
Defines functions catSplitEncoding

Documented in catSplitEncoding

#' Encode categorical variables using split information of CART
#' @param targetVariable target variable that we want to predict.
#' @param trainData training data.
#' @param testData testing data.
#' @param problemType classification or regression.
#' @param datasetName Name of the dataset, could be any string name.
#' @param catVariables List of categorical variables in the dataset.
#' @return dataframe that is the encoding of categorical variables.
#' @name catSplitEncoding
#' @import rpart
#' @import caret
#' @import utils
#' @import data.table
#' @import OpenML
#' @import stringr
#' @import farff
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom stats na.omit predict
#' @export catSplitEncoding
#' @example man/example.R

catSplitEncoding <- function(targetVariable, trainData, testData, problemType, datasetName, catVariables){

  formula <- paste(targetVariable, "~.", collapse = "")
  datasetNameTxt <- paste0(datasetName, ".txt", collapse = "")
  catVariablesWithSpaces <- list()
  for(cat in catVariables){
    catVariablesWithSpaces <- append(catVariablesWithSpaces, paste0(cat, " ",""))
  if(problemType == "regression"){
    # Fit rpart
    tree_fit = rpart(formula, trainData, method = 'anova', control = rpart.control(cp=0,maxdepth=5, usesurrogate = 2))
  } else if(problemType == "classification"){
    tree_fit = rpart(formula, trainData, method = 'class', control = rpart.control(cp=0,maxdepth=5,usesurrogate = 2))

  # Get the summary file of tree_fit
  #summary(tree_fit, file = datasetNameTxt)
  allLines = capture.output(summary(tree_fit))
  # Get a list of ordered unique names from rpart for all categorical variables
  # Resulting list is a named list, names being categorical variable names
  uniqueSortedNames <- list()

  for(i in 1:length(names(attr(tree_fit,"xlevels")))){
    names <- names(attr(tree_fit,"xlevels"))
    uniqueSortedNames[[names[i]]] <- data.table(lev = attr(tree_fit,"xlevels")[[i]])

  # Read summary file
  #allLines <- readLines(datasetNameTxt)

  # Filter allLines and remove the unnecessary lines
  # unnecessary lines being the node numbers which do not have primary or surrogate split information
  # or predicted class, variable importance etc.

  necessaryLines <- c()

  necessaryLinescheckList <- unlist(list("Node number", "Primary splits", "Surrogate splits", catVariablesWithSpaces))

  for(i in 1:length(allLines)){
    if(grepl(paste(necessaryLinescheckList, collapse="|"), allLines[i])){
      necessaryLines <- append(necessaryLines, trimws(allLines[i]))

  necessaryLines[1] <- NA

  necessaryLinesCopy <- necessaryLines
  indicestoRemove <- list()

  for(i in 1:(length(necessaryLinesCopy)-1)){
    if(grepl("Node number", necessaryLinesCopy[[i]]) && grepl("Node number", necessaryLinesCopy[[i + 1]]) ){
      indicestoRemove <- append(indicestoRemove, i)


  for(i in indicestoRemove){
    necessaryLines[[i]] <- NA

  necessaryLines <- necessaryLines[!is.na(necessaryLines)]

  if(grepl("Node number", necessaryLines[length(necessaryLines)])){
    necessaryLines[length(necessaryLines)] <- NA
  # necessaryLines consists of node numbers, primary and surrogate split information
  necessaryLines <- necessaryLines[!is.na(necessaryLines)]


  # SPLIT necessarylines into Primary and Surrogate Splits

  primaryfullNames <- stack(Filter(Negate(is.null),
                                   lapply(split(necessaryLines, cumsum(grepl('Node number', necessaryLines))),
                                          function(x) {
                                            x1 <- sub(",.*", "", x[grep('improve', x)])
                                            if(length(x1) > 0) paste(x1, strsplit(x[1],":")[[1]][1])

  primaryfullNamesModified <- list()

  for(name in primaryfullNames){
    primaryfullNamesModified <- append(primaryfullNamesModified, paste(c(strsplit(name, "\\s+")[[1]][c(1,5,6,7)],"primary"), collapse = " "))

  primaryInfo <- list()
  primarygeneralName <- list()
  primaryPattern <- "splits as\\s*(.*?)\\s,*improve"

  for(i in necessaryLines){
      name <- strsplit(i, "\\s+")[[1]][1]
      primarygeneralName <- append(primarygeneralName, name)
      primaryInfo <- append(primaryInfo, trimws(sub(",","",regmatches(i, regexec(primaryPattern, i))[[1]][2])))

  primaryfullNamesModified <- unlist(primaryfullNamesModified)

  primaryInfo <- unlist(primaryInfo)

