test_that("testLikelihoodTwoTipsTree", {
## cauchy dist
cauchy <- function(x, m, d) {
1/pi * d / ((x - m)^2 + d^2)
## Parameters
mu <- 1
disp <- 0.1
## tree with two tips
tree <- read.tree(text = "(A:1,B:0.5);")
## data
trait <- c(0.5, 3)
names(trait) <- c("A", "B")
## likelihood manual
lmanA <- function(x0) 1/pi * (disp * tree$edge.length[1]) / ((trait[1] - x0)^2 + (disp * tree$edge.length[1])^2)
lmanB <- function(x0) 1/pi * (disp * tree$edge.length[2]) / ((trait[2] - x0)^2 + (disp * tree$edge.length[2])^2)
lman <- unname(lmanA(mu) * lmanB(mu))
## likelihood
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, disp, method = "fixed.root")
## equal ?
expect_equal(log(lman), lalgolse)
## Random root
root.edge <- 10
tree$root.edge <- root.edge
lmanroot <- function(x) cauchy(x, 0, disp * root.edge)
lmanfun <- Vectorize(function(x) {lmanA(x) * lmanB(x) * lmanroot(x)})
lmanRandomRoot <- unname(integrate(lmanfun, -Inf, +Inf, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)$value)
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, 0, disp, method = "random.root")
expect_equal(log(lmanRandomRoot), lalgolse)
test_that("testLikelihoodThreeTipsTree", {
## Parameters
mu <- 0.8
disp <- 0.6
## tree with three tips
tree <- read.tree(text = "((A:1,B:0.5):0.3, C:1);")
## data
trait <- c(0.4, 1.1, -1.2)
names(trait) <- c("A", "B", "C")
## cauchy dist
cauchy <- function(x, m, d) {
1/pi * d / ((x - m)^2 + d^2)
## likelihood manual (numerical integral)
lmanC <- function(x0) cauchy(trait[3], x0, disp * tree$edge.length[4])
lmanA <- function(x) cauchy(x, trait[1], disp * tree$edge.length[2])
lmanB <- function(x) cauchy(x, trait[2], disp * tree$edge.length[3])
lmanLat <- function(x, x0) cauchy(x, x0, disp * tree$edge.length[1])
lmanAB <- function(x0) {
lint <- function(x) lmanA(x) * lmanB(x) * lmanLat(x, x0)
res <- integrate(lint, -Inf, +Inf, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
lman <- unname(lmanAB(mu) * lmanC(mu))
## likelihood
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, disp, method = "fixed.root")
## equal ?
expect_equal(log(lman), lalgolse)
## Random root
root.edge <- 10
tree$root.edge <- root.edge
lmanroot <- function(x) cauchy(x, 0, disp * root.edge)
lmanfun <- Vectorize(function(x) {lmanAB(x) * lmanC(x) * lmanroot(x)})
lmanRandomRoot <- unname(integrate(lmanfun, -Inf, +Inf, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)$value)
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, 0, disp, method = "random.root")
expect_equal(log(lmanRandomRoot), lalgolse)
test_that("testLikelihoodThreeTipsTreeUltra", {
## Parameters
mu <- 0.8
disp <- 0.6
## tree with three tips
tree <- read.tree(text = "((A:1.5,B:1.5):0.3, C:1.8);")
## data
trait <- c(0.4, 1.1, -1.2)
names(trait) <- c("A", "B", "C")
## cauchy dist
cauchy <- function(x, m, d) {
1/pi * d / ((x - m)^2 + d^2)
## likelihood manual (numerical integral)
lmanC <- function(x0) cauchy(trait[3], x0, disp * tree$edge.length[4])
lmanA <- function(x) cauchy(x, trait[1], disp * tree$edge.length[2])
lmanB <- function(x) cauchy(x, trait[2], disp * tree$edge.length[3])
lmanLat <- function(x, x0) cauchy(x, x0, disp * tree$edge.length[1])
lmanAB <- function(x0) {
lint <- function(x) lmanA(x) * lmanB(x) * lmanLat(x, x0)
res <- integrate(lint, -Inf, +Inf, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
lman <- unname(lmanAB(mu) * lmanC(mu))
## likelihood
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, disp, method = "fixed.root")
