getFctTypeReferenceLines: Get the names of the 'ggplot' function to use for the...

View source: R/plots-utility-referenceLines.R

getFctTypeReferenceLinesR Documentation

Get the names of the ggplot function to use for the reference lines


Get the names of the ggplot function to use for the reference lines





(optional) Nested list, with parameters for each reference line(s). Each sublist (a.k.a reference line) contains:

  • aesthetic value(s) or variable(s) for the lines (in this case column names of data) for reference lines. The line position is controlled by the aesthetics supported in geom_vline, geom_hline and geom_abline.

  • 'label': (optional) Logical specifying if the line should be annotated (FALSE to not annotate the line) or string with annotation label. By default, the value of the position of the horizontal/vertical line or the equation of the diagonal line is displayed.


List of type of each reference lines, among: 'vline', 'hline' and 'abline'.


Laure Cougnaud

clinDataReview documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:03 a.m.