
Defines functions generate_random_tree

Documented in generate_random_tree

# generate a random phylogenetic tree, by randomly splitting tips at a certain rate and ranodmly killing tips at a certain rate
# birth & death rates (=speciation & extintion rates) can be arbitrary power-law functions of extant_tip_counts
# For example: birth_rate = intercept + factor * extant_tip_count^exponent
# The simulation is halted as soon as Ntips>=max_tips (if max_tips>0) and/or time>=max_time (if max_time>0) and/or time>=max_time_eq+equilibrium_time (if max_time_eq>=0)
generate_random_tree = function( parameters					= list(), 	# named list of model parameters. For entries and default values see the main function body below
								 max_tips					= NULL, 
								 max_extant_tips			= NULL,
								 max_time					= NULL,
								 max_time_eq				= NULL,
								 coalescent 				= TRUE,
								 as_generations				= FALSE,	# if FALSE, then edge lengths correspond to time. If TRUE, then edge lengths correspond to generations (hence if coalescent==false, all edges will have unit length).
								 no_full_extinction			= TRUE,		# if true, then extinction of the entire tree is prevented. This is done by temporarily disabling extinctions when the number of extant tips is 1.
								 Nsplits					= 2,	 	# number of children generated at each diversification event. If set to 2, a bifurcating tree is generated. If >2, the tree will be multifurcating.
								 added_rates_times			= NULL,		# numeric vector of size NAR, or empty or NULL
								 added_birth_rates_pc 		= NULL,		# numeric vector of size NAR, or empty or NULL
								 added_death_rates_pc 		= NULL,		# numeric vector of size NAR, or empty or NULL
								 added_periodic				= FALSE,	# (logical) if TRUE, added pc birth & death rates are extended periodically if needed. If FALSE, they are extended with zeros.
								 tip_basename				= "",		# basename for tips (e.g. "tip."). 
								 node_basename				= NULL,		# basename for nodes (e.g. "node."). If NULL, then nodes will not have any labels.
								 edge_basename				= NULL,		# basename for edge (e.g. "edge."). If NULL, then edges will not have any labels.
								 include_birth_times		= FALSE,
								 include_death_times		= FALSE){
	if(is.null(max_tips) && is.null(max_time) && is.null(max_time_eq) && is.null(max_extant_tips)) return(list(success=FALSE, error="ERROR: At least one of max_tips and/or max_extant_tips and/or max_time and/or max_time_eq must be non-NULL"));
	# set default model parameters
	if(is.null(parameters$birth_rate_intercept)) 	parameters$birth_rate_intercept = 0;
	if(is.null(parameters$birth_rate_factor)) 		parameters$birth_rate_factor = 0;
	if(is.null(parameters$birth_rate_exponent)) 	parameters$birth_rate_exponent = 1;
	if(is.null(parameters$death_rate_intercept)) 	parameters$death_rate_intercept = 0;
	if(is.null(parameters$death_rate_factor))		parameters$death_rate_factor = 0;
	if(is.null(parameters$death_rate_exponent)) 	parameters$death_rate_exponent = 1;
	if(is.null(parameters$resolution)) 				parameters$resolution = 0;
	if(is.null(parameters$rarefaction)) 			parameters$rarefaction = 1;

	if(parameters$rarefaction<=0 || parameters$rarefaction>1) return(list(success=FALSE, error="Rarefaction parameter must be between 0 (non-inclusive) and 1 (inclusive)."));
	if((!is.null(added_birth_rates_pc)) && (length(added_rates_times)!=length(added_birth_rates_pc))) stop(sprintf("Number of added birth_rates_pc (%d) differs from number of added_rate_times (%d).",length(added_birth_rates_pc),length(added_rates_times)));
	if((!is.null(added_death_rates_pc)) && (length(added_rates_times)!=length(added_death_rates_pc))) stop(sprintf("Number of added death_rates_pc (%d) differs from number of added_rate_times (%d).",length(added_death_rates_pc),length(added_rates_times)));

