
Defines functions .eeChangeR .eeChange .getExtremeProbR .getExtremeProb

# Authors: Shirin Taheri (taheri.shi@gmail.com); Babak Naimi (naimi.b@gmail.com)
# Date :  Nov. 2020
# Last update :  July 2022
# Version 2.4
# Licence GPL v3

# for a single climate time series periods, available in time 1 (x1) and time 2 (x2),
# quantifies the probability of extreme value of variable over T1 (prob: quantile of ), in both T1 and T2:
.getExtremeProb <- function(x1,x2,prob) {
  .tail <- prob < 0.5
  q <- quantile(x1,prob=prob,na.rm=TRUE)
  m <- mean(x2,na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- app(x2,'sd',na.rm=TRUE)
  p2 <- app(c(q,m,s),function(x,...) {
    if (all(!is.na(x))) {
      pnorm(x[1],x[2],x[3],lower.tail = .tail)
    } else NA
  m <- mean(x1,na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- app(x1,'sd',na.rm=TRUE)
  p1 <- app(c(q,m,s),function(x,...) {
    if (all(!is.na(x))) {
      pnorm(x[1],x[2],x[3],lower.tail = .tail)
    } else NA
.getExtremeProbR <- function(x1,x2,prob) {
  .tail <- prob < 0.5
  q <- calc(x1,fun=quantile,prob=prob,na.rm=TRUE)
  m <- mean(x2,na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- calc(x2,fun=sd,na.rm=TRUE)
  p2 <- calc(stack(q,m,s),function(x,...) {
    if (all(!is.na(x))) {
      pnorm(x[1],x[2],x[3],lower.tail = .tail)
    } else NA
  m <- mean(x1,na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- calc(x1,fun=sd,na.rm=TRUE)
  p1 <- calc(stack(q,m,s),function(x,...) {
    if (all(!is.na(x))) {
      pnorm(x[1],x[2],x[3],lower.tail = .tail)
    } else NA

.eeChange <- function(x1,x2, extreme) {
  # x1 and x2 should be a list of climate variables correspond to time 1 and time 2
  # can be with length of 1 or 2 (one or two climate variables)
  o <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
    o[[i]] <- .getExtremeProb(x1[[i]],x2[[i]],prob = extreme[i])
  if (length(o) == 2) {
    p1 <- o[[1]][[1]] + o[[2]][[1]] - (o[[1]][[1]] * o[[2]][[1]]) 
    p2 <- o[[1]][[2]] + o[[2]][[2]] - (o[[1]][[2]] * o[[2]][[2]]) 
    p2 - p1
  } else {
    o[[1]][[2]] - o[[1]][[1]]

.eeChangeR <- function(x1,x2, extreme) {
  # x1 and x2 should be a list of climate variables correspond to time 1 and time 2
  # can be with length of 1 or 2 (one or two climate variables)
  o <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
    o[[i]] <- .getExtremeProbR(x1[[i]],x2[[i]],prob = extreme[i])
  if (length(o) == 2) {
    p1 <- o[[1]][[1]] + o[[2]][[1]] - (o[[1]][[1]] * o[[2]][[1]]) 
    p2 <- o[[1]][[2]] + o[[2]][[2]] - (o[[1]][[2]] * o[[2]][[2]]) 
    p2 - p1
  } else {
    o[[1]][[2]] - o[[1]][[1]]
# .eeChange <- function(xx, t1, t2, extreme) {
#   # local extreme event change
#   # extreme for temperature (>= 0.95), for precipitation ( <= (1-0.95)=0.05)
#   x1.t1 <- xx[[1]][[t1]]
#   x1.t2 <- xx[[1]][[t2]]
#   x2.t1 <- xx[[2]][[t1]]
#   x2.t2 <- xx[[2]][[t2]]
#   #------
#   .ext1 <- app(x1.t1@raster,function(x) quantile(x,extreme[1],na.rm=TRUE))
#   .pt <- app(c(x1.t2@raster,.ext1),function(x,...) {
#     x <- x[!is.na(x)]
#     l <- length(x)
#     if (l > 4) {
#       .ex <- x[l]
#       x <- x[1:c(l-1)]
#       1 - (length(which(x >= .ex)) / length(x))
#     } else NA
#   })
#   #--------
#   .ext2 <- app(x2.t1@raster,function(x) quantile(x,extreme[2],na.rm=TRUE))
#   .pp <- app(c(x2.t2@raster,.ext2),function(x,...) {
#     x <- x[!is.na(x)]
#     l <- length(x)
#     if (l > 5) {
#       .ex <- x[l]
#       x <- x[1:c(l-1)]
#       length(which(x <= .ex)) / length(x)
#     } else NA
#   })
#   extreme[1] - ((.pt + .pp) - (.pt * .pp))
# }

