

# a simple way to filter data, not very precise, but enough for test purposes
.convolve <- function(data, filter) {
  stats::filter(data, filter$kern, sides = 1)[-c(1:filter$len)] / sqrt(sum(filter$kern^2))

testOutput <- function(fit, startTime = 0) {
  stepR::stepblock(value = fit$value, leftEnd = c(startTime, fit$rightEnd[-length(fit$rightEnd)]),
                   rightEnd = fit$rightEnd, x0 = startTime)

test_that("testOutput works", {
  test <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(1), leftEnd = c(0.01), rightEnd = c(1), x0 = NA)
  compare <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(1), leftEnd = c(0), rightEnd = c(1), x0 = 0)
  expect_identical(testOutput(test), compare)
  test <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1), leftEnd = c(1, 101), rightEnd = c(100, 200), x0 = NA)
  compare <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1), leftEnd = c(0, 100), rightEnd = c(100, 200), x0 = 0)
  expect_identical(testOutput(test), compare)
  test <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1, -4, 3), leftEnd = c(0.01, 1, 5, 10),
                           rightEnd = c(1, 5, 10, 200), x0 = NA)
  compare <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1, -4, 3), leftEnd = c(0, 1, 5, 10),
                              rightEnd = c(1, 5, 10, 200), x0 = 0)
  expect_identical(testOutput(test), compare)
  # startTime
  test <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(1), leftEnd = c(0.01), rightEnd = c(1), x0 = NA)
  compare <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(1), leftEnd = c(-1), rightEnd = c(1), x0 = -1)
  expect_identical(testOutput(test, startTime = -1), compare)
  test <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1), leftEnd = c(1, 101), rightEnd = c(100, 200), x0 = NA)
  compare <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1), leftEnd = c(1, 100), rightEnd = c(100, 200), x0 = 1)
  expect_identical(testOutput(test, startTime = 1), compare)
  test <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1, -4, 3), leftEnd = c(0.01, 1, 5, 10),
                           rightEnd = c(1, 5, 10, 200), x0 = NA)
  compare <- stepR::stepblock(value = c(0, 1, -4, 3), leftEnd = c(0.2, 1, 5, 10),
                              rightEnd = c(1, 5, 10, 200), x0 = 0.2)
  expect_identical(testOutput(test, startTime = 0.2), compare)

test_that("it works if sd and q are given and that data and filter have to be given", {
  testdata <- rnorm(100)
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1))
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- 1.44
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", filter = testfilter))
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "jsmurfPS", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = testq,
                            sd = testsd, filter = testfilter)
  compare <- testOutput(compare)

  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          sd = testsd, q = testq, locationCorrection = "none"),
  expect_identical(jsmurf(data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(data = testdata, filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurf", q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          startTime = 0, locationCorrection = "deconvolution", output = "onlyIdealization",
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))

test_that("locationCorrection is tested and works", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, 5))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      locationCorrection = 1))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq, 
                      locationCorrection = c("deconvolution", "none")))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq, 
                      locationCorrection = "aha"))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          locationCorrection = "de", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  compare$leftEnd[2] <- compare$leftEnd[2] - testfilter$jump
  compare$rightEnd[1] <- compare$rightEnd[1] - testfilter$jump
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, locationCorrection = "constant"),
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 6L, cutoff = 0.2), sr = 1e4, len = 11L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  compare$leftEnd[2] <- compare$leftEnd[2] - testfilter$jump / testfilter$sr
  compare$rightEnd[1] <- compare$rightEnd[1] - testfilter$jump / testfilter$sr
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, locationCorrection = "constant"),

test_that("output is tested and works", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, 5))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq, output = 1))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq, 
                      output = c("only", "every")))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq, output = "aha"))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "only", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = compare, fit = compare, q = testq, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          output = "each", locationCorrection = "none"), compare)
  compare <- list(idealization = list(fit = compare$fit, q = compare$q, filter = compare$filter, sd = compare$sd),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          output = "every", locationCorrection = "none"), compare)
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    output = "every", locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- list(idealization = compare$fit, fit = compare$fit, q = compare$q, filter = compare$filter, sd = compare$sd)
  compare$idealization$leftEnd[2] <- compare$idealization$leftEnd[2] - testfilter$jump
  compare$idealization$rightEnd[1] <- compare$idealization$rightEnd[1] - testfilter$jump
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", locationCorrection = "constant", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
  compare$idealization = list(fit = compare$idealization, q = compare$q, filter = compare$filter, sd = compare$sd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "every", locationCorrection = "constant", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),