  names(primaryInfo) <- unlist(primaryfullNamesModified)

  primaryInfo <- lapply(split(x = primaryInfo, f = sapply(strsplit(names(primaryInfo)," ") , "[", 1)), unlist)

  surrogatefullNames <- stack(Filter(Negate(is.null),
                                     lapply(split(necessaryLines, cumsum(grepl('Node number', necessaryLines))),
                                            function(x) {
                                              x1 <- sub(",.*", "", x[grep('agree', x)])
                                              if(length(x1) > 0) paste(x1, strsplit(x[1],":")[[1]][1])

  surrogatefullNamesModified <- list()

  for(name in surrogatefullNames){
    surrogatefullNamesModified <- append(surrogatefullNamesModified, paste(c(strsplit(name, "\\s+")[[1]][c(1,5,6,7)], "surrogate"), collapse = " "))

  surrogateInfo <- list()
  surrogategeneralName <- list()
  surrogatePattern <- "splits as\\s*(.*?)\\s,*agree"

  for(i in necessaryLines){
      name <- strsplit(i, "\\s+")[[1]][1]
      surrogategeneralName <- append(surrogategeneralName, name)
      surrogateInfo <- append(surrogateInfo, trimws(sub(",","",regmatches(i, regexec(surrogatePattern, i))[[1]][2])))

  surrogatefullNamesModified <- unlist(surrogatefullNamesModified)

  surrogateInfo <- unlist(surrogateInfo)

  names(surrogateInfo) <- unlist(surrogatefullNamesModified)

  surrogateInfo <- lapply(split(x = surrogateInfo, f = sapply(strsplit(names(surrogateInfo)," ") , "[", 1)), unlist)

  # Convert Primary and Surrogate Splits into Separate Dataframes


  primaryDF <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(names(primaryInfo))){
    subDf <- c()
    for(j in 1:length(primaryInfo[[i]])) {
      subDf[[j]] <- data.table(strsplit(unname(trimws(primaryInfo[[i]])),"")[[j]])
    subDf <- data.frame(subDf)
    setnames(subDf, names(primaryInfo[[i]]))
    primaryDF[[names(primaryInfo)[[i]]]] <- subDf

  # Bring unique sorted names next to each categorical column name

  primaryDfModified <- c()

  for(i in names(uniqueSortedNames)){
    for(j in names(primaryDF)){
      if(i == j){
        primaryDfModified[[i]] <- cbind(primaryDF[[j]], uniqueSortedNames[[i]])

  # Map the columns to the dataframe

  primaryDFNames <- names(primaryDfModified)
  # PrimaryOut is the dataframe with dat and primary columns added
  primaryOut <- trainData

  primaryOut$id  <- 1:nrow(primaryOut)
  for(i in seq_along(primaryDFNames)) {
    primaryOut <- merge(primaryOut, primaryDfModified[[primaryDFNames[i]]], all.x = TRUE,
                        by.x = primaryDFNames[i], by.y = 'lev')

  primaryOut <- primaryOut[order(primaryOut$id), ]

  primaryOut <- data.frame(primaryOut, check.names = F)

  # Test Data
  primaryOutTest <- testData

  primaryOutTest$id  <- 1:nrow(primaryOutTest)
  for(i in seq_along(primaryDFNames)) {
    primaryOutTest <- merge(primaryOutTest, primaryDfModified[[primaryDFNames[i]]], all.x = TRUE,
                            by.x = primaryDFNames[i], by.y = 'lev')

  primaryOutTest <- primaryOutTest[order(primaryOutTest$id), ]

  primaryOutTest <- data.frame(primaryOutTest, check.names = F)

  # Column that do not have the value "-"

  primaryColumnstoBeEdited <- list()

  for(i in 1:length(names(primaryDF))){
    uniqueValues <- lapply(primaryDF[[i]],unique)
    notFullsub <- c()
    for(j in 1:length(uniqueValues)){
      if("-" %in% uniqueValues[[j]]){
        notFullsub <- append(notFullsub, names(uniqueValues)[[j]])
    primaryColumnstoBeEdited[[names(primaryDF)[[i]]]] <- notFullsub

