plot.sparge <- function(x, f=NULL, out.range=range(unlist(x)), cat.names=names(x), cpd=0, cpw=.4, jit.f=1, horiz=TRUE, add=FALSE, lgnd='auto', zl=FALSE, col=1, box.brdrs='gray',alpha=.3, ...){
## INPUT AS FORMULA & DATA ###########################
if( is.character(f) & ){
f <- as.formula(f)
if( length(f) != 3)
{stop("formula is malformed")} <- as.character(f)
formula.predictors <- strsplit([3], '[ |]+')[[1]]
if( length(formula.predictors)==1 ){
f <- as.factor(x[,[3]])
x <- x[,[2]];
# qualifies for "input as vectors" #
if(length(formula.predictors) != 2)
{stop("something is wrong with your formula: too many terms?")}
out <-[2]; # outcome variable
fp1 <- formula.predictors[1] ; # main predictor
fp2 <- formula.predictors[2] ; # control factor
# TODO: add check so that xlab & ylab match terms (at least somewhat)
{message("term before '|' should be a factor, coercing")}
x[,fp1] <- as.factor(x[,fp1])
fp1.levs <- levels(x[,fp1])
{stop("term after '|' must be a factor")}
fp2.levs <- levels(x[,fp2])
fp2.l.ct <- length(fp2.levs)
if(fp2.l.ct > 6)
{stop("too many levels in factor fp2")}
lev.cols <- col
lev.cols <- nv(rainbow(fp2.l.ct), fp2.levs)
pds <- nv(seq(-.1*fp2.l.ct/2, .1*fp2.l.ct/2, along.with=fp2.levs), fp2.levs)
news <- nv(c(F,rep(T, fp2.l.ct -1)), fp2.levs)
#axts <- nv(c('s',rep('n', fp2.l.ct -1)), fp2.levs)
for(fp2lev in fp2.levs){
# qualifies for "input as list of vectors" #
x.sub <- subset(x, x[,fp2]==fp2lev)
x.list <- split(x.sub[ , eval(out)], x.sub[, eval(fp1)])
plot.sparge(x.list, out.range=range(x[,out]), cat.names=fp1.levs,
col = lev.cols[fp2lev], cpd=pds[fp2lev], add=news[fp2lev], cpw=cpw/fp2.l.ct, #xaxt=axts[fp2lev], axt=axts[fp2lev],
horiz=horiz, zl=zl, jit.f=jit.f, box.brdrs=box.brdrs, alpha=alpha, ...)
if( horiz){low.dense.lgnd.pos <- legend.position( x[,out], as.numeric(x[,fp1]) )}
if(!horiz){low.dense.lgnd.pos <- legend.position( as.numeric(x[,fp1]), x[,out] )}
legend(x=low.dense.lgnd.pos, legend=fp2.levs,, pch=21, col='gray',inset=.1, title=fp2)
x <- NULL
f <- NULL
} # (end formula input option [potentially recursive call])
if( !(is.null(x) & is.null(f)) ){ # to handle exit from [potentally recursive] FORMULA option above
## INPUT AS VECTORS (outcome + factor ONLY) #############
if(is.factor(f) & !is.list(x)){
if(length(f) != length(x))
{stop("factor f must be same length as vector x")}
x <- split(x,f)
names(x) <- cat.names <- levels(f)
# qualifies for "input as list [of vectors]" #
} #(end vector input option conversion)
## INPUT AS LIST ##########################################
if(!(is.list(x) & all(sapply(x,is.numeric))))
{stop("x should be a list split into numeric vectors")}
if(length(col)==1){ col <- rep(col,length(x))}
# convert to transparent colors
cols <- sapply(col, function(cl){ RGB <- col2rgb(cl)/255; rgb(RGB[1,],RGB[2,],RGB[3,], alpha=alpha)})
q <- length(x)
{stop('x must be a named list')}
# message('names of the levels of the primary categorical variable is not optional, using default on x (as list)')
# if(is.null(names(x))){cat.names <-1:length(x)}else{cat.names <-names(x)}
pred.levels <- as.numeric(as.factor(cat.names))
pred.pos.range <- c(min(pred.levels)-abs(cpw), max(pred.levels)+abs(cpw))
pred.positions <- lapply(1:q, function(pp) jitter(rep(pp,length(x[[pp]])), factor=jit.f, amount=cpw/2) + cpd)
xxt <- yxt <- 's'
xs <- unlist(x)
ys <- unlist(pred.positions)
xlim <- out.range
ylim <- pred.pos.range
cat.axis.label.side <- 2
xs <- unlist(pred.positions) # switch which is 'xs' and which is 'ys'
ys <- unlist(x)
xlim <- pred.pos.range
ylim <- out.range
cat.axis.label.side <- 1
xxt <- 'n'
} ## TODO: send x & y labels from parsed model terms
plot(xs, ys, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, xaxt=xxt, yaxt=yxt, pch=21, bg=cols, ...)
axis(side=cat.axis.label.side, at=pred.levels, labels=cat.names)
print(pgeom(length(xs)/3, prob=.03) -.1)
gray.scale <- gray(pgeom(length(xs), prob=.02) -.1)
if(box.brdrs=='gray'){ bc = gray.scale }else{ bc=box.brdrs}
boxplot(x, at=1:q+cpd, range=0, yaxt='n', xaxt='n', horizontal=horiz, col='transparent', varwidth=T, las=1, add=TRUE, border=bc, boxwex=cpw)
if(zl){abline(v=0, lty=2)}
} # end list-only input option
} # end function
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