test_that("more difficult scenarios work", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(100, 10), rnorm(100, 0), rnorm(100, 10))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd, output = "every",
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  testdata <- c(rnorm(100, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(100, 0))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd, output = "every",
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  testdata <- c(rnorm(100, 0), rnorm(5, 15), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(5, 45), rnorm(100, 60))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testsd <- 0.5
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd, output = "every",
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)

test_that("argument data works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = c(testdata, "s"), filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = c(testdata, Inf), filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = c(testdata, as.numeric(NA)), filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, 
                      q = testq))

test_that("argument startTime works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 40), rnorm(5, 60), rnorm(100, 80))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testsd <- 0.5
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, startTime = 0, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, startTime = "0", filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, startTime = Inf, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, startTime = as.numeric(NA), filter = testfilter, sd = testsd,
                      q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, startTime = c(0, 0.5), filter = testfilter, sd = testsd,
                      q = testq))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = -1),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, startTime = -1, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = -1))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = 10),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, startTime = 10, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = 10))

test_that("argument filter works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 40), rnorm(5, 60), rnorm(100, 80))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1e4, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testsd <- 0.5
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = list(test = 1), sd = testsd, q = testq))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = 0),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, startTime = 0, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = 0))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 3L, cutoff = 0.05), sr = 2143, len = 3L,
                              shift = 0.2)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = 0),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, startTime = 0, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = 0))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 5e4, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  teststartTime <- 10 / 5e4
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = teststartTime),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, startTime = teststartTime, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, startTime = teststartTime))

test_that("argument sd works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testsd <- 0.5
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = "s", q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = Inf, q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = c(1, 0.5), q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = -1, q = testq))
  estsd <- stepR::sdrobnorm(testdata, lag = 9L)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = estsd, q = testq))

test_that("argument q works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  testsd <- 0.5
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = "s"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = as.numeric(NA)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = Inf))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = c(1, 2)))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))

test_that("argument alpha works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  teststat <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "jsmurfPS", filter = testfilter)
  testsd <- 0.5
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = "s", stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = NULL, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = as.numeric(NA), stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = Inf, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = c(0.1, 0.05), stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = 0, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = 1, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = -0.05, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = 1.01, stat = teststat))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, alpha = 0.05))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, output = "each"),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, alpha = 0.05, 
                          output = "each"))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, output = "every"),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, alpha = 0.05,
                          output = "every"))
  testq <- getCritVal(family = "jsmurfPS", n = length(testdata), stat = teststat, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare, q = testq, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    output = "every", locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  testq <- getCritVal(family = "jsmurfPS", n = length(testdata), stat = teststat, alpha = 0.09, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, alpha = 0.09,
                          sd = testsd, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          alpha = 0.09, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          alpha = 0.09, output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare, q = testq, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          alpha = 0.09, output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                    alpha = 0.09, output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          alpha = 0.09, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd, output = "every",
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter, sd = testsd)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, stat = teststat,
                          alpha = 0.09, output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)

