Man pages for climatol
Climate Tools (Series Homogenization and Derived Products)

climatol2rclimdexConvert DAILY data from 'climatol' to RClimDex input format
climatol-internalInternal 'climatol' functions
csv2climatolConvert data in a single CSV file to 'climatol' input format
dahgridInterpolation of normalized homogeneous data on a predefined...
dahstatExtract series or statistics of the homogenized data
daily2climatolConvert daily data files to 'climatol' input format
DatasetsData sets to run examples of the functions in the 'climatol'...
datrestoreRename homogen's output files
datsubsetSubset data by subperiod, code list or no. of years with data
db2datGet daily or monthly data from a database and build input...
dd2mCompute monthly data from daily (or subdaily) series
dens2DplotTwo dimensional density plot
diagwlWalter & Lieth climatic diagram
exampleFilesGet the path to some example files
fix.sunshineCheck homogenized daily sunshine hours and prune any excess
homogenAutomatic homogenization of climatological series
IDFcurvesObtain Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves
meteogramDaily meteogram of eight meteorological variables
MHisoplethsIsopleths on a months-hours diagram
outrenameRename homogen's output files
QCthresholdsObtain monthly thresholds for Quality Control alerts
rclimdex2climatolConvert RClimDex daily data files to 'climatol' input format
runtndRunning trends on time windows of different lengths
sef2climatolConvert SEF data files to 'climatol' input files.
windroseWind-rose plot
xls2csvJoin all data in *.xls or *.xlsx files into a single CSV file
climatol documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:07 a.m.