
Defines functions clock_init_year_month_day_utils year_month_day_maximum year_month_day_minimum clock_maximum.clock_year_month_day clock_minimum.clock_year_month_day seq.clock_year_month_day calendar_count_between_proxy_compare.clock_year_month_day calendar_count_between_compute.clock_year_month_day calendar_count_between_standardize_precision_n.clock_year_month_ calendar_count_between.clock_year_month_day calendar_end.clock_year_month_day calendar_start.clock_year_month_day calendar_widen.clock_year_month_day calendar_narrow.clock_year_month_day calendar_group.clock_year_month_day calendar_month_factor.clock_year_month_day calendar_leap_year.clock_year_month_day as.character.clock_year_month_day as_naive_time.clock_year_month_day as_sys_time.clock_year_month_day as_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day as_year_month_day.default as_year_month_day year_month_day_plus_duration add_months.clock_year_month_day add_quarters.clock_year_month_day add_years.clock_year_month_day year_month_day_minus_year_month_day vec_arith.numeric.clock_year_month_day vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.numeric vec_arith.clock_duration.clock_year_month_day vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.clock_duration vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.MISSING vec_arith.clock_year_month_day year_month_day_component_to_field year_month_day_component_to_precision calendar_name.clock_year_month_day set_field_year_month_day_last set_field_year_month_day set_nanosecond.clock_year_month_day set_microsecond.clock_year_month_day set_millisecond.clock_year_month_day set_second.clock_year_month_day set_minute.clock_year_month_day set_hour.clock_year_month_day set_day.clock_year_month_day set_month.clock_year_month_day set_year.clock_year_month_day get_nanosecond.clock_year_month_day get_microsecond.clock_year_month_day get_millisecond.clock_year_month_day get_second.clock_year_month_day get_minute.clock_year_month_day get_hour.clock_year_month_day get_day.clock_year_month_day get_month.clock_year_month_day get_year.clock_year_month_day invalid_resolve.clock_year_month_day invalid_count.clock_year_month_day invalid_any.clock_year_month_day invalid_detect.clock_year_month_day year_month_day_precision_names year_month_day_check_precision year_month_day_is_precision calendar_is_precision.clock_year_month_day vec_cast.clock_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day vec_ptype2.clock_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day vec_ptype.clock_year_month_day is_year_month_day year_month_day_format year_month_day_parse vec_ptype_abbr.clock_year_month_day vec_ptype_full.clock_year_month_day format.clock_year_month_day vec_restore.clock_year_month_day vec_proxy.clock_year_month_day year_month_day

Documented in add_months.clock_year_month_day add_quarters.clock_year_month_day add_years.clock_year_month_day as_year_month_day calendar_count_between.clock_year_month_day calendar_end.clock_year_month_day calendar_group.clock_year_month_day calendar_narrow.clock_year_month_day calendar_start.clock_year_month_day calendar_widen.clock_year_month_day get_day.clock_year_month_day get_hour.clock_year_month_day get_microsecond.clock_year_month_day get_millisecond.clock_year_month_day get_minute.clock_year_month_day get_month.clock_year_month_day get_nanosecond.clock_year_month_day get_second.clock_year_month_day get_year.clock_year_month_day is_year_month_day seq.clock_year_month_day set_day.clock_year_month_day set_hour.clock_year_month_day set_microsecond.clock_year_month_day set_millisecond.clock_year_month_day set_minute.clock_year_month_day set_month.clock_year_month_day set_nanosecond.clock_year_month_day set_second.clock_year_month_day set_year.clock_year_month_day vec_arith.clock_year_month_day year_month_day year_month_day_parse

#' Calendar: year-month-day
#' `year_month_day()` constructs the most common calendar type using the
#' Gregorian year, month, day, and time of day components.
#' @details
#' Fields are recycled against each other using
#' [tidyverse recycling rules][vctrs::vector_recycling_rules].
#' Fields are collected in order until the first `NULL` field is located. No
#' fields after the first `NULL` field are used.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param year `[integer]`
#'   The year. Values `[-32767, 32767]` are generally allowed.
#' @param month `[integer / NULL]`
#'   The month. Values `[1, 12]` are allowed.
#' @param day `[integer / "last" / NULL]`
#'   The day of the month. Values `[1, 31]` are allowed.
#'   If `"last"`, then the last day of the month is returned.
#' @param hour `[integer / NULL]`
#'   The hour. Values `[0, 23]` are allowed.
#' @param minute `[integer / NULL]`
#'   The minute. Values `[0, 59]` are allowed.
#' @param second `[integer / NULL]`
#'   The second. Values `[0, 59]` are allowed.
#' @param subsecond `[integer / NULL]`
#'   The subsecond. If specified, `subsecond_precision` must also be specified
#'   to determine how to interpret the `subsecond`.
#'   If using milliseconds, values `[0, 999]` are allowed.
#'   If using microseconds, values `[0, 999999]` are allowed.
#'   If using nanoseconds, values `[0, 999999999]` are allowed.
#' @param subsecond_precision `[character(1) / NULL]`
#'   The precision to interpret `subsecond` as. One of: `"millisecond"`,
#'   `"microsecond"`, or `"nanosecond"`.
#' @return A year-month-day calendar vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Just the year
#' x <- year_month_day(2019:2025)
#' # Year-month type
#' year_month_day(2020, 1:12)
#' # The most common use case involves year, month, and day fields
#' x <- year_month_day(2020, clock_months$january, 1:5)
#' x
#' # Precision can go all the way out to nanosecond
#' year_month_day(2019, 1, 2, 2, 40, 45, 200, subsecond_precision = "nanosecond")
year_month_day <- function(year,
                           month = NULL,
                           day = NULL,
                           hour = NULL,
                           minute = NULL,
                           second = NULL,
                           subsecond = NULL,
                           subsecond_precision = NULL) {