test_that("argument ... works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  teststat <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "mDependentPS", filter = testfilter)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, family = "gauss"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, intervalSystem = "all"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, neuv = "1"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, n = 215))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = rnorm(100)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat,
                      filter = lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), len = 10)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat,
                      filter = lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.2), len = 11)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = "s", options = list(load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 0, options = list(load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = c(100L, 200L),
                      options = list(load = list())))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100.5,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = "215"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = c(1L, 2L)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = as.integer(NA)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = Inf))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = NULL))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = 214L))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list())),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 215L))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300L))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300.5),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300L))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, options = "vector"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, options = list(a = "vector")))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      options = list(simulation = c("vector", "matrix"), save = list(), load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      options = list(save = list(workspace = "vecto"))))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, messages = "s",
                      options = list(load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, messages = -1,
               options = list(load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, messages = c(1, 2),
               options = list(load = list())))
  expect_identical(suppressMessages(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                                           messages = 10L, options = list(load = list()), output = "every")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  expect_identical(suppressMessages(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                                           messages = 10.5, options = list(load = list()), output = "every")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  testfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RDS")
  testvariable <- "test"
  testStepR <- new.env()
  testfilter1 <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), len = 8)
  teststat1 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "jsmurfPS",
                                    filter = testfilter1, output = "maximum")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter1, r = 100L, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list(RDSfile = testfile, variable = testvariable,
                                                     workspace = c("vector", "vectorIncreased")),
                                         load = list(), envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat1, filter = testfilter1, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(readRDS(testfile), teststat1)
  expect_identical(get("test", envir = testStepR), teststat1)
  remove(test, envir = testStepR)
  testfilter2 <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.2), len = 8)
  teststat2 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "jsmurfPS",
                                    filter = testfilter2, output = "maximum")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter2, r = 100L, output = "every",
                          options = list(envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR", 
                                         save = list(fileSystem = "vector", workspace = "vector"))),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat2, filter = testfilter2, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter1, r = 200L,
                          options = list(load = list(RDSfile = testfile), save = list(fileSystem = "vector"),
                                         envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat1, filter = testfilter1,
                          options = list(save = list())))
  testfilter3 <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), len = 11)
  teststat3 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "jsmurfPS",
                                    filter = testfilter3, output = "maximum")
  expect_identical(getCritVal(family = "jsmurfPS", n = 200L, filter = testfilter3, r = 100L, nq = 215L,
                              options = list(save = list(workspace = "vector", fileSystem = "vectorIncreased"),
                                             envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   getCritVal(family = "jsmurfPS", n = 200L, stat = teststat3, filter = testfilter3,
                              options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter3, r = 50L, nq = 320L,
                          output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list(workspace = "vector", fileSystem = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat3, filter = testfilter3, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  teststat4 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 320, r = 100, family = "jsmurfPS", lengths = 2^(4:7),
                                    filter = testfilter3, output = "maximum")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter3, r = 100L, nq = 320L, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list(workspace = "vector", fileSystem = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         load = list(workspace = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat4, filter = testfilter3, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter3, r = 100L, nq = 320L, output = "every",
                          options = list(simulation = "vector",
                                         save = list(workspace = "vector", fileSystem = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         load = list(workspace = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat3, filter = testfilter3, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  teststat5 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 320, r = 200, family = "jsmurfPS", lengths = 2^(4:7),
                                    filter = testfilter3, output = "maximum")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter3, r = 200L, nq = 320L, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list(workspace = "vectorIncreased",
                                                     fileSystem = "vector"),
                                         load = list(workspace = "vectorIncreased",
                                                     fileSystem = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat5, filter = testfilter3, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter3, r = 100L, nq = 320L,
                          output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list(workspace = "vectorIncreased",
                                                     fileSystem = "vector"),
                                         load = list(workspace = "vectorIncreased",
                                                     fileSystem = "vectorIncreased"),
                                         envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, stat = teststat5, filter = testfilter3, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(length(get("critValStepRTab", envir = testStepR, inherits = FALSE)$stat), 4L)
  expect_identical(get("critValStepRTab", envir = testStepR, inherits = FALSE)$stat[[1]], teststat1)
  expect_identical(get("critValStepRTab", envir = testStepR, inherits = FALSE)$stat[[2]], teststat2)
  expect_identical(get("critValStepRTab", envir = testStepR, inherits = FALSE)$stat[[3]], teststat3)
  expect_identical(get("critValStepRTab", envir = testStepR, inherits = FALSE)$stat[[4]], teststat5)
  expect_identical(length(list.files(file.path(R.cache::getCacheRootPath(), "testStepR"))), 4L)
  expect_identical(R.cache::loadCache(attr(teststat2, "keyList"), dirs = "testStepR"), teststat2)
  expect_identical(R.cache::loadCache(attr(teststat1, "keyList"), dirs = "testStepR"), teststat1)
  expect_identical(R.cache::loadCache(attr(teststat3, "keyList"), dirs = "testStepR"), teststat3)
  expect_identical(R.cache::loadCache(attr(teststat4, "keyList"), dirs = "testStepR"), teststat4)
  remove(critValStepRTab, envir = testStepR)
  unlink(file.path(R.cache::getCacheRootPath(), "testStepR"), recursive = TRUE)