# .eeChangeR <- function(xx, t1, t2, extreme) {
#   # local extreme event change
#   # extreme for temperature (>= 0.95), for precipitation ( <= (1-0.95)=0.05)
#   x1.t1 <- xx[[1]][[t1]]
#   x1.t2 <- xx[[1]][[t2]]
#   x2.t1 <- xx[[2]][[t1]]
#   x2.t2 <- xx[[2]][[t2]]
#   #------
#   .ext1 <- app(x1.t1@raster,function(x) quantile(x,extreme[1],na.rm=TRUE))
#   .pt <- app(c(x1.t2@raster,.ext1),function(x,...) {
#     x <- x[!is.na(x)]
#     l <- length(x)
#     if (l > 5) {
#       .ex <- x[l]
#       x <- x[1:c(l-1)]
#       1 - (length(which(x >= .ex)) / length(x))
#     } else NA
#   })
#   #--------
#   .ext2 <- app(x2.t1,function(x) quantile(x,extreme[2],na.rm=TRUE))
#   .pp <- app(c(x2.t2,.ext2),function(x,...) {
#     x <- x[!is.na(x)]
#     l <- length(x)
#     if (l > 5) {
#       .ex <- x[l]
#       x <- x[1:c(l-1)]
#       length(which(x <= .ex)) / length(x)
#     } else NA
#   })
#   extreme[1] - ((.pt + .pp) - (.pt * .pp))
# }

if (!isGeneric("localExtreme")) {
  setGeneric("localExtreme", function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme)

setMethod('localExtreme', signature(x1='SpatRasterTS'),
          function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme) {
            if (missing(t1) || missing(t2)) stop("t1 and t2 (layers' indicators corresponding to time1 and time2) are not provided!")
            if (missing(x2) || is.null(x2)) xx <- list(x1)
            else xx <- list(x1,x2)
            if (missing(extreme)) stop('"extreme" is needed...!')
            if (length(xx) > 2) {
              xx <- xx[1:2]
              warning('localExtreme metric can be calculated using either one or two climate variables... only the first two variables are used!')
            if (length(extreme) > length(xx)) {
              warning(paste0('number of extreme probabilities (',length(extreme),') should be equal to the number of climate parameters (',length(xx),'); Only the first ',length(xx),' values from extreme is used!'))
              extreme <- extreme[1:length(xx)]
            if (length(extreme) < length(xx)) stop('extreme probabilities should be provided for both climate parameters')
            if (any(extreme > 1 | extreme < 0)) stop('extreme is a probability value that should be within the range of 0 and 1')  
            x1 <- x2 <- list()
            for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
              x1[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t1]]@raster
              x2[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t2]]@raster