## equal ?
expect_equal(log(lman), lalgolse)
## Random root
root.edge <- 10
tree$root.edge <- root.edge
lmanroot <- function(x) cauchy(x, 0, disp * root.edge)
lmanfun <- Vectorize(function(x) {lmanAB(x) * lmanC(x) * lmanroot(x)})
lmanRandomRoot <- unname(integrate(lmanfun, -Inf, +Inf, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)$value)
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, 0, disp, method = "random.root")
expect_equal(log(lmanRandomRoot), lalgolse)
test_that("testLikelihoodLSENormalisation", {
## Parameters
mu <- 0.8
disp <- 0.1
## tree with three tips
n <- 100
tree <- rphylo(n, 0.1, 0)
tree_height <- max(diag(vcv(tree)))
## data
trait <- rTraitCont(tree, model = "BM", sigma = 1)
## likelihood
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, disp, method = "fixed.root")
lalgolsenorm <- -length(tree$tip.label) * log(disp) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / disp, mu / disp, 1, method = "fixed.root")
lalgolsenorm2 <- -length(tree$tip.label) * log(disp/tree_height) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / (disp/tree_height), mu / (disp/tree_height), disp /(disp/tree_height), method = "fixed.root")
## equal ?
expect_equal(lalgolsenorm, lalgolse, tolerance = 1e-7)
expect_equal(lalgolsenorm2, lalgolse, tolerance = 1e-7)
## fixed value
expect_equal(lalgolse, -271.3922, tolerance = 1e-7)
# ## Plot
# s <- seq(0.01, 0.5, 0.01)
# densLSE <- sapply(s, function(x) logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, x, ultrametric = FALSE, lse = TRUE))
# dens <- sapply(s, function(x) logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, x, ultrametric = FALSE, lse = FALSE))
# densNorm <- sapply(s, function(x) -length(tree$tip.label) * log(x) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / x, mu / x, 1, ultrametric = FALSE, lse = TRUE))
# densNorm2 <- sapply(s, function(x) -length(tree$tip.label) * log(x/tree_height) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / (x/tree_height), mu / (x/tree_height), x/(x/tree_height), ultrametric = FALSE, lse = TRUE))
# plot(s, dens)
# points(s, densLSE, pch = "+")
# points(s, densNorm, pch = "-")
# points(s, densNorm2, pch = "*")
test_that("testLikelihoodLSEBig", {
## Parameters
mu <- 0.8
disp <- 0.05
## tree with three tips
n <- 1000
tree <- rphylo(n, 0.1, 0)
tree_height <- max(diag(vcv(tree)))
## data
trait <- simulateTipsCauchy(tree, mu, disp)
## likelihood
lalgolse <- logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, disp, method = "fixed.root")
lalgolsenorm <- -length(tree$tip.label) * log(disp) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / disp, mu / disp, 1, method = "fixed.root")
lalgolsenorm2 <- -length(tree$tip.label) * log(disp/tree_height) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / (disp/tree_height), mu / (disp/tree_height), disp /(disp/tree_height), method = "fixed.root")
## equal ?
expect_equal(lalgolsenorm, lalgolse, tolerance = 1e-2)
expect_equal(lalgolsenorm2, lalgolse, tolerance = 1e-2)
# ## Plot
# s <- seq(0.01, 0.5, 0.01)
# densLSE <- sapply(s, function(x) logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, mu, x, method = "fixed.root"))
# densNorm <- sapply(s, function(x) -length(tree$tip.label) * log(x) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / x, mu / x, 1, method = "fixed.root"))
# densNorm2 <- sapply(s, function(x) -length(tree$tip.label) * log(x/tree_height) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait / (x/tree_height), mu / (x/tree_height), x/(x/tree_height), method = "fixed.root"))
# # plot(s, dens)
# plot(s, densLSE, pch = "+")
# points(s, densNorm, pch = "-")
# points(s, densNorm2, pch = "*")
test_that("testLikelihoodFunction", {
## Parameters
mu <- 0.8
disp <- 0.05
## tree with three tips
n <- 50
tree <- rphylo(n, 0.1, 0)
root.edge <- 1
treerr <- tree
treerr$root.edge <- root.edge
## data
trait <- simulateTipsCauchy(tree, mu, disp)
## Errors
expect_error(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait,root.value = NULL, disp = disp, method = "fixed.root"),
"Starting value must be specified for root node in the `fixed.root` method.")
expect_error(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait,root.value = NULL, disp = disp, method = "random.root"),
"Starting value must be specified for root node in the `random.root` method.")
expect_error(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, root.value = 0.0, disp = disp, method = "random.root"),
"In the random root model, the `root.edge` must be non NULL and non zero.")
expect_error(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, root.value = 0.0, disp = disp, method = "random.root"),
"In the random root model, the `root.edge` must be non NULL and non zero.")
expect_error(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, root.value = mu, disp = disp, method = "reml"),
"In the reml model, `root.value` cannot be specified.")
