
Defines functions SplitAnova Performance CombineSplits

Documented in CombineSplits Performance

#' ANOVA and multiple comparisons for chemmodlab objects
#' \code{CombineSplits} evaluates a specified performance measure
#' across all splits created by \code{\link{ModelTrain}} and conducts
#' statistical tests to determine the best performing descriptor set and
#' model (D-M) combinations. \code{Performance} can evaluate many 
#' performance measures across all splits created by \code{ModelTrain},
#' then outputs a data frame for each D-M combination.
#' \code{CombineSplits}
#' quantifies how sensitive performance measures are to fold
#' assignments (assignments to training and test sets). 
#' Intuitively, this
#' assesses how much a performance measure may change if a slightly
#' different data set is used.
#' \code{ModelTrain} is a designed study in that 'experimental' 
#' conditions are defined according to two factors: method (D-M combination) 
#' and split (fold assignment).  The factor "split" is a blocking factor,
#' and factor "method" is of primary interest.  The design of this
#' experiment is amenable to an analysis
#' of variance to identify significant differences between 
#' performance measures according to factors and levels.
#' CombineSplits outputs such an analysis of variance decomposition.
#' The multiple comparisons similarity (MCS) plot shows the results
#' for tests for signficance
#' in all pairwise differences of D-M mean performance measures.
#' Because there can be many 
#' estimated mean performance measures for a dataset, care must be taken 
#' to adjust for
#' multiple testing, and we do this using the Tukey-Kramer multiple
#' comparison procedure (see Tukey (1953) and Kramer (1956)).
#' If you are having trouble viewing all the components of the plot,
#' make the plotting window larger.
#' By default, \code{CombineSplits} uses initial enhancement
#' proposed by Kearsley et al. (1996) to assess model performance. 
#' Enhancement at \code{m} tests is the hit
#' rate at \code{m} tests (accumulated actives at \code{m} tests
#' divided by \code{m}) divided by the proportion of actives in the entire 
#' collection. It is a relative measure of hit rate improvement offered
#' by the new method beyond what can be expected under random selection,
#' and values much larger than one are desired. Initial enhancement is
#' typically taken to be enhancement at \code{m}=300 tests.
#' Root mean squared error (\code{RMSE}), despite its popularity
#' in statistics, may be  
#' inappropriate for continuous chemical assay responses because
#' it assumes losses 
#' are equal for both under-predicting and over-predicting biological 
#' activity.  A suitable alternative may be initial \code{enhancement}.
#' Other options are the coeffcient of determination (\code{R2})
#' and Spearman's \code{rho}.
#' For binary chemical assay responses, alternatives to 
#' misclassification rate (\code{error rate}) 
#' (which may be inappropriate because it assigns equal weights to false
#' positives and false negatives) include \code{sensitivity},
#' \code{specificity},
#' area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (\code{auc}),
#' positive predictive value, also known as precision (\code{ppv}), F1 measure (\code{fmeasure}),
#' and initial \code{enhancement}.
#' @aliases CombineSplits
#' @author Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver, Jeremy Ash, Atina Brooks
#' @seealso \code{\link{chemmodlab}}, \code{\link{ModelTrain}}
#' @param cml.result an object of class \code{\link{chemmodlab}}.
#' @param m the number of tests to use for binary model 
#' performance measures
#' (see Details). 
#' If \code{m} is not specified, 
#' \code{enhancement} uses \code{floor(min(300,n/4))}, 
#' where \code{n} is the number of observations. By default, 
#' all other binary performance measures are computed using all observations.
#' @param metric the model performance measure to use.  This should be
#' one of \code{error rate}, \code{enhancement}, \code{R2},
#' \code{rho}, \code{auc}, \code{sensitivity}, \code{specificity},
#' \code{ppv}, \code{fmeasure}.
#' @param metrics a character vector containing a subset of the performance
#' measures above.  \code{Performance} can compute several
#' measures.
#' @param thresh if the predicted probability that a binary response is 
#' 1 is above this threshold, an observation is classified as 1. Used
#' to compute \code{error rate}, \code{sensitivity}, 
#' \code{specificity}, \code{ppv}, and \code{fmeasure}.
