    echo = FALSE, 
    warning = FALSE, error = FALSE, message = FALSE, 
    results = "asis"

    message = function(x, options) {
        paste('\n\n<div class="alert alert-info">',
            gsub('##', '\n', x),
            '</div>', sep = '\n')

# print warnings where they occur (warn = 0 by default)
options(warn = 1)
if(!exists("createPatientProfiles"))    createPatientProfiles <- TRUE
library(ggplot2) # in case 'timeTrans'/'timeExpand' is specified

if(!exists("reportTitleLevel")) reportTitleLevel <- 1

# Create a header at the wanted depth
cat(getMdHeader(title = reportTitle, level = reportTitleLevel))
# Load data
pathFiles <- list.files(path = pathDataFolder, pattern = "*.(sas7bdat|xpt)$", full.names = TRUE)

if(length(pathFiles) == 0)
    stop(paste0("No data is available in:", params$dataPath, "."))

dataAll <- clinUtils::loadDataADaMSDTM(files = pathFiles)
labelVarsAll <- attr(dataAll, "labelVars")

message(paste0("Data is available for the datasets: ", toString(names(dataAll)), "."))
    # Extract correct dataset from file name in input parameters ('[X]DataFileName' -> '[X]Data') 
    getDataForParams <- function(params){

        paramsDataFileName <- grep("(D|d)ataFileName$", names(params), value = TRUE)
        if(length(paramsDataFileName) > 0){

            # extract data name
            paramsData <- sub("FileName$", "", paramsDataFileName)

            # extract data
            params[paramsData] <- lapply(paramsDataFileName, function(fileName){
                fileName <- params[[fileName]]
                dataName <- toupper(tools::file_path_sans_ext(fileName))

            # remove parameters specifying file name(s)
            params <- params[setdiff(names(params), paramsDataFileName)]    



    patientProfilesGeneralParams <- getDataForParams(patientProfilesGeneralParams)

    # extract subset of subjects (if specified)
    # (this ensures the same subset is used across modules)

        # extract parameters related to filtering
        filterParams <- setdiff(formalArgs(patientProfilesVis::filterData), "data")
        filterParamsSpec <- intersect(filterParams, names(patientProfilesGeneralParams))

        # run the filtering
        filterArgs <- patientProfilesGeneralParams[filterParamsSpec]
        names(filterArgs)[which(names(filterArgs) == "subsetData")] <- "data"
        subsetData <-, filterArgs)

        # save selected subjects in the 'subjectSubset' param (and remove all filtering-related params)
        patientProfilesGeneralParams <- patientProfilesGeneralParams[setdiff(names(patientProfilesGeneralParams), filterParamsSpec)]
        patientProfilesGeneralParams[["subjectSubset"]] <- unique(subsetData[, "USUBJID"])

    patientProfilesPlots <- list()

    for(iParams in seq_along(patientProfilesParams)){

        paramsPlotI <- patientProfilesParams[[iParams]]

        ## plot-specific params
        label <- paramsPlotI[["plotParams"]][["label"]]
        if(is.null(label))  label <- paste("module", iParams)

        ## data

        # extract specified data
        paramsPlotI <- getDataForParams(paramsPlotI)
        dataI <- paramsPlotI[["data"]]
        labelVars <- labelVarsAll
            warning("Patient profiles:", label, "not created, because", 
                dataFileName, "is not specified or available.")

        # extra data-processing
        dataProcessing <- paramsPlotI[["dataProcessing"]]

            dataI <- processData(
                data = dataI, 
                dataPath = pathDataFolder,
                processing = dataProcessing,
                verbose = TRUE,
                labelVars = labelVars
            # Labels updated with extra annotation:
            labelVars <- attr(dataI, "labelVars")


        ## extract type of plot
        typePlot <- paramsPlotI[["typePlot"]]
        plotFctName <- paste0("subjectProfile", clinUtils::simpleCap(typePlot), "Plot")
        getFctRes <- try(
            plotFct <-`::`, list(pkg = "patientProfilesVis", name = plotFctName)),
            silent = TRUE
        if(inherits(getFctRes, "try-error")){
            warning("Patient profiles:", label, "not created, because", 
                "'typePlot' is not specified or available in the 'patientProfilesVis' package.")