## Equalities
expect_equal(logDensityTipsCauchy(treerr, trait, root.value = mu, disp = disp, method = "random.root"),
logDensityTipsCauchy(treerr, trait - mu, root.value = 0.0, disp = disp, method = "random.root"))
expect_equal(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait, root.value = mu, disp = disp, method = "fixed.root"),
logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, trait - mu, root.value = 0.0, disp = disp, method = "fixed.root"))
## Non binary tree
tree$edge.length[sample(seq_len(nrow(tree$edge)), 10)] <- 0
ff <- fitCauchy(tree, trait)
expect_equal(ff$disp, 0.06785236, tolerance = 1e-6)
tree_bis <- di2multi(tree)
expect_error(check_binary_tree(tree_bis), "The tree must be binary.")
## Tree with no branch length
tree <- stree(10)
expect_error(check_binary_tree(tree), "the tree has no branch lengths.")
expect_error(check_tree(tree), "the tree has no branch lengths.")
## Tree with no labels
tree <- rtree(10)
tree$tip.label <- NULL
expect_error(check_binary_tree(tree), "the tree has no tip labels.")
expect_error(check_tree(tree), "the tree has no tip labels.")
## Tree with no labels
tree <- rtree(10)
class(tree) <- NULL
expect_error(check_binary_tree(tree), "tree object is not of class \"phylo\"")
expect_error(check_tree(tree), "tree object is not of class \"phylo\"")
# test_that("cauphylm error", {
# ## Phylogenetic Tree
# data(lizards)
# tree <- lizards$phy
# # tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length / max(vcv(tree))
# ###########################
# ## Data Simulation
# sigma <- 0.1
# mu <- 0
# set.seed(1289)
# datBM <- rTraitCont(tree, sigma = sigma, root.value = mu)
# ###########################
# ## Likelihood
# # Instability
# expect_equal(logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM, 0, 0.01, method = "fixed.root"),
# logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM, 0, exp(log(0.01)), method = "fixed.root"), tolerance = 1e-6)
# ## Plot
# s <- seq(0.001, 0.05, 0.001)
# densLSE <- sapply(s, function(x) logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM, 0, x, method = "fixed.root"))
# densLSENorm <- sapply(s, function(x) -length(tree$tip.label) * log(x) + logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / x, 0 / x, 1, method = "fixed.root"))
# plot(s, densLSE, pch = "+")
# points(s, densLSENorm, pch = "-")
# ## normalization
# tree_height <- max(vcv(tree))
# expect_equal(
# -length(tree$tip.label) * log(exp(log(0.1)) * tree_height) + log(densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / (exp(log(0.1)) * tree_height), 0, 1 / tree_height)),
# -length(tree$tip.label) * log(0.1 * tree_height) + log(densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / (0.1 * tree_height), 0, 1 / tree_height))
# )
# expect_equal(
# densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / (exp(log(0.1)) * tree_height), 0, 1 / tree_height),
# densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / (0.1 * tree_height), 0, 1 / tree_height)
# )
# (0.1 / tree_height)^(-length(tree$tip.label)) * densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM * tree_height, 0, 0.1 * tree_height)
# (exp(log(0.1)) / tree_height)^(-length(tree$tip.label)) * densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM * tree_height, 0, exp(log(0.1)) * tree_height)
# (0.1 / tree_height)^(-length(tree$tip.label)) * densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / (0.1 / tree_height), 0, tree_height)
# (exp(log(0.1)) / tree_height)^(-length(tree$tip.label)) * densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / (exp(log(0.1)) / tree_height), 0, tree_height)
# densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / 0.1, 0, 1)
# densityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM / exp(log(0.1)), 0, 1)
# logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM, 0, 0.1)
# logDensityTipsCauchy(tree, datBM, 0, exp(log(0.1)))
# })
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