#' @references 
#' Kearsley, S.K., Sallamack, S., Fluder, E.M., Andose, J.D., Mosley, R.T.,
#' and Sheridan, R.P. (1996). Chemical similarity using physiochemical
#' property descriptors, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 36, 118-127.
#' Kramer, C. Y. (1956). Extension of multiple range tests to group means
#' with unequal numbers of replications. Biometrics 12, 307-310.
#' Tukey, J. W. (1953). The problem of multiple comparisons. Unpublished
#' manuscript. In The Collected Works of John W. Tukey VIII. Multiple
#' Comparisons: 1948-1983, Chapman and Hall, New York.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # A data set with  binary response and multiple descriptor sets
#' data(aid364)
#' cml <- ModelTrain(aid364, ids = TRUE, xcol.lengths = c(24, 147),
#'                   des.names = c("BurdenNumbers", "Pharmacophores"))
#' CombineSplits(cml)
#' }
#' # A continuous response
#' cml <- ModelTrain(USArrests, nsplits = 2, nfolds = 2,
#'                   models = c("KNN", "Lasso", "Tree"))
#' CombineSplits(cml)
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import methods
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
CombineSplits <- function(cml.result, metric = "enhancement",
                          m = NA, thresh = 0.5) {
  out <- Performance(cml.result, metric, m, thresh)
  # rename the performance measure to the general term
  # expected by other parts of the code
  names(out)[4] <- "Model.Acc"
  methods <- as.character(unique(out$Method))
  descriptors <- as.character(unique(out$Descriptor))
  num.enhs <- dim(out)[1]
  out$Trmt <- vector(mode = "logical", length = num.enhs)
  for (i in 1:num.enhs) {
    out$Trmt[i] <- which(methods == out$Method[i])
  for (i in 1:num.enhs) {
    out$Trmt[i] <- out$Trmt[i] + 100 * (which(descriptors == out$Descriptor[i]))
  out$Trmt <- factor(out$Trmt)
  for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
    if (is.na(out$Model.Acc[i])) {
      index <- out$Trmt == out$Trmt[i]
      out$Model.Acc[i] <- mean(out$Model.Acc[index], na.rm = T) 
    if (is.na(out$Model.Acc[i])) {
      # If we still have an NA then there is no non NA split.  
      # This is a bad model.  Assign 0
      out$Model.Acc[i] <- 0
  SplitAnova(out, metric)

#' @describeIn CombineSplits outputs a data frame with performance measures for each D-M
#' combination.
#' @export
Performance <- function(cml.result, metrics = "enhancement",
                        m = NA, thresh = 0.5) {
  y <- cml.result$responses
  # take initial enhancement at 300 tests or if less then 300, the number of y's/4
  if (is.na(m) && "enhancement" %in% metrics) {
    at <- min(300, ceiling(length(y)/4))
  } else if (is.na(m)) {
    at <- length(y)
  } else if (m > length(y)) {
    stop("'at' needs to be smaller than the number of responses")
  } else {
    at <- m
  # makes desciptor set names shorter so that they fit on the MCS plot
  abbrev.names <- c()
  num.desc <- length(cml.result$des.names)
  des.names <- cml.result$des.names
  if (grepl("Descriptor Set", des.names[1])) {
    for (i in 1:num.desc) {
      # TO DO add option to specify abbreviated names?
      abbrev.names <- c(abbrev.names, paste0("Des", i))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:num.desc) {
      abbrev.names <- c(abbrev.names, substr(des.names[i], 1, 4))
  for (k in seq_along(metrics)) {
    metric <- metrics[k]