  # For primary columns if the column is not the most important split and contains "-"
  # we throw it
  if(problemType == "classification"){
    if(length(primaryColumnstoBeEdited) != 0){
      primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep <- list()
      for(j in 1:length(names(primaryColumnstoBeEdited))){
        for(i in primaryColumnstoBeEdited[[j]]){
          nodeName <- paste0(paste(unlist(strsplit(i," ")[[1]])[2:4], collapse = " "),":")
          catColName <- paste(unlist(strsplit(i," ")[[1]])[1], collapse = " ")
          for(line in 1:length(allLines)){
            if(grepl(nodeName, allLines[[line]])){
              if(unlist(strsplit(trimws(allLines[[line + 6]])," ")[[1]])[1] == strsplit(i, " ")[[1]][1]){
                primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep <- append(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep, i)
    }else {primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep <- list()
    message(paste("Primary column do not contain any non-directional information", "Therefore, no need to encode any primary columns from surrogates", sep = "\n"),  sep = "\n")}
  }else if(problemType == "regression"){
    if(length(primaryColumnstoBeEdited) != 0){
      primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep <- list()
      for(j in 1:length(names(primaryColumnstoBeEdited))){
        for(i in primaryColumnstoBeEdited[[j]]){
          nodeName <- paste0(paste(unlist(strsplit(i," ")[[1]])[2:4], collapse = " "),":")
          catColName <- paste(unlist(strsplit(i," ")[[1]])[1], collapse = " ")
          for(line in 1:length(allLines)){
            if(grepl(nodeName, allLines[[line]])){
              if(unlist(strsplit(trimws(allLines[[line + 4]])," ")[[1]])[1] == strsplit(i, " ")[[1]][1]){
                primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep <- append(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep, i)
    }else {primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep <- list()
    message(paste("Primary column do not contain any non-directional information", "Therefore, no need to encode any primary columns from surrogates", sep = "\n"),  sep = "\n")}
  # Remove primary columns to be discarded
  # I realized I need to discard primary columns who are on the first row
  # and do not have any corresponding surrogate splits should be discarded as well

  primaryColumnstobeDiscarded <- setdiff( unlist(unname(primaryColumnstoBeEdited)), primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep)

  # Find further primary columns to be discarded that do not have any corresponding surrogate splits
  primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodeslist <- list("Node number", "Primary splits", "Surrogate splits")
  primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes <- list()
  for(line in 1:length(necessaryLines)){
    if(grepl(paste(primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodeslist, collapse="|"), necessaryLines[[line]])){
      primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes <- append(primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes, necessaryLines[[line]])

  primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes[[length(primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes) + 1 ]] <- "a"

  NodeNumbersNottoBeDiscardedforPrimary <- list()
  for(line in 1:length(primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes)){
    if(grepl("Node number",primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes[[line]] )){
      if(grepl("Primary splits",primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes[[line+1]]) && grepl("Surrogate splits",primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes[[line+2]]) ){
        NodeNumbersNottoBeDiscardedforPrimary <- append(NodeNumbersNottoBeDiscardedforPrimary, sub(":","",paste(strsplit(primaryANDsurrogatelinesANDnodes[[line]], " ")[[1]][1:3], collapse = " ")))

  primaryColumnstobeDiscarded2 <- list()

  for(column in primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep){
    if(!(paste(strsplit(column, " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " ") %in% NodeNumbersNottoBeDiscardedforPrimary)){
      primaryColumnstobeDiscarded2 <- append(primaryColumnstobeDiscarded2, column)
  # Unite two information of primary columns to be dropped
  primaryColumnstobeDiscarded <- unlist(c(list(primaryColumnstobeDiscarded), primaryColumnstobeDiscarded2))

  # Drop from editedtokeeplist
  primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeepCopy <- primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep

  if(length(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeepCopy) != 0){

    for(column in 1:length(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeepCopy)){
      if(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeepCopy[[column]] %in% primaryColumnstobeDiscarded2){
        primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep[[column]] <- NULL
  }#else cat(paste("There are no primary columns to be dropped", "because none of them contains non-directional information", sep = "\n"), sep = "\n")

  # Find the corresponding surrogate split line
  # First find categorical surrogate splits

  namesPrimaryCategoricalSplits <- list()
  primarySplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
  lineNumberPrimaryCategorical <- list()

  #catVariablesstartANDend <- list()
  #namesPrimaryCategoricalSplits <- list()
  #primarySplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
  #lineNumberPrimaryCategorical <- list()

  catVariablesstartANDend <- list()

  for(cat in catVariables){
    catVariablesstartANDend <- append(catVariablesstartANDend, paste0("^",cat,"$"))}

  if(length(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep)!= 0){

    catVariablesstartANDend <- list()

    for(cat in catVariables){
      catVariablesstartANDend <- append(catVariablesstartANDend, paste0("^",cat,"$"))

    namesPrimaryCategoricalSplits <- list()
    primarySplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
    lineNumberPrimaryCategorical <- list()