setMethod('localExtreme', signature(x1='SpatRaster'),
          function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme) {
            if (missing(t1) || missing(t2)) stop("t1 and t2 (layers' indicators corresponding to time1 and time2) are not provided!")
            if (!is.numeric(t1) || !is.numeric(t2)) stop("t1 and t2 (layers' indicators corresponding to time1 and time2) should be a numeric vector")
            if (missing(x2) || is.null(x2)) xx <- list(x1)
            else xx <- list(x1,x2)
            if (missing(extreme)) stop('"extreme" is needed...!')
            if (length(xx) > 2) {
              xx <- xx[1:2]
              warning('localExtreme metric can be calculated using either one or two climate variables... only the first two variables are used!')
            if (length(extreme) > length(xx)) {
              warning(paste0('number of extreme probabilities (',length(extreme),') should be equal to the number of climate parameters (',length(xx),'); Only the first ',length(xx),' values from extreme is used!'))
              extreme <- extreme[1:length(xx)]
            if (length(extreme) < length(xx)) stop('extreme probabilities should be provided for both climate parameters')
            if (any(extreme > 1 | extreme < 0)) stop('extreme is a probability value that should be within the range of 0 and 1')  
            x1 <- x2 <- list()
            for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
              x1[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t1]]
              x2[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t2]]

setMethod('localExtreme', signature(x1='RasterStackBrickTS'),
          function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme) {
            if (missing(t1) || missing(t2)) stop("t1 and t2 (layers' indicators corresponding to time1 and time2) are not provided!")
            if (missing(x2) || is.null(x2)) xx <- list(x1)
            else xx <- list(x1,x2)
            if (missing(extreme)) stop('"extreme" is needed...!')
            if (length(xx) > 2) {
              xx <- xx[1:2]
              warning('localExtreme metric can be calculated using either one or two climate variables... only the first two variables are used!')
            if (length(extreme) > length(xx)) {
              warning(paste0('number of extreme probabilities (',length(extreme),') should be equal to the number of climate parameters (',length(xx),'); Only the first ',length(xx),' values from extreme is used!'))
              extreme <- extreme[1:length(xx)]
            if (length(extreme) < length(xx)) stop('extreme probabilities should be provided for both climate parameters')
            if (any(extreme > 1 | extreme < 0)) stop('extreme is a probability value that should be within the range of 0 and 1')  
            if (.require('terra')) {
              for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
                xx[[i]] <- rts(rast(xx[[i]]@raster),index(xx[[i]]@time))
              x1 <- x2 <- list()
              for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
                x1[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t1]]@raster
                x2[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t2]]@raster
            } else {
              x1 <- x2 <- list()
              for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
                x1[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t1]]@raster
                x2[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t2]]@raster

setMethod('localExtreme', signature(x1='RasterStackBrick'),
          function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme) {
            if (missing(t1) || missing(t2)) stop("t1 and t2 (layers' indicators corresponding to time1 and time2) are not provided!")
            if (!is.numeric(t1) || !is.numeric(t2)) stop("t1 and t2 (layers' indicators corresponding to time1 and time2) should be a numeric vector")
            if (missing(x2) || is.null(x2)) xx <- list(x1)
            else xx <- list(x1,x2)
            if (missing(extreme)) stop('"extreme" is needed...!')
            if (length(xx) > 2) {
              xx <- xx[1:2]
              warning('localExtreme metric can be calculated using either one or two climate variables... only the first two variables are used!')
            if (length(extreme) > length(xx)) {
              warning(paste0('number of extreme probabilities (',length(extreme),') should be equal to the number of climate parameters (',length(xx),'); Only the first ',length(xx),' values from extreme is used!'))
              extreme <- extreme[1:length(xx)]
            if (length(extreme) < length(xx)) stop('extreme probabilities should be provided for both climate parameters')
            if (any(extreme > 1 | extreme < 0)) stop('extreme is a probability value that should be within the range of 0 and 1')  
            if (.require('terra')) {
              for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
                xx[[i]] <- rast(xx[[i]])
              x1 <- x2 <- list()
              for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
                x1[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t1]]
                x2[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t2]]
            } else {
              x1 <- x2 <- list()
              for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
                x1[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t1]]
                x2[[i]] <- xx[[i]][[t2]]