    if (!cml.result$classify) {
      # TODO: Why are we concerned about these objects
      # existing?
      if (exists("sp", inherits = FALSE))
      if (exists("ds", inherits = FALSE))
      if (exists("me", inherits = FALSE))
      if (exists("ma", inherits = FALSE))
      for (split in 1:length(cml.result$all.preds)) {
        pred <- cml.result$all.preds[[split]]
        for (i in 1:length(pred)) {
          desc <- abbrev.names[i]
          for (j in 2:ncol(pred[[i]])) {
            if (metric == "enhancement") {
              model.acc <- EnhancementCont(pred[[i]][, j], y, at)
            } else if (metric == "R2") {
              pred.order <- order(pred[[i]][, j], decreasing = TRUE)
              model.acc <- (cor(y, pred[[i]][, j]))^2
            } else if (metric == "RMSE") {
              model.acc <- sqrt(mean((y - pred[[i]][, j])^2))
            } else if (metric == "rho") {
              model.acc <- cor(y, pred[[i]][, j], method = "spearman")
            } else {
              stop("y is continuous. 'metrics' should be model accuracy measures
                   implemented for continuous response in ChemModLab")
            # colnm <- names(pred[[i]])[j]
            # # TO DO do we still need this?
            # period <- regexpr(".", colnm, fixed = TRUE)[1]
            # if (period > 0)
            #   meth <- substr(colnm, 1, (period - 1))
            meth <-  names(pred[[i]])[j]
            if (!exists("sp", inherits = FALSE))
              sp <- split
            else sp <- c(sp, split)
            if (!exists("ds", inherits = FALSE))
              ds <- desc
            else ds <- c(ds, desc)
            if (!exists("me", inherits = FALSE))
              me <- meth
            else me <- c(me, meth)
            if (!exists("ma", inherits = FALSE))
              ma <- model.acc
            else ma <- c(ma, model.acc)
    } else {
      if (exists("sp", inherits = FALSE))
      if (exists("ds", inherits = FALSE))
      if (exists("me", inherits = FALSE))
      if (exists("ma", inherits = FALSE))
      for (split in 1:length(cml.result$all.preds)) {
        prob <- cml.result$all.probs[[split]]
        pred <- cml.result$all.preds[[split]]
        for (i in 1:length(prob)) {
          desc <- abbrev.names[i]
          if (ncol(prob[[i]]) > 1) {
            for (j in 2:ncol(prob[[i]])) {
              # TODO: Determine whether to use predicted probabilities or predictions
              # for models that provide both - sometimes they differ.
              yhat <- prob[[i]][, j] > thresh
              if (metric == "enhancement") {
                model.acc <- Enhancement(prob[[i]][, j], y, at)
              } else if (metric == "auc") {
                model.acc <- BackAUC(prob[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "error rate") {
                model.acc <- BackErrorRate(prob[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "specificity") {
                model.acc <- BackSpecificity(prob[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "sensitivity") {
                model.acc <- BackSensitivity(prob[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "ppv") {
                model.acc <- BackPPV(prob[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "fmeasure") {
                model.acc <- BackFMeasure(prob[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else {
                stop("y is binary. 'metrics' should be model accuracy measures
                     implemented for binary response in ChemModLab")
              # colnm <- names(prob[[i]])[j]
              # period <- regexpr(".", colnm, fixed = TRUE)[1]
              # if (period > 0)
              #   meth <- substr(colnm, 1, (period - 1))
              meth <- names(prob[[i]])[j]
              if (!exists("sp", inherits = FALSE))
                sp <- split 
              else sp <- c(sp, split)
              if (!exists("ds", inherits = FALSE))
                ds <- desc 
              else ds <- c(ds, desc)
              if (!exists("me", inherits = FALSE))
                me <- meth 
              else me <- c(me, meth)
              if (!exists("ma", inherits = FALSE))
                ma <- model.acc 
              else ma <- c(ma, model.acc)
        for (i in 1:length(pred)) {
          desc <- abbrev.names[i]
          if (ncol(pred[[i]]) > 1) {
            for (j in 2:ncol(pred[[i]])) {
              yhat <- pred[[i]][, j] > thresh
              if (metric == "enhancement") {
                model.acc <- Enhancement(pred[[i]][, j], y, at)
              } else if (metric == "auc") {
                model.acc <- as.numeric(pROC::auc(y, pred[[i]][, j]))
              } else if (metric == "error rate") {
                model.acc <- BackErrorRate(pred[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "specificity") {
                model.acc <- BackSpecificity(pred[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "sensitivity") {
                model.acc <- BackSensitivity(pred[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "ppv") {
                model.acc <- BackPPV(pred[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else if (metric == "fmeasure") {
                model.acc <- BackFMeasure(pred[[i]][, j], yhat, y, at)
              } else {
                stop("y is binary. 'metric' should be a model accuracy measure
                     implemented for binary response in ChemModLab")
