Man pages for clinDR
Simulation and Analysis Tools for Clinical Dose Response Modeling

bpchkMonoEmaxBayes posterior predictive test for Emax (monotone) model fit
BrextractExtract a simulation from the output of emaxsim
BrextractBExtract a simulation from the output of emaxsimB
checkMonoEmaxBayes posterior predictive test for Emax (monotone) model fit
clinDR-packageBayesian and maximum likelihood Emax model fitting, graphics...
coefExtract Emax model parameter estimates
compileStanModelsCompile 'rstan' Emax models after package 'clinDR' is...
DRDensityPlotPlot Bayes or confidence interval density contours over a...
emaxaltFit 4- or 3-parameter Emax model substituting simpler curves...
emaxfunVectorized versions of the hyperbolic and sigmoidal Emax...
emaxPrior.controlSet the parameters of the prior distribution for the Emax...
emaxsimSimulate Emax maximum likelihood estimation
emaxsimBSimulate Emax Bayesian estimation
emaxsolveSolve Emax function for target value
fitEmaxML fit of hyperbolic or sigmoidal Emax models to...
fitEmaxBBayesian fit of hyperbolic or sigmoidal Emax models to...
FixedMeanFixed means (proportions) random data constructor for emaxsim...
mcmc.controlSettings for 'restan' execution in function 'fitEmaxB'
metaDataDose response data from several published meta-analyses
nllogisThe negative log likelihood function for a 3- or 4- parameter...
plotBPlot Bayes dose response curve and dose group means
plotBdensityDensity plot displaying Bayes prior or posterior dose...
plotDBasic plot of dose group means
plot.emaxsimPlot the output of emaxsim
plot.emaxsimBPlot the output of emaxsimB
plot.emaxsimBobjPlot dose response from a data set generated by emaxsimB
plot.emaxsimobjPlot dose response from a data set generated by emaxsim
plot.fitEmaxPlot a Emax model and dose group means.
plot.fitEmaxBPlot a Emax model and dose group means.
plot.plotBPlot Bayes dose response curve and dose group means
predict.emaxaltMean response and SE for specified doses for a simulated...
predict.emaxsimMean response and SE for specified doses for each replicate...
predict.emaxsimBMean response and SE for each replicate data set in an...
predict.emaxsimBobjMean response estimates (posterior means) and SE (posterior...
predict.emaxsimobjMean response and SE for specified doses for a simulated...
predict.fitEmaxEstimated mean/proportion and confidence intervals derived...
predict.fitEmaxBEstimated mean and posterior intervals derived from a...
print.emaxPriorPrint protocol or sap text describing the prior distribution...
print.emaxsimPrint simulation output from emaxsim
print.emaxsimBPrint simulation output from emaxsimB
print.emaxsimBobjPrint a summary of the fitted Emax model
print.emaxsimobjPrint a data set generated by emaxsim
print.fitEmaxPrint a summary of the fitted Emax model
print.fitEmaxBPrint a summary of the fitted Bayesian Emax model
prior.controlSet the parameters of the prior distribution for the Emax...
RandEmaxRandom data constructor function for emaxsim creating random...
randomEmaxRandom data constructor function for emaxsim(B) creating...
runSimulationsShiny app for function 'emaxsim(B)'
SeEmaxAsymptotic SE for dose response estimates from a 3- or 4-...
selEstanSelect a pre-compiled 'rstan' Emax model
showStanModelsDisplay 'STAN' model code.
sigmaExtract Emax model residual SD estimates
startEmaxCompute starting parameter values for the 3- or 4- Emax...
summary.emaxsimSummary of output of emaxsim
summary.emaxsimBSummary of output of emaxsimB
summary.emaxsimBobjSummarize Emax fit to a data set generated by emaxsimB
summary.emaxsimobjSummarize Emax fit to a data set generated by emaxsim
summary.fitEmaxPrint a summary of the fitted Emax model
summary.fitEmaxBPrint a summary of the fitted Bayesian Emax model
targetBetaFind a scaled Beta distribution matching specified...
targetCICompute the dose with confidence interval exceeding a target...
targetDCompute the MLE (and its SE) of the dose achieving a...
update.emaxsimobjUpdate estimation in a data set generated by emaxsim
vcovExtract Emax model variance-covariance matrix for ML...
clinDR documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 9:08 a.m.