knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
inline_code <- function(x) { x } if (!has_sympy()) { # SymPy not available, so the chunks shall not be evaluated knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE) inline_code <- function(x) { deparse(substitute(x)) } }
x <- symbol('x') eq <- 2*x^2 - x eq as.character(eq) as_expr(eq) tex(eq)
$$r inline_code(tex(eq))
solve_sys(eq, x) der(eq, x) subs(eq, x, "y")
A <- matrix(c("x", 2, 0, "2*x"), 2, 2) B <- as_sym(A) B Binv <- inv(B) # or solve_lin(B) Binv tex(Binv)
$$r inline_code(tex(Binv))
eigenval(Binv) eigenvec(Binv)
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