test_that("additional arguments for deconvolveLocally", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testsd <- 0.5
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = 1,
                          thresholdLongSegment = 10L, localEstimate = stats::median,
                          gridSize = c(1, 1 / 10, 1 / 100),
                          windowFactorRefinement = 1, report = FALSE),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = NA))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = c(2, 1)),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = c(2, 1)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularisation = 1))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = list(c(1, 0.6, 0.1), c(1, 0.5))))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, thresholdLongSegment = 0L))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, localEstimate = function(x) {c(1, 2)}))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, gridSize = c(1, "s", 0.01)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, windowFactorRefinement = c(1, 1, 1)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, sd = testsd, q = testq,
                      suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, report = 1))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = 0.5,
                          thresholdLongSegment = 8.5, localEstimate = mean, gridSize = c(1, 0.5, 0.1),
                          windowFactorRefinement = c(0.1, 1), report = FALSE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = 0.5,
                                     thresholdLongSegment = 8.5, localEstimate = mean, gridSize = c(1, 0.5, 0.1),
                                     windowFactorRefinement = c(0.1, 1), report = FALSE))
  expect_identical(suppressMessages(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                           sd = testsd, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE,
                                           regularization = c(3, 1.1, 1.01),
                                           thresholdLongSegment = 5L, localEstimate = function(x) {1},
                                           gridSize = c(2, 0.5, 1),
                                           windowFactorRefinement = c(0.1, 1), report = TRUE)),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, regularization = c(3, 1.1, 1.01),
                                     thresholdLongSegment = 5L, localEstimate = function(x) {1},
                                     gridSize = c(2, 0.5, 1), windowFactorRefinement = c(0.1, 1)))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE,
                          regularization = list(c(1), c(2, 0.25)),
                          thresholdLongSegment = 12, localEstimate = median, gridSize = c(1, 0.5),
                          windowFactorRefinement = c(0.1)),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurfPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                   sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE,
                                     regularization = list(c(1), c(2, 0.25)),
                                     thresholdLongSegment = 12, localEstimate = median, gridSize = c(1, 0.5),
                                     windowFactorRefinement = c(0.1)))

test_that("hjsmurf works if q is given and that data and filter have to be given", {
  testdata <- rnorm(100)
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L, shift = 0.5)
  testq <- rep(10, 3)
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "hjsmurf", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = testq,
                            filter = testfilter)
  compare <- testOutput(compare)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(data = testdata, family = "hjsmurf"))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          locationCorrection = "none"),
  expect_identical(jsmurf(data = testdata, filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurf", q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(data = testdata, filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurf", q = testq,
                          startTime = 0, locationCorrection = "deconvolution", output = "onlyIdealization",
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))

test_that("locationCorrection is tested and works for family hjsmurf", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, 5))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurf")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, locationCorrection = 1))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          locationCorrection = "de", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, 
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  compare$leftEnd[2] <- compare$leftEnd[2] - testfilter$jump
  compare$rightEnd[1] <- compare$rightEnd[1] - testfilter$jump
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE, locationCorrection = "constant"),

test_that("output is tested and works", {
  testdata <- rnorm(100)
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testq <- rep(10, 3)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      q = testq, output = 1))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      q = testq, output = c("only", "every")))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      q = testq, output = "aha"))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          q = testq, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          q = testq, output = "only", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          q = testq, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          q = testq, output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = compare, fit = compare, q = testq, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "each", locationCorrection = "none"), compare)
  compare <- list(idealization = list(fit = compare$fit, q = compare$q, filter = compare$filter),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "every", locationCorrection = "none"), compare)
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                    output = "every", locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)

test_that("more difficult scenarios work", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(100, 10), rnorm(100, 0), rnorm(100, 10))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurf")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter, suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare, q = testq, filter= testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "each", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                    output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE)$idealization
  compare2 <- compare[[3]]
  attr(compare2, "noDeconvolution") <- attr(compare, "noDeconvolution")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare2)
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, output = "every",
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  compare <- list(idealization = deconvolveLocally(fit = compare$fit, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                                   output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                  fit = compare$fit, q = testq, filter= testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          output = "every", suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE), compare)

