = rmarkdown::html_document(pandoc_args = c("--self-contained")),
                          output_file    = tmp_html,
                          quiet          = TRUE)

        result <- paste(readLines(tmp_html), collapse = "\n")

            unlink(c(tmp_widget, tmp_md, tmp_html))
        }, silent = TRUE)
    error = function(e) {
        warning("Unable to create page due to: ", e)


#  Append passed html document (i.e CX plot) to downloadable report.
#  Note, this function is used over htmlTools package includeHTML function to
#  override its generated warning that can't be silenced and added to the report
append_html_document <- function(html_file) {
    # convert html document to html fragment before appending it to
    # another html document to avoid any possible browser issue from duplicated html tags
    lines <- readLines(html_file, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
    lines <- paste(lines, collapse = "\n")
    lines <- gsub(pattern     = "^<!DOCTYPE html>|<html*>|</html>$",
                  replacement = "",
                  ignore.case = TRUE,
                  x           = lines)

Try the canvasXpress package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

canvasXpress documentation built on June 23, 2024, 5:06 p.m.