              # colnm <- names(pred[[i]])[j]
              # # TODO: do we still need this?
              # period <- regexpr(".", colnm, fixed = TRUE)[1]
              # if (period > 0)
              #   meth <- substr(colnm, 1, (period - 1)) 
              meth <- names(pred[[i]])[j]
              if (!exists("sp", inherits = FALSE))
                sp <- split 
              else sp <- c(sp, split)
              if (!exists("ds", inherits = FALSE))
                ds <- desc 
              else ds <- c(ds, desc)
              if (!exists("me", inherits = FALSE))
                me <- meth 
              else me <- c(me, meth)
              if (!exists("ma", inherits = FALSE))
                ma <- model.acc 
              else ma <- c(ma, model.acc)
    if (k == 1) {
      out <- data.frame(sp, ds, me, ma)
    } else {
      out <- data.frame(out, ma)
  names(out) <- c("Split", "Descriptor", "Method", metrics)
  # for performance reasons it would be preferable not to calculate the enhancement
  # for the classification methods, but for speed of implementation this is being
  # done here.  Dropping all the model accuracy calculated using predictions from
  # classification methods
  out <- out[!duplicated(out[, 1:3]), ]
  out$Split <- factor(out$Split)

SplitAnova <- function(splitdata, metric) {
  single.desc <- (length(unique(splitdata$Descriptor)) == 1)
  # Calculate anova
  out <- glm(Model.Acc ~ Split + Trmt, data = splitdata)
  # total df - df for residuals
  mod.df <- out$df.null - out$df.residual
  # is this TSS - SSR?
  mod.dev <- out$null.deviance - out$deviance
  mod.ms <- mod.dev/mod.df
  err.df <- out$df.residual
  err.dev <- out$deviance
  err.ms <- err.dev/err.df
  tot.df <- out$df.null
  tot.dev <- out$null.deviance
  f.stat <- mod.ms/err.ms
  p.val <- df(f.stat, mod.df, err.df)
  if (p.val < 1e-04)
    p.val <- "<.0001"
  form.df <- format(c("DF", mod.df, err.df, tot.df), width = 3, justify = "right")
  form.dec.num <- format(c(mod.dev, err.dev, tot.dev, mod.ms, err.ms, f.stat),
                         digits = 4, nsmall = 3)
  form.dec <- format(c("SS", "MS", "F", form.dec.num), digits = 4, nsmall = 3,
                     justify = "right")
  form.p <- format(c("p-value",
                     if (is.numeric(p.val)) round(p.val, digits = 4) else p.val),
                   digits = 1, nsmall = 4, justify = "right")
  cat(paste0("   Analysis of Variance on: '",metric,"'\n"))
  if (single.desc)
    cat(paste("            Using factors: Split and Method\n"))
  else cat(paste(" Using factors: Split and Descriptor/Method combination\n"))
  cat(paste("Source", form.df[1], form.dec[1], form.dec[2], form.dec[3], form.p[1],
            "\n", sep = "   "))
  cat(paste("Model ", form.df[2], form.dec[4], form.dec[7], form.dec[9], form.p[2],
            "\n", sep = "   "))
  cat(paste("Error ", form.df[3], form.dec[5], form.dec[8], "\n", sep = "   "))
  cat(paste("Total ", form.df[4], form.dec[6], "\n", sep = "   "))
  # plot(c(-1,1),c(-1,1),xlab='',ylab='',axes=FALSE,type='n')
  # text(-1,.9,str1,adj=c(0,.5),family='mono',cex=.7)
  # text(-1,.8,str2,adj=c(0,.5),family='mono',cex=.7)
  # text(rep(-1,4),seq(.6,.3,by=-.1),c(str3,str4,str5,str6),adj=c(0,0),family='mono',cex=.7)
  root.mse <- sqrt(err.ms)