    for(i in 1:length(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep)){
      nodeNumber <- paste0(paste(unlist(strsplit(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep[[i]]," ")[[1]])[2:4], collapse = " "),":")
      counter <- 0
      counter2 <- 0
      for(l in 1:length(allLines)){
        counter <- counter + 1
        counter2 <- counter2 + 1
          for(lr in allLines[counter:length(allLines)]){
            counter2 <- counter2 + 1
              if(grepl(paste(catVariablesstartANDend, collapse="|"), strsplit(trimws(lr)," ")[[1]][1] ))
                a <-  paste(c(strsplit(trimws(lr)," ")[[1]][1], strsplit(primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep[[i]], " ")[[1]][2:4], "surrogate"), collapse = " " )
                primarySplitEncodingsCategorical <- append(primarySplitEncodingsCategorical, a )
                namesPrimaryCategoricalSplits <- append(namesPrimaryCategoricalSplits, primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep[[i]])
                lineNumberPrimaryCategorical <- append(lineNumberPrimaryCategorical, counter2 - 1)
  } #else cat("There are no primary columns to be encoded", sep="\n")
  # Find the encodings for numerical surrogates too

  names(primarySplitEncodingsCategorical) <- namesPrimaryCategoricalSplits

  # Save columns to be discarded in a df
  primaryDiscardedDf <- primaryOut[primaryColumnstobeDiscarded]
  primaryDiscardedDfTest <- primaryOutTest[primaryColumnstobeDiscarded]

  # Remove primary columns to be discarded from the dataframe
  primaryOut <- primaryOut[ , !names(primaryOut) %in% c(primaryColumnstobeDiscarded)]
  primaryOutTest <- primaryOutTest[ , !names(primaryOutTest) %in% c(primaryColumnstobeDiscarded)]


  # Convert Primary and Surrogate Splits into Separate Dataframes


  surrogateDF <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(names(surrogateInfo))){
    subDf <- c()
    for(j in 1:length(surrogateInfo[[i]])) {
      subDf[[j]] <- data.table(strsplit(unname(trimws(surrogateInfo[[i]])),"")[[j]])
    subDf <- data.frame(subDf)
    setnames(subDf, names(surrogateInfo[[i]]))
    surrogateDF[[names(surrogateInfo)[[i]]]] <- subDf

  # Bring unique sorted names next to each categorical column name

  surrogateDfModified <- c()

  for(i in names(uniqueSortedNames)){
    for(j in names(surrogateDF)){
      if(i == j){
        surrogateDfModified[[i]] <- cbind(surrogateDF[[j]], uniqueSortedNames[[i]])

  # Map the columns to the dataframe
  surrogateDFNames <- names(surrogateDfModified)

  # surrogateOut is the dataframe with dat and surrogate columns added

  surrogateOut <- trainData
  surrogateOut$id  <- 1:nrow(surrogateOut)

  for(i in seq_along(surrogateDFNames)) {
    surrogateOut <- merge(surrogateOut, surrogateDfModified[[surrogateDFNames[i]]], all.x = TRUE,
                          by.x = surrogateDFNames[i], by.y = 'lev')

  surrogateOut <- surrogateOut[order(surrogateOut$id), ]

  surrogateOut <- data.frame(surrogateOut, check.names = F)

  ## For TEST

  surrogateOutTest <- testData
  surrogateOutTest$id  <- 1:nrow(surrogateOutTest)

  for(i in seq_along(surrogateDFNames)) {
    surrogateOutTest <- merge(surrogateOutTest, surrogateDfModified[[surrogateDFNames[i]]], all.x = TRUE,
                              by.x = surrogateDFNames[i], by.y = 'lev')

  surrogateOutTest <- surrogateOutTest[order(surrogateOutTest$id), ]

  surrogateOutTest <- data.frame(surrogateOutTest, check.names = F)

  # Find surrogate columns to be edited which means they have "-"

  surrogateColumnstoBeEdited <- list()

  for(i in 1:length(names(surrogateDF))){
    uniqueValues <- lapply(surrogateDF[[i]],unique)
    notFullsub <- c()
    for(j in 1:length(uniqueValues)){
      if("-" %in% uniqueValues[[j]]){
        notFullsub <- append(notFullsub, names(uniqueValues)[[j]])
    surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[names(surrogateDF)[[i]]]] <- notFullsub

  # Get rid of names
  surrogateColumnstoBeEdited <- unname(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited)
  surrogateColumnstoBeEdited <- unlist(unname(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited))


  # Find the corresponding primary columns to surrogate columns to be edited
  # First for categorical surrogate splits

  ## We have to state the type of the problem for this part
  namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- list()
  surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
  namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
  surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()

  if(problemType == "classification"){

    namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- list()
    surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
      namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- list()
      surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited)){
        node_number <- paste0(paste(strsplit(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]], " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " "),":")
        counter <- 0
        for(line in 1:length(allLines)){
          counter <- counter + 1
            if( (grepl(paste(catVariablesstartANDend, collapse="|"), strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+6]])," ")[[1]][1] ))){
              columnName <- strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+6]])," ")[[1]][1]
              wholeName <- paste(c(columnName,node_number,"primary"), collapse = " ")
              surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- append(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical, sub(":","",wholeName))
              namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- append(namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits,sub(":","",surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]]))

      names(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical) <- namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits

    } else{message("There are no surrogate columns to be edited", sep="\n")}

    # Second for numerical surrrogate splits

    # Find the corresponding primary columns to surrogate columns to be edited
    namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
    surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()
      namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
      surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited)){
        node_number <- paste0(paste(strsplit(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]], " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " "),":")
        counter <- 0
        for(line in 1:length(allLines)){
          counter <- counter + 1
            if( !(grepl(paste(catVariablesstartANDend, collapse="|"), strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+6]])," ")[[1]][1] ))){
              columnName <- strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+6]])," ")[[1]][1]
              #wholeName <- paste(c(columnName,sub(":","",node_number),"primary"), collapse = " ")
              wholeName <- columnName
              stringToBeManipulated <- list(strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+6]])," ")[[1]])
              stringToBeManipulatedCleaned <- lapply(stringToBeManipulated, function(x) x[!x %in% ""])[[1]]
              value <- paste(stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[2:3], collapse = " ")
              direction <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[6]
              mainInfo <- paste(c(wholeName, value , direction), collapse = " ")
              surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- append(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical, mainInfo)
              namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- append(namesSurrogateNumericalSplits,surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]])

      names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical) <- namesSurrogateNumericalSplits
    } else{
      namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
      surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()}

  } else if(problemType == "regression"){
    namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- list()
    surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
      namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- list()
      surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited)){
        node_number <- paste0(paste(strsplit(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]], " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " "),":")
        counter <- 0
        for(line in 1:length(allLines)){
          counter <- counter + 1
            if( (grepl(paste(catVariablesstartANDend, collapse="|"), strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+4]])," ")[[1]][1] ))){
              columnName <- strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+4]])," ")[[1]][1]
              wholeName <- paste(c(columnName,node_number,"primary"), collapse = " ")
              surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical <- append(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical, sub(":","",wholeName))
              #print("not correct")
              namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits <- append(namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits,sub(":","",surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]]))

      names(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical) <- namesSurrogateCategoricalSplits

    } else{message("There are no surrogate columns to be edited", sep="\n")}

    # Second for numerical surrrogate splits

    # Find the corresponding primary columns to surrogate columns to be edited
    namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
    surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()
      namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
      surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited)){
        node_number <- paste0(paste(strsplit(surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]], " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " "),":")
        counter <- 0
        for(line in 1:length(allLines)){
          counter <- counter + 1
            if( !(grepl(paste(catVariablesstartANDend, collapse="|"), strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+4]])," ")[[1]][1] ))){
              columnName <- strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+4]])," ")[[1]][1]
              #wholeName <- paste(c(columnName,sub(":","",node_number),"primary"), collapse = " ")
              wholeName <- columnName
              stringToBeManipulated <- list(strsplit(trimws(allLines[[counter+6]])," ")[[1]])
              stringToBeManipulatedCleaned <- lapply(stringToBeManipulated, function(x) x[!x %in% ""])[[1]]
              value <- paste(stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[2:3], collapse = " ")
              direction <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[6]
              mainInfo <- paste(c(wholeName, value , direction), collapse = " ")
              surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- append(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical, mainInfo)
              namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- append(namesSurrogateNumericalSplits,surrogateColumnstoBeEdited[[i]])

      names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical) <- namesSurrogateNumericalSplits
    } else{
      namesSurrogateNumericalSplits <- list()
      surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical <- list()}

  # Unite Primary and Surrogate Dfs
  DfOut <- merge(primaryOut, surrogateOut)
  DfOutTest <- merge(primaryOutTest, surrogateOutTest)

  # Filter out duplicate columns
  DfOut <- DfOut[, !duplicated(colnames(DfOut))]
  DfOut <- DfOut[order(DfOut$id), ]
  DfOutTest <- DfOutTest[, !duplicated(colnames(DfOutTest))]
  DfOutTest <- DfOutTest[order(DfOutTest$id), ]

  ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Encode primaries from numerical and categorical splits
  ColumnNamesfromColumnNumber = primaryColumnstoBeEditedtoKeep