test_that("argument data works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = 215, r = 100, filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurf")
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = c(testdata, "s"), filter = testfilter , q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = c(testdata, Inf), filter = testfilter , q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = c(testdata, as.numeric(NA)), filter = testfilter , 
                      q = testq))

test_that("argument startTime works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = 215, r = 100, filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurf")
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "hjsmurf", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = testq,
                            filter = testfilter)
  compare <- testOutput(compare)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, startTime = 0, filter = testfilter ,
                          q = testq, locationCorrection = "none"), compare)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, startTime = "0", filter = testfilter ,
                      q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, startTime = Inf, filter = testfilter ,
                      q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, startTime = as.numeric(NA), filter = testfilter ,
                      q = testq))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, startTime = c(0, 0.5), filter = testfilter ,
                      q = testq))
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = -1 + seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = -1,
                            family = "hjsmurf", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = testq,
                            filter = testfilter)
  compare <- testOutput(compare, startTime = -1)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, startTime = -1, filter = testfilter,
                          q = testq, locationCorrection = "none"), compare)

test_that("argument q works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = "s"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = as.numeric(NA)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = Inf))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = c(1, 2)))

test_that("argument alpha works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  teststat <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "hjsmurf", filter = testfilter)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = "s", stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = NULL, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = as.numeric(NA), stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = Inf, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = c(0.1, 0.05), stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = 0, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = 1, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = -0.05, stat = teststat))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, alpha = 1.01, stat = teststat))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, alpha = 0.05))
  compareq <- getCritVal(family = "hjsmurf", n = length(testdata), stat = teststat, filter = testfilter)
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "hjsmurf", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = compareq,
                            filter = testfilter)
  compare <- testOutput(compare)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat,
                          locationCorrection = "none"),
  compare <- list(fit = compare, q = compareq, filter = testfilter)
  compare <- list(idealization = compare, fit = compare$fit, q = compare$q, filter = compare$filter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat,
                          output = "every", locationCorrection = "none"), compare)
  compareq <- getCritVal(family = "hjsmurf", n = length(testdata), stat = teststat, alpha = 0.135, filter = testfilter)
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "hjsmurf", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = compareq,
                            filter = testfilter)
  compare <- testOutput(compare)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, alpha = 0.135,
                          locationCorrection = "none"),

test_that("argument ... works and is tested", {
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  teststat <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "hjsmurf", filter = testfilter)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, family = "gauss"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, intervalSystem = "all"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, neuv = "1"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, n = 215))
  expect_warning(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, sd = 1))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = rnorm(100)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, stat = teststat,
                      filter = lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), len = 10)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, stat = teststat,
                      filter = lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.2), len = 11)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = "s", options = list(load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 0, options = list(load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = c(100L, 200L),
                      options = list(load = list())))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100.5,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = "215"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = c(1L, 2L)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = as.integer(NA)))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = Inf))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = NULL))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, nq = 214L))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list())),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 215L))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300L))
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300.5),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100, output = "every",
                          options = list(load = list()), nq = 300L))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, options = "vector"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, options = list(a = "vector")))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      options = list(simulation = c("vector", "matrix"), save = list(), load = list())))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                      options = list(save = list(workspace = "vecto"))))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, messages = "s"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, messages = "s"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, messages = "s"))
  expect_identical(suppressMessages(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                           r = 100L, messages = 10L,
                                           options = list(load = list()), output = "every")),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  expect_identical(suppressMessages(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                           r = 100L, messages = 10.5,
                                           options = list(load = list()), output = "every")),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  testfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RDS")
  testvariable <- "test"
  testStepR <- new.env()

  testfilter1 <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), len = 8)
  teststat1 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "hjsmurf",
                                           filter = testfilter1)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter1, r = 100L, output = "every",
                              options = list(save = list(RDSfile = testfile, variable = testvariable,
                                                         workspace = c("vector", "vectorIncreased")),
                                             load = list(), envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, stat = teststat1, filter = testfilter1, output = "every",
                              options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(readRDS(testfile), teststat1)
  expect_identical(get("test", envir = testStepR), teststat1)
  remove(test, envir = testStepR)

  testfilter2 <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.2), len = 8)
  teststat2 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "hjsmurf",
                                           filter = testfilter2)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter2, r = 100L, output = "every",
                              options = list(envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR",
                                             save = list(fileSystem = "vector", workspace = "vector"))),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, stat = teststat2, filter = testfilter2, output = "every",
                              options = list(save = list())))