  all.mean <- mean(splitdata$Model.Acc)
  coef.var <- root.mse/all.mean * 100
  r.sq <- mod.dev/tot.dev
  form.stat.num <- format(c(r.sq, coef.var, root.mse, all.mean), digits = 3, nsmall = 4)
  form.stat <- format(c("R-Square", "Coef Var", "Root MSE", "Mean", form.stat.num),
                      digits = 3, nsmall = 4, justify = "right")
  cat(paste("   ", form.stat[1], form.stat[2], form.stat[3], form.stat[4], "\n",
            sep = "   "))
  cat(paste("   ", form.stat[5], form.stat[6], form.stat[7], form.stat[8], "\n",
            sep = "   "))
  # text(rep(-1,2),seq(.1,0,by=-.1),c(str7,str8),adj=c(0,0),family='mono',cex=.7)
  aout <- anova(out)
  f.df <- aout$Df[2]
  f.dev <- aout$Deviance[2]
  f.ms <- f.dev/f.df
  f.f.stat <- f.ms/err.ms
  t.df <- aout$Df[3]
  t.dev <- aout$Deviance[3]
  t.ms <- t.dev/t.df
  t.f.stat <- t.ms/err.ms
  f.p.val <- df(f.f.stat, f.df, t.df)
  if (f.p.val < 1e-04)
    f.p.val <- "<.0001"
  t.p.val <- df(t.f.stat, t.df, err.df)
  if (t.p.val < 1e-04)
    t.p.val <- "<.0001"
  form.df <- format(c("DF", f.df, t.df), width = 3, justify = "right")
  form.dec.num <- format(c(f.dev, f.ms, f.f.stat, t.dev, t.ms, t.f.stat), digits = 3,
                         nsmall = 3)
  form.dec <- format(c("SS", "MS", "F", form.dec.num), digits = 3, nsmall = 3,
                     justify = "right")
  form.p <- format(c("p-value", f.p.val, t.p.val), digits = 1, nsmall = 4, justify = "right")
  form.p <- format(c("p-value", if (is.numeric(f.p.val)) round(f.p.val, digits = 4) else f.p.val,
                     if (is.numeric(t.p.val)) round(t.p.val, digits = 4)
                     else t.p.val), digits = 1, nsmall = 4, justify = "right")
  cat(paste("Source   ", form.df[1], form.dec[1], form.dec[2], form.dec[3], form.p[1],
            "\n", sep = "   "))
  cat(paste("Split    ", form.df[2], form.dec[4], form.dec[5], form.dec[6], form.p[2],
            "\n", sep = "   "))
  if (single.desc)
    cat(paste("Method   ", form.df[3], form.dec[7], form.dec[8], form.dec[9],
              form.p[3], "\n", sep = "   "))
  else cat(paste("Desc/Meth", form.df[3], form.dec[7], form.dec[8], form.dec[9],
                 form.p[3], "\n", sep = "   "))
  # text(rep(-1,3),seq(-.2,-.4,by=-.1),c(str9,str10,str11),adj=c(0,0),family='mono',cex=.7)
  # Calculate lsmeans
  lsmeans <- c()
  fit <- fitted.values(out)
  for (i in levels(splitdata$Trmt)) lsmeans <- c(lsmeans, mean(fit[splitdata$Trmt ==
  # Calculate Tukey-Kramer adjusted p-values for diff means
  aov.out <- aov(Model.Acc ~ Split + Trmt, data = splitdata)
  tout <- TukeyHSD(aov.out, "Trmt")
  # Create matrix of p-values
  n <- length(levels(splitdata$Trmt))
  pval <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):n) {
      pval[i, j] <- tout$Trmt[n * (i - 1) - i * (i - 1)/2 + j - i, 4]
      pval[j, i] <- pval[i, j]
  # Plot
  McsPlot(lsmeans, pval, as.numeric(levels(splitdata$Trmt)),
          as.character(unique(splitdata$Method)), single.desc, metric)

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