
# last modified 2017-02-10 by J. Fox

av.plot <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("avPlot", package="car")

av.plots <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("avPlots", package="car")

box.cox <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("bcPower", package="car")

bc <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("bcPower", package="car")

box.cox.powers <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("powerTransform", package="car")

box.cox.var <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("boxCoxVariable", package="car")

box.tidwell <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("boxTidwell", package="car")

ceres.plot <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("ceresPlot", package="car")

ceres.plots <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("ceresPlots", package="car")

confidence.ellipse <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("confidenceEllipse", package="car")

cookd <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("cooks.distance", package="stats")

cr.plot <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("crPlot", package="car")

cr.plots <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("crPlots", package="car")

data.ellipse <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("dataEllipse", package="car")

durbin.watson <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("durbinWatsonTest", package="car")

levene.test <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("leveneTest", package="car")

leverage.plot <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("leveragePlot", package="car")

leverage.plots <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("leveragePlots", package="car")

linear.hypothesis <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("linearHypothesis", package="car")

outlier.test <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("outlierTest", package="car")

ncv.test <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("ncvTest", package="car")

qq.plot <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("qqPlot", package="car")

scatterplot.matrix <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("scatterplotMatrix", package="car")

skewPower <- function (...) {
  .Defunct("bcnPower", package="car")

spread.level.plot <- function (...) {
	.Defunct("spreadLevelPlot", package="car")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

car documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:51 p.m.