  # Here a start index and ending index is obtained to find the surrogate elements in between

  startIndex <- list()
  endIndex <- list()
  for(name in ColumnNamesfromColumnNumber){
    # extract node number
    nodeNumberofprimary <- paste0(paste(strsplit(name," ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " "),":")
    for(i in 1:length(allLines)){
      if(grepl(nodeNumberofprimary, allLines[[i]])){
        startIndex <- append(startIndex, i)
        for(i2 in i+1:length(allLines)){
          if(grepl("Node number", allLines[[i2]])){
            endIndex <- append(endIndex, i2)

  names(startIndex) <- endIndex

  # Get all the lines for lines between each start index and end index
  lineList <- list()
  if(length(startIndex) != 0){
    lineList <- list()

    for(l in 1:length(startIndex)){
      lineList <- append(lineList, trimws(allLines[startIndex[[l]]:names(startIndex)[[l]] -1]))
  } #else cat("Nothing to be encoded", sep="\n")

  # From line list filter all the columns that are under surrogate splits
  if(length(lineList) != 0){
    out <- by(unlist(lineList),
              cumsum(grepl("^(Node|Surrogate)", lineList)),
              function(x) {
                if (grepl("Node number.*:", x[1])) x[1] else {
                  if (grepl("Surrogate.*:", x[1])) x[-1]

    outList <- as.list(do.call(c, unname(out)))

    outList <- lapply(outList, function(z){ z[z != ""]})

    outList <- Filter(length, outList)

    # Create a nested list, where each key is a "number XX" and its elements are the variables needed
    indicesOfNodes = which(grepl("Node number", outList))
    mappingListNested = lapply(seq_along(indicesOfNodes), function(i){
      # If part is currently added
      if (length(outList) == 1){
      else if (i+1 <= length(indicesOfNodes)){
      } else {
    oppositeDirection <- function(direction){
      if(direction == "L"){return("R")}
      if(direction == "R"){ return("L")}
    names(mappingListNested) = paste('Node number', str_extract(outList[indicesOfNodes], "[[:digit:]]+"))

    columnsToBeEncoded <- ColumnNamesfromColumnNumber
    for(col in columnsToBeEncoded){
      if(col %in% primaryColumnstobeDiscarded){
        columnsToBeEncoded <- columnsToBeEncoded[columnsToBeEncoded != col]
    # Encode  "former" columns where row is "?" from "latter" columns by the order in mappingList
    for(col in columnsToBeEncoded){
      # extract column number from former column
      colNumber <- paste(strsplit(col, " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " ")
      # Find indices where former column has "?"
      replacementVariables = mappingListNested[[colNumber]]
      for (var in replacementVariables){
        if(grepl("splits as", var)){
          varNameinColumnForm <- paste(c(strsplit(var," ")[[1]][1], colNumber, "surrogate"), collapse = " ")
          DfOut[, col] = ifelse(
            DfOut[, col] == "-", # which elements are "?"
            DfOut[, varNameinColumnForm], # replace those which are "?" with the values of var
            DfOut[, col]) # otherwise leave unchanged
          stringToBeManipulated <-  strsplit(trimws(var), " ")
          stringToBeManipulatedCleaned <- lapply(stringToBeManipulated, function(x) x[!x %in% ""])[[1]]
          columnName <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[1]
          value <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[3]
          direction <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[6]
          mainInfo <- paste(c(columnName, value, direction), collapse = " ")
          value2 <- as.numeric(strsplit(mainInfo, " ")[[1]][2])
          direction2 <- toupper(strsplit(strsplit(mainInfo, " ")[[1]][3],"")[[1]][1])
          intheDirection <- which((DfOut[,col] == "-") & (DfOut[,columnName] < value2))
          againsttheDirection <- which((DfOut[,col] == "-") & (DfOut[,columnName] >= value2))
          # change in direction
          DfOut[intheDirection, col] <- direction2
          # change in the opposite direction
          DfOut[againsttheDirection, col] <- oppositeDirection(direction2)

  } #else cat("Nothing to encode", sep="\n")

  ## TEST

  # From line list filter all the columns that are under surrogate splits
  if(length(lineList) != 0){
    #print( "DOES THIS PART HAPPEN??")
    out <- by(unlist(lineList),
              cumsum(grepl("^(Node|Surrogate)", lineList)),
              function(x) {
                if (grepl("Node number.*:", x[1])) x[1] else {
                  if (grepl("Surrogate.*:", x[1])) x[-1]

    outList <- as.list(do.call(c, unname(out)))

    outList <- lapply(outList, function(z){ z[z != ""]})

    outList <- Filter(length, outList)