	results = generate_random_tree_CPP(	max_tips					= (if(is.null(max_tips)) -1 else max_tips),
										max_extant_tips				= (if(is.null(max_extant_tips)) -1 else max_extant_tips),
										max_time					= (if(is.null(max_time)) -1 else max_time),
										max_time_since_equilibrium	= (if(is.null(max_time_eq)) -1 else max_time_eq),
										birth_rate_intercept 		= parameters$birth_rate_intercept, 
										birth_rate_factor 			= parameters$birth_rate_factor,
										birth_rate_exponent 		= parameters$birth_rate_exponent, 
										death_rate_intercept 		= parameters$death_rate_intercept,
										death_rate_factor			= parameters$death_rate_factor,
										death_rate_exponent			= parameters$death_rate_exponent,
										additional_rates_times		= (if(is.null(added_rates_times)) numeric() else added_rates_times),
										additional_birth_rates_pc	= (if(is.null(added_birth_rates_pc)) numeric() else added_birth_rates_pc),
										additional_death_rates_pc	= (if(is.null(added_death_rates_pc)) numeric() else added_death_rates_pc),
										additional_periodic			= added_periodic,
										coalescent					= coalescent,
										Nsplits						= Nsplits,
										as_generations				= as_generations,
										no_full_extinction			= no_full_extinction,
										include_birth_times			= include_birth_times,
										include_death_times			= include_death_times)
	if(!results$success) return(list(success=FALSE, error=results$error)); # something went wrong
	Ntips	= results$Ntips
	Nnodes 	= results$Nnodes
	Nedges 	= results$Nedges
	extant_tips = results$extant_tips + 1
	tree = list(Nnode 		= Nnodes,
				tip.label 	= paste(tip_basename, 1:Ntips, sep=""),
				node.label 	= (if(is.null(node_basename)) NULL else paste(node_basename, 1:Nnodes, sep="")),
				edge.label 	= (if(is.null(edge_basename)) NULL else paste(edge_basename, 1:Nedges, sep="")),
				edge 		= matrix(results$tree_edge,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) + 1,
				edge.length = results$edge_length,
				root 		= results$root+1)
	class(tree) = "phylo";
	attr(tree,"order") = NULL
	# collapse tips if needed
	Ncollapsed = 0;
		root_age = results$final_time - results$root_time
		if(parameters$resolution>=root_age) return(list(success=FALSE, error=sprintf("Collapsing at resolution %g is impossible for the generated tree (root age %g)", parameters$resolution, root_age)))
		collapsing 			= collapse_tree_at_resolution(tree,  resolution = parameters$resolution, shorten = FALSE, rename_collapsed_nodes = FALSE, criterion = 'max_tip_depth')
		tree 				= collapsing$tree
		Ncollapsed 			= Ntips - length(tree$tip.label)
		results$root_time 	= results$root_time + collapsing$root_shift; # update root time, in case root has changed
		Ntips  				= length(tree$tip.label)
		Nnodes 				= tree$Nnode
		extant_tips			= collapsing$old2new_clade[extant_tips]
		extant_tips			= extant_tips[(extant_tips>0) & (extant_tips<=Ntips)]
	# rarefy if needed
	Nrarefied = 0;
		rarefaction_depth = parameters$rarefaction*Ntips;
		if(rarefaction_depth<2) return(list(success=FALSE, error=sprintf("Rarefaction (%g) is too low for the generated tree (%d tips)", parameters$rarefaction,Ntips)))
		rarefaction 		= castor::get_subtree_with_tips(tree, only_tips=sample.int(n=Ntips, size=rarefaction_depth, replace=FALSE), omit_tips=FALSE, collapse_monofurcations=TRUE)
		tree 				= rarefaction$subtree
		Nrarefied 			= Ntips - length(tree$tip.label)
		results$root_time 	= results$root_time + rarefaction$root_shift; # update root time, in case root has changed
		Ntips  				= length(tree$tip.label)
		Nnodes 				= tree$Nnode
		extant_tips			= rarefaction$old2new_tip[extant_tips]
		extant_tips			= extant_tips[extant_tips>0]
		# make sure tree is ultrametric, i.e. correct small numerical errors
		tree = extend_tree_to_height(tree)$tree;	

	return(list(success				= TRUE,
				tree				= tree,
				root_time			= results$root_time,
				final_time			= results$final_time,
				root_age			= results$final_time - results$root_time,
				equilibrium_time	= results$equilibrium_time,
				extant_tips			= extant_tips,
				Nbirths		 		= results$Nbirths,
				Ndeaths				= results$Ndeaths,
				Ncollapsed			= Ncollapsed,	# number of tips removed by collapsing at the specified resolution
				Nrarefied			= Nrarefied, 	# number of tips removed via rarefaction at the end
				birth_times			= (if(include_birth_times) results$birth_times else NULL),
				death_times			= (if(include_death_times) results$death_times else NULL)));

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castor documentation built on Aug. 18, 2023, 1:07 a.m.