
Defines functions get_each_player_chessdotcom

Documented in get_each_player_chessdotcom

#' Get Single Player Raw chess.com Game Data
#' This function returns the raw json data for a player's
#' chess.com data as a data frame
#' @param username A valid username from chess.com
#' @param year_month An integer of YYYYMM
#' @return a dataframe of chess.com data
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_each_player_chessdotcom <- function(username, year_month) {

  # if(is.na(year_month)) {
  #   print(glue::glue("Extracting {username} data for all months played, please wait"))
  # } else {
  #   print(glue::glue("Extracting {username} data for {year_month}, please wait"))
  # }

  # this function gets a list of all year/months the player(s) has played on chess.com
  get_month_urls <- function(){
    # jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0("https://api.chess.com/pub/player/", username, "/games/archives"))$archives
    resp <- httr::GET(url = paste0("https://api.chess.com/pub/player/", username, "/games/archives"))
    resp <- resp %>% httr::content()
    resp <- resp$archives
  # apply function to get a character vector of game urls
  if(is.na(year_month)) {
    month_urls <- get_month_urls()
  } else {
    month_urls <- get_month_urls() %>% unlist()
    year_mon <- stringr::str_sub(month_urls, start=-7) %>% gsub("/", "", .) %>% as.numeric()
    month_urls <- data.frame(year_mon, month_urls)
    month_urls <- month_urls %>% dplyr::filter(year_mon %in% year_month) %>% dplyr::pull(month_urls)

  if(length(month_urls) >0) {
    # this function will parse the list of game urls and extract a json blob
    get_games <- function(y) {
      y <- jsonlite::fromJSON(y)
    # apply function to get a list of all the games and game data
    games <- month_urls %>% purrr::map(get_games)

    # function to parse and extract game metadata
    extract_pgn <- function(x){
      tryCatch( {x <- x$games$pgn}, error = function(x) {x <- NA})
    # apply to get a list of all games' metadata
    extracted_pgns <- games %>% purrr::map(extract_pgn)
    # function to create a single list to prepare for converting to a data frame
    create_pgn_list <-function(x) {
      x <- unlist(x) %>% as.list()
    # apply the function to result in a list of each individual game
    pgn_list <- create_pgn_list(extracted_pgns)

    # Additional metadata:
    # function to extract the rules of each game
    extract_rules <- function(x){
      tryCatch( {x <- x$games$rules}, error = function(x) {x <- NA}) %>% as.character() %>% data.frame() %>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
    GameRules <- games %>% purrr::map_df(extract_rules)
    # function to extract the time class of each game (ie blitz, bullet, daily, etc)
    extract_time_class <- function(x){
      tryCatch( {x <- x$games$time_class}, error = function(x) {x <- NA}) %>% as.character() %>% data.frame() %>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
    TimeClass <- games %>%  purrr::map_df(extract_time_class)

    extra_df <- cbind(GameRules, TimeClass) %>% data.frame()
    colnames(extra_df) <- c("GameRules", "TimeClass")

    # function to extract all elements as columns, and all games as row in a data frame
    convert_to_df <- function(exp_list) {
      if(is.na(exp_list)) {
        df <- data.frame(Event=NA_character_)
      } else {
        pgn_list <- strsplit(exp_list, "\n") %>% unlist()
        tab_names <- c(gsub( "\\s.*", "", pgn_list[grep("\\[", pgn_list)][-c(length(pgn_list), (length(pgn_list)-1))]) %>% gsub("\\[", "", .), "Moves")
        tab_values <- gsub(".*[\"]([^\"]+)[\"].*", "\\1", pgn_list[grep("\\[", pgn_list)])
        if(length(tab_names) != length(tab_values)) {
          tab_values <- c(tab_values, NA)
        #create the df of values
        df <- rbind(tab_values) %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F)
        colnames(df) <- tab_names
        # remove the row names
        rownames(df) <- c()
        # need to clean up date variables
        df$Date <-  gsub("\\.", "-", df$Date)
        df$EndDate <- gsub("\\.", "-", df$EndDate)

    # convert the lists to data frames
    df <- pgn_list %>% purrr::map_df(convert_to_df)
    df <- cbind(extra_df, df)
    df$Username <- username

  } else {
    df <- data.frame()

  # output the final data frame for each player

#' Get Raw chess.com Game Data
#' This function returns the raw json data for a player's or list of players'
#' chess.com data as a data frame, for all or select months played
#' @param usernames A vector of a valid username or usernames from chess.com
#' @param year_month An integer of YYYYMM
#' @return a dataframe of chessdotcom data
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_raw_chessdotcom(usernames = "JaseZiv")
#' get_raw_chessdotcom(usernames = "JaseZiv", year_month = c(202112:202201))
#' get_raw_chessdotcom(usernames = c("JaseZiv", "Smudgy1"), year_month = 202201)
#' }
get_raw_chessdotcom <- function(usernames, year_month=NA_integer_) {
  df <- purrr::map2_df(usernames, year_month, get_each_player_chessdotcom)

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chessR documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 1:07 a.m.