    # Create a nested list, where each key is a "number XX" and its elements are the variables needed
    indicesOfNodes = which(grepl("Node number", outList))
    mappingListNested = lapply(seq_along(indicesOfNodes), function(i){
      # If part is currently added
      if (length(outList) == 1){
      else if (i+1 <= length(indicesOfNodes)){
      } else {
    oppositeDirection <- function(direction){
      if(direction == "L"){return("R")}
      if(direction == "R"){ return("L")}
    names(mappingListNested) = paste('Node number', str_extract(outList[indicesOfNodes], "[[:digit:]]+"))

    columnsToBeEncoded <- ColumnNamesfromColumnNumber
    for(col in columnsToBeEncoded){
      if(col %in% primaryColumnstobeDiscarded){
        columnsToBeEncoded <- columnsToBeEncoded[columnsToBeEncoded != col]
    # Encode  "former" columns where row is "?" from "latter" columns by the order in mappingList
    for(col in columnsToBeEncoded){
      # extract column number from former column
      colNumber <- paste(strsplit(col, " ")[[1]][2:4], collapse = " ")
      # Find indices where former column has "?"
      replacementVariables = mappingListNested[[colNumber]]
      for (var in replacementVariables){
        if(grepl("splits as", var)){
          varNameinColumnForm <- paste(c(strsplit(var," ")[[1]][1], colNumber, "surrogate"), collapse = " ")
          DfOutTest[, col] = ifelse(
            DfOutTest[, col] == "-", # which elements are "?"
            DfOutTest[, varNameinColumnForm], # replace those which are "?" with the values of var
            DfOutTest[, col]) # otherwise leave unchanged
          stringToBeManipulated <-  strsplit(trimws(var), " ")
          stringToBeManipulatedCleaned <- lapply(stringToBeManipulated, function(x) x[!x %in% ""])[[1]]
          columnName <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[1]
          value <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[3]
          direction <- stringToBeManipulatedCleaned[6]
          mainInfo <- paste(c(columnName, value, direction), collapse = " ")
          value2 <- as.numeric(strsplit(mainInfo, " ")[[1]][2])
          direction2 <- toupper(strsplit(strsplit(mainInfo, " ")[[1]][3],"")[[1]][1])
          intheDirection <- which((DfOutTest[,col] == "-") & (DfOutTest[,columnName] < value2))
          againsttheDirection <- which((DfOutTest[,col] == "-") & (DfOutTest[,columnName] >= value2))
          # change in direction
          DfOutTest[intheDirection, col] <- direction2
          # change in the opposite direction
          DfOutTest[againsttheDirection, col] <- oppositeDirection(direction2)

  } #else cat("Nothing to encode", sep="\n")

  # Get the name of the columns that are still not encoded
  # Get all the primary column names that are in primaryColumnNames
  primaryColumnNames <- list()

  for(i in names(DfOut)){
      primaryColumnNames <- append(primaryColumnNames, i)

  # Find primary columns that still have "-" after encoding
  # Here I used [[1]] to take the value but is this true if we have more than 1 value
  columnNumber <- unique(data.frame(which(DfOut[unlist(primaryColumnNames)] == "-", arr.ind = TRUE))["col"])[[1]]
  ColumnNamesfromColumnNumber <- names(DfOut[unlist(primaryColumnNames)][columnNumber])

  # TEST
  # Get the name of the columns that are still not encoded
  # Get all the primary column names that are in primaryColumnNames
  primaryColumnNamesTest <- list()

  for(i in names(DfOutTest)){
      primaryColumnNamesTest <- append(primaryColumnNamesTest, i)

  # Find primary columns that still have "-" after encoding
  # Here I used [[1]] to take the value but is this true if we have more than 1 value
  columnNumber <- unique(data.frame(which(DfOutTest[unlist(primaryColumnNamesTest)] == "-", arr.ind = TRUE))["col"])[[1]]
  ColumnNamesfromColumnNumber <- names(DfOutTest[unlist(primaryColumnNamesTest)][columnNumber])


  # First encode surrogates from categorical primary splits
  for(i in seq_len(length(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical))) {
    j <- which(DfOut[,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical)[[i]]] == "-")
    DfOut[j,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical)[[i]]] <- DfOut[j,surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical[[i]]]

  oppositeDirection <- function(direction){
    if(direction == "L"){return("R")}
    if(direction == "R"){ return("L")}

  # Second encode surrogates from numerical primary splits
  # There are such columns when primary split is absent as well I have not implemented that yet
  # For now we have to drop those columns

    for(i in seq_len(length(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical))) {
      primaryColumn <- strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][1]
      value <- as.numeric(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][3])
      direction <- toupper(strsplit(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][4],"")[[1]][1])
      intheDirection <- which((DfOut[,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] == "-") & (DfOut[,primaryColumn] < value))
      againsttheDirection <- which((DfOut[,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] == "-") & (DfOut[,primaryColumn] >= value))
      #value <- as.numeric(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][3])
      #direction <- toupper(strsplit(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][4],"")[[1]][1])
      # change in direction
      DfOut[intheDirection, names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] <- direction
      # change in the opposite direction
      DfOut[againsttheDirection, names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] <- oppositeDirection(direction)
  } else message("Variable does not exist", sep="\n")