        ## extract plotting parameters
        plotParams <- c(
            list(data = dataI, labelVars = labelVars), 
            if(exists("patientProfilesGeneralParams"))  patientProfilesGeneralParams

        # Extra formatting for parameters:

        # ... passed as R code:

        # this code is retained for back-compatibility
        # new approach is to tag a parameter as 'r-lazy'
        for(param in c("timeTrans", "timeExpand")){
            if(!is.null(plotParams[[param]]) & 
                !inherits(plotParams[[param]], "r-lazy") & 
                plotParams[[param]] <- eval(parse(text = plotParams[[param]]))
        # ... named character vector (imported as a list):
        for(palette in c("colorPalette", "shapePalette")){
            if(!is.null(plotParams[[palette]]) & 
                !inherits(plotParams[[palette]], "r-lazy")){
                # old specification of palette, advice is to specify palette via '!r ...'
                    res <- try(paletteEval <- eval(parse(text = plotParams[[palette]])), silent = TRUE)
                    if(!inherits(res, "try-error"))
                        plotParams[[palette]] <- paletteEval
                    plotParams[[palette]] <- unlist(plotParams[[palette]])
        # if only one variable for reference range is available (e.g. ECG)
        rangeVars <- plotParams[["paramValueRangeVar"]]
            idxRangeVarMissing <- which(!rangeVars %in% colnames(plotParams[["data"]]))
            if(length(idxRangeVarMissing) > 0)
                plotParams[["data"]][rangeVars[idxRangeVarMissing]] <- lapply(idxRangeVarMissing,
                    function(i) c(-Inf, +Inf)[i]

        # parse parameters tagged as: '!r-lazy'
        plotParams <- forceParams(plotParams)

        ## create patient profiles for specified module
        listPlotsI <-, plotParams)
        message(paste("Subject profiles for", label, "created for", length(listPlotsI), "subject(s)."))

        ## save plots
        patientProfilesPlots <- c(patientProfilesPlots, setNames(list(listPlotsI), label))

        ## free memory
        rm(list = c("dataI", "plotParams", "listPlotsI"));tmp <- gc(verbose = FALSE) 

    stop("Some patient profiles of interest should be specified.")

    cReportParams <- getDataForParams(patientProfilesCreateReportParams)
}else   cReportParams <- list()

cReportParams[["listPlots"]] <- patientProfilesPlots
cReportParams[["reportPerSubject"]] <- TRUE
cReportParams[["outputFile"]] <- file.path(patientProfilePath, "subjectProfile.pdf")
cReportParams[["verbose"]] <- TRUE

pathsPatientProfiles <-, cReportParams)

The different data collected for each subject in this study are summarized in a subject specific profile report.

In the Medical Oversight and Monitoring Report, this report can displayed by:

    cat("The table below summarizes the subject of interests for the study,",
        "with their associated subject profile.\n")

    tableParams <- getDataForParams(tableParams)

    dataTable <- tableParams[["data"]]
        stop("'data' should be specified for 'tableParams'.")
    labelVarsTable <- labelVarsAll

    # Data processing 
        dataTable <- processData(
            data = dataTable, 
            dataPath = pathDataFolder,
            processing = tableParams$dataProcessing,
            verbose = TRUE,
            labelVars = labelVarsTable
        # Labels updated with extra annotation:
        labelVarsTable <- attr(dataTable, "labelVars")

    # Create URL to subject profiles
    dataTable <- createPatientProfileVar(
        data = dataTable, 
        patientProfilePath = patientProfilePath,
        checkExist = FALSE

    # Create the table
        data = dataTable,
        tableVars = tableParams$vars,
        pathVar = "patientProfilePath", pathExpand = FALSE,
        labelVars = labelVarsTable

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clinDataReview documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:13 p.m.