  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter1, r = 200L,
                              options = list(load = list(RDSfile = testfile), save = list(fileSystem = "vector"),
                                             envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "hjsmurf", data = testdata, stat = teststat1, filter = testfilter1,
                              options = list(save = list())))

  unlink(file.path(R.cache::getCacheRootPath(), "testStepR"), recursive = TRUE)

test_that("other families work", {
  testdata <- rnorm(100)
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1))
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- 1.44
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", filter = testfilter))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfLR"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfLR", data = testdata))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfLR", filter = testfilter))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfSPS"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfSPS", data = testdata))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfSPS", filter = testfilter))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfLR"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfLR", data = testdata))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfLR", filter = testfilter))
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "jsmurf", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = testq,
                            sd = testsd, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          sd = testsd, q = testq, locationCorrection = "none"),
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "jsmurfLR", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = testq,
                            sd = testsd, filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfLR", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          sd = testsd, q = testq, locationCorrection = "none"),
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "hjsmurfSPS", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = rep(10, 3),
                            filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfSPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          q = rep(10, 3), locationCorrection = "none"),
  compare <- stepR::stepFit(y = testdata, x = seq(along = testdata) / testfilter$sr, x0 = 0,
                            family = "hjsmurfLR", intervalSystem = "dyaLen", q = rep(10, 3),
                            filter = testfilter)
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfLR", data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                          q = rep(10, 3), locationCorrection = "none"),
  testdata <- c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, 5))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testsd <- 1
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurf")
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurfLR")
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "jsmurfLR", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurfLR", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurfLR")
  compare <- jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfLR", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                    locationCorrection = "none")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfLR", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, 
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = compare, data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))

  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "jsmurf")
  testsd <- 0.5
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq, sd = testsd,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  sd = testsd, locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  testq <- getCritVal(n = length(testdata), filter = testfilter, family = "hjsmurfSPS")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfSPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                          suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE),
                   deconvolveLocally(fit = jsmurf(family = "hjsmurfSPS", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, q = testq,
                                                  locationCorrection = "none"),
                                     data = testdata, filter = testfilter,
                                     suppressWarningNoDeconvolution = TRUE))
  testdata <- c(rnorm(108, 0), rnorm(5, 10), rnorm(5, 20), rnorm(5, 30), rnorm(100, 40))
  testfilter <- lowpassFilter(type = "bessel", param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), sr = 1, len = 8L,
                              shift = 0.5)
  testdata <- .convolve(testdata, testfilter)
  teststat <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "jsmurf", filter = testfilter)
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, family = "gauss"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, intervalSystem = "all"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, neuv = "1"))
  expect_error(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, stat = teststat, n = 215))
  expect_identical(suppressMessages(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                                           messages = 10L, options = list(load = list()), output = "every")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter, r = 100L,
                          options = list(load = list()), output = "every"))
  testfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RDS")
  testvariable <- "test"
  testStepR <- new.env()
  testfilter1 <- lowpassFilter(param = list(pole = 4L, cutoff = 0.1), len = 8)
  teststat1 <- stepR::monteCarloSimulation(n = 215, r = 100, family = "jsmurf",
                                           filter = testfilter1, output = "maximum")
  expect_identical(jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, filter = testfilter1, r = 100L, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list(RDSfile = testfile, variable = testvariable,
                                                     workspace = c("vector", "vectorIncreased")),
                                         load = list(), envir = testStepR, dirs = "testStepR")),
                   jsmurf(family = "jsmurf", data = testdata, stat = teststat1, filter = testfilter1, output = "every",
                          options = list(save = list())))
  expect_identical(readRDS(testfile), teststat1)
  expect_identical(get("test", envir = testStepR), teststat1)
  remove(test, envir = testStepR)

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clampSeg documentation built on Jan. 28, 2022, 1:06 a.m.