  # First encode surrogates from categorical primary splits
  for(i in seq_len(length(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical))) {
    j <- which(DfOutTest[,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical)[[i]]] == "-")
    DfOutTest[j,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical)[[i]]] <- DfOutTest[j,surrogateSplitEncodingsCategorical[[i]]]

  oppositeDirection <- function(direction){
    if(direction == "L"){return("R")}
    if(direction == "R"){ return("L")}

  # Second encode surrogates from numerical primary splits
  # There are such columns when primary split is absent as well I have not implemented that yet
  # For now we have to drop those columns

    for(i in seq_len(length(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical))) {
      primaryColumn <- strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][1]
      value <- as.numeric(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][3])
      direction <- toupper(strsplit(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][4],"")[[1]][1])
      intheDirection <- which((DfOutTest[,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] == "-") & (DfOutTest[,primaryColumn] < value))
      againsttheDirection <- which((DfOutTest[,names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] == "-") & (DfOutTest[,primaryColumn] >= value))
      #value <- as.numeric(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][3])
      #direction <- toupper(strsplit(strsplit(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical[[i]], " ")[[1]][4],"")[[1]][1])
      # change in direction
      DfOutTest[intheDirection, names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] <- direction
      # change in the opposite direction
      DfOutTest[againsttheDirection, names(surrogateSplitEncodingsNumerical)[i]] <- oppositeDirection(direction)
  } else message("Variable does not exist", sep="\n")

  # Check which columns still have "-"

  ColumnsIWant <- list()

  for(i in names(DfOut)){
    if(grepl("*primary$",i) || grepl("*surrogate$",i) ){
      ColumnsIWant <- append(ColumnsIWant, i)

  # Check if the final dataframe has "-"
  dfThatHasMissing <- data.frame(which(DfOut[unlist(ColumnsIWant)] == "-", arr.ind = TRUE))

  # Find list of columns which have "-"
  columnNumbersThatHave <- unique(dfThatHasMissing[["col"]])

  multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscarded <- list()
  for(i in columnNumbersThatHave){
    multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscarded <- append(multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscarded, names(DfOut[unlist(ColumnsIWant)][i]))
  DfOutCopy <- DfOut
  # Discard those columns
  DfOut <- DfOut[ , !names(DfOut) %in% multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscarded]

  ColumnsIWant <- list()

  for(i in names(DfOut)){
    if(grepl("*primary$",i) || grepl("*surrogate$",i) ){
      ColumnsIWant <- append(ColumnsIWant, i)


  nodes <- DfOut[unlist(ColumnsIWant)]
  #scenario1Name <- paste0(datasetName, "_imit_splits_scenario_1.csv", collapse = "")
  # Convert to csv file
  #write.csv(nodes, scenario1Name, row.names = FALSE)

  ## TEST
  # Check which columns still have "-"

  ColumnsIWantTest <- list()

  for(i in names(DfOutTest)){
    if(grepl("*primary$",i) || grepl("*surrogate$",i) ){
      ColumnsIWantTest <- append(ColumnsIWantTest, i)

  # Check if the final dataframe has "-"
  dfThatHasMissingTest <- data.frame(which(DfOutTest[unlist(ColumnsIWantTest)] == "-", arr.ind = TRUE))
  #print("WHAT HAPPENED")
  # Find list of columns which have "-"
  columnNumbersThatHaveTest <- unique(dfThatHasMissingTest[["col"]])

  multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscardedTest <- list()
  for(i in columnNumbersThatHaveTest){
    multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscardedTest <- append(multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscardedTest, names(DfOutTest[unlist(ColumnsIWantTest)][i]))

  # Discard those columns
  DfOutTestCopy <- DfOutTest
  DfOutTest <- DfOutTest[ , !names(DfOutTest) %in% multipleEncodingColumnstoBeDiscarded]

  ColumnsIWantTest <- list()

  for(i in names(DfOutTest)){
    if(grepl("*primary$",i) || grepl("*surrogate$",i) ){
      ColumnsIWantTest <- append(ColumnsIWantTest, i)

  nodesTest <- DfOutTest[unlist(ColumnsIWantTest)]
  #scenario1Name <- paste0(datasetName, "_imit_splits_scenario_1_test.csv", collapse = "")
  # Convert to csv file
  #write.csv(nodesTest, scenario1Name, row.names = FALSE)
  return(list(nodes, nodesTest))

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catSplit documentation built on Oct. 20, 2021, 5:07 p.m.