
#' Computerized Adaptive Testing Generalized Partial Credit Model
#' This function fits the generalized partial credit model for ordinal polytomous data and populates the fitted values for discrimination and difficulty parameters to an object of class \code{Cat}.
#' @param data A data frame of manifest variables or an object of class \code{gpcm}.
#' @param quadraturePoints A numeric to be passed into the \code{gpcm} function indicating the number of Gauss-Hermite quadrature points.  Only applicable when \code{data} is a data frame.  Default value is \code{21}.
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to methods. For more details about the arguments, see \code{gpcm} in the \code{ltm} package.
#'@return The function \code{gpcmCat} returns an object of class \code{Cat} with changes to the following slots:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{difficulty} A list of difficulty parameters, where each element in the list corresponds to the difficulty parameters for an item.
#' \item \code{discrimination} A vector consisting of of discrimination parameters for each item.
#' \item \code{model} The string \code{"gpcm"}, indicating this \code{Cat} object corresponds to a generalized partial credit model.
#' }
#' See \code{\link{Cat-class}} for default values of \code{Cat} object slots.  See \strong{Examples} and \code{\link{setters}} for example code to change slot values.
#' @details The \code{data} argument of the function \code{gpcmCat} is either a data frame or an object of class \code{gpcm} from the \code{ltm} package.  If it is a data frame each row represents a respondent and each column represents a question item.  If it is an object of the class \code{gpcm}, it is output from the \code{gpcm} function in the \code{ltm} package.
#' The \code{quadraturePoints} argument of the function \code{gpcmCat} is used only when the \code{data} argument is a data frame.  \code{quadraturePoints} is then passed to the \code{gpcm} function from the \code{ltm} package when fitting the generalized partial credit model to the data and is used when approximating the value of integrals.
#' @note 
#' This Cat object should be used for testing package functionality only.
#' @references 
#' Baker, Frank B. and Seock-Ho Kim. 2004. Item Response Theory: Parameter Estimation Techniques. New York: Marcel Dekker.
#' Muraki, Eiji. 1992. ``A generalized partial credit model: Application of an EM algorithm." ETS Research Report Series 1992(1):1-30.
#' Rizopoulos, Dimitris. 2006. ``ltm: An R Package for Latent Variable Modeling and Item Response Theory Analyses." Journal of Statistical Software 17(5):1-25.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Creating Cat object with fitted object of class gpcm
#' data(polknowTAPS)
#' gpcm_fit <- gpcm(polknowTAPS, constraint = "gpcm", control = list(iter.qN = 200, GHk = 100))
#' class(gpcm_fit)
#' gpcm_cat <- gpcmCat(gpcm_fit)
#' }
#' ## Creating Cat objects from large datasets is computationally expensive
#' ## Load the Cat object created from the above code
#' data(gpcm_cat)
#' ## Slots that have changed from default values
#' getModel(gpcm_cat)
#' getDifficulty(gpcm_cat)
#' getDiscrimination(gpcm_cat)
#' ## Changing slots from default values
#' setEstimation(gpcm_cat) <- "MLE"
#' setSelection(gpcm_cat) <- "MFI"
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{Cat-class}}, \code{\link{grmCat}}, \code{\link{polknowTAPS}}, \code{\link{probability}}
#' @note In case the Hessian matrix at convergence is not positive definite try to use \code{start.val = "random"}.
#' @author Haley Acevedo, Ryden Butler, Josh W. Cutler, Matt Malis, Jacob M. Montgomery, Tom Wilkinson, Erin Rossiter, Min Hee Seo, Alex Weil
#' @rdname gpcmCat
#' @aliases gpcm
#' @import ltm
#' @export gpcm
#' @name gpcmCat

setGeneric("gpcmCat", function(data, quadraturePoints = NULL, ...){

#' @rdname gpcmCat
#' @export
          signature(data = "data.frame"),
          function(data, quadraturePoints = 21, ...){
              fit <- gpcm(data = data, constraint = "gpcm",
                          control = list(GHk = quadraturePoints), ...)
              coefficients <- fit$coef
              discm <- sapply(1:length(coefficients), function(i){

              diff <- lapply(1:length(coefficients), function(i){
                  out <- coefficients[[i]][-length(coefficients[[i]])]
                  names(out) <- NULL

              object <- new("Cat")
              object@ids <- colnames(data)
              names(diff) <- names(discm) <- object@ids
              object@discrimination <- discm
              object@difficulty <- diff
              object@guessing <- rep(0, length(discm))
              object@answers <- rep(NA, length(discm))
              object@model <- "gpcm"

#' @rdname gpcmCat
#' @export
          signature(data = c("gpcm")),
          function(data, quadraturePoints = NULL, ...){
              coefficients <- data$coef
              discm <- sapply(1:length(coefficients), function(i){

              diff <- lapply(1:length(coefficients), function(i){
                  out <- coefficients[[i]][-length(coefficients[[i]])]
                  names(out) <- NULL

              object <- new("Cat")
              object@ids <- names(data$coef)
              names(diff) <- names(discm) <- object@ids
              object@discrimination <- discm
              object@difficulty <- diff
              object@guessing <- rep(0, length(discm))
              object@answers <- rep(NA, length(discm))
              object@model <- "gpcm"

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