setMethod('localExtreme', signature(x1='list',x2='list'),
          function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme) {
            cls <- unique(c(sapply(x1,function(x) class(x)),sapply(x2,function(x) class(x))))
            if (length(cls) > 1) stop('The classes of objects in the input lists (x1 and x2) are not the same!')
            if (length(x1) != length(x2)) stop('x1 and x2 should have the same length (should be a list with either one or two time series of climate variables)!')
            if (length(x1) > 4)  stop('x1 and x2 should be a list with either one or two time series of climate variables!')
            if (length(x1) > 2) {
              x1 <- x1[1:2]
              x2 <- x2[1:2]
              warning('localExtreme metric can be calculated using either one or two climate variables... only the first two time series variables in the list are used!')
            if (missing(extreme)) stop('"extreme" is needed...!')
            if (length(extreme) > length(x1)) {
              warning(paste0('number of extreme probabilities (',length(extreme),') should be equal to the number of climate parameters (',length(x1),'); Only the first ',length(x1),' values from extreme is used!'))
              extreme <- extreme[1:length(x1)]
            if (length(extreme) < length(x1)) stop('extreme probabilities should be provided for both climate parameters')
            if (any(extreme > 1 | extreme < 0)) stop('extreme is a probability value that should be within the range of 0 and 1')  
            if (cls == 'SpatRasterTS') {
              for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                x1[[i]] <- x1[[i]]@raster
                x2[[i]] <- x2[[i]]@raster
            } else if (cls == 'SpatRaster') {
            } else if (cls == 'RasterStackBrickTS') {
              if (.require('terra')) {
                for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                  x1[[i]] <- rast(x1[[i]]@raster)
                  x2[[i]] <- rast(x2[[i]]@raster)
              } else {
                for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                  x1[[i]] <- x1[[i]]@raster
                  x2[[i]] <- x2[[i]]@raster
            } else if (cls == 'RasterStackBrick') {
              if (.require('terra')) {
                for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                  x1[[i]] <- rast(x1[[i]])
                  x2[[i]] <- rast(x2[[i]])
              } else {
setMethod('localExtreme', signature(x1='missing',x2='missing',t1='list',t2='list'),
          function(x1,x2,t1,t2,extreme) {
            cls <- unique(c(sapply(t1,function(x) class(x)),sapply(t2,function(x) class(x))))
            if (length(cls) > 1) stop('The classes of objects in the input lists (t1 and t2) are not the same!')
            if (length(t1) != length(t2)) stop('t1 and t2 should have the same length (should be a list with either one or two time series of climate variables)!')
            if (length(t1) > 4)  stop('x1 and x2 should be a list with either one or two time series of climate variables!')
            if (length(t1) > 2) {
              t1 <- t1[[1:2]]
              t2 <- t2[[1:2]]
              warning('localExtreme metric can be calculated using either one or two climate variables... only the first two time series variables in the list are used!')
            x1 <- t1
            x2 <- t2
            if (missing(extreme)) stop('"extreme" is needed...!')
            if (length(extreme) > length(x1)) {
              warning(paste0('number of extreme probabilities (',length(extreme),') should be equal to the number of climate parameters (',length(x1),'); Only the first ',length(x1),' values from extreme is used!'))
              extreme <- extreme[1:length(x1)]
            if (length(extreme) < length(x1)) stop('extreme probabilities should be provided for both climate parameters')
            if (any(extreme > 1 | extreme < 0)) stop('extreme is a probability value that should be within the range of 0 and 1')  
            if (cls == 'SpatRasterTS') {
              for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                x1[[i]] <- x1[[i]]@raster
                x2[[i]] <- x2[[i]]@raster
            } else if (cls == 'SpatRaster') {
            } else if (cls == 'RasterStackBrickTS') {
              if (.require('terra')) {
                for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                  x1[[i]] <- rast(x1[[i]]@raster)
                  x2[[i]] <- rast(x2[[i]]@raster)
              } else {
                for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                  x1[[i]] <- x1[[i]]@raster
                  x2[[i]] <- x2[[i]]@raster
            } else if (cls == 'RasterStackBrick') {
              if (.require('terra')) {
                for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
                  x1[[i]] <- rast(x1[[i]])
                  x2[[i]] <- rast(x2[[i]])
              } else {

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