  # Stop on the first `NULL` argument
  if (is_null(month)) {
    precision <- PRECISION_YEAR
    fields <- list(year = year)
  } else if (is_null(day)) {
    precision <- PRECISION_MONTH
    fields <- list(year = year, month = month)
  } else if (is_null(hour)) {
    precision <- PRECISION_DAY
    fields <- list(year = year, month = month, day = day)
  } else if (is_null(minute)) {
    precision <- PRECISION_HOUR
    fields <- list(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour)
  } else if (is_null(second)) {
    precision <- PRECISION_MINUTE
    fields <- list(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute)
  } else if (is_null(subsecond)) {
    precision <- PRECISION_SECOND
    fields <- list(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second)
  } else {
    precision <- precision_to_integer(subsecond_precision)
    fields <- list(year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, minute = minute, second = second, subsecond = subsecond)

  if (is_last(fields$day)) {
    fields$day <- 1L
    last <- TRUE
  } else {
    last <- FALSE

  fields <- vec_cast_common(!!!fields, .to = integer())

  if (precision >= PRECISION_YEAR) {
    check_between_year(fields$year, arg = "year")
  if (precision >= PRECISION_MONTH) {
    check_between_month(fields$month, arg = "month")
  if (precision >= PRECISION_DAY) {
    check_between_day_of_month(fields$day, arg = "day")
  if (precision >= PRECISION_HOUR) {
    check_between_hour(fields$hour, arg = "hour")
  if (precision >= PRECISION_MINUTE) {
    check_between_minute(fields$minute, arg = "minute")
  if (precision >= PRECISION_SECOND) {
    check_between_second(fields$second, arg = "second")
  if (precision > PRECISION_SECOND) {
    check_between_subsecond(fields$subsecond, precision, arg = "subsecond")

  fields <- vec_recycle_common(!!!fields)
  fields <- df_list_propagate_missing(fields)

  names <- NULL
  out <- new_year_month_day_from_fields(fields, precision, names)

  if (last) {
    out <- set_day(out, "last")


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
vec_proxy.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {
  .Call(`_clock_clock_rcrd_proxy`, x)

#' @export
vec_restore.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, to, ...) {
  .Call(`_clock_year_month_day_restore`, x, to)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
format.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- format_year_month_day_cpp(x, calendar_precision_attribute(x))
  names(out) <- names(x)

#' @export
vec_ptype_full.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {
  calendar_ptype_full(x, "year_month_day")

#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {
  calendar_ptype_abbr(x, "ymd")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Parsing: year-month-day
#' @description
#' `year_month_day_parse()` parses strings into a year-month-day.
#' The default options assume `x` should be parsed at day precision, using a
#' `format` string of `"%Y-%m-%d"`.
#' If a more precise precision than day is used, then time components will also
#' be parsed. The default format separates date and time components by a `"T"`
#' and the time components by a `":"`. For example, setting the precision to
#' `"second"` will use a default format of `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"`. This is
#' aligned with the [format()] method for year-month-day, and with the RFC 3339
#' standard.
#' @details
#' `year_month_day_parse()` completely ignores the `%z` and `%Z` commands.
#' @inheritSection zoned-parsing Full Precision Parsing
#' @inheritParams zoned-parsing
#' @param x `[character]`
#'   A character vector to parse.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   A precision for the resulting year-month-day. One of:
#'   - `"year"`
#'   - `"month"`
#'   - `"day"`
#'   - `"hour"`
#'   - `"minute"`
#'   - `"second"`
#'   - `"millisecond"`
#'   - `"microsecond"`
#'   - `"nanosecond"`
#'   Setting the `precision` determines how much information `%S` attempts
#'   to parse.
#' @param locale `[clock_locale]`
#'   A locale object created by [clock_locale()].
#' @return A year-month-day calendar vector. If a parsing fails, `NA` is
#'   returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- "2019-01-01"
#' # Default parses at day precision
#' year_month_day_parse(x)
#' # Can parse at less precise precisions too
#' year_month_day_parse(x, precision = "month")
#' year_month_day_parse(x, precision = "year")
#' # Even invalid dates can be round-tripped through format<->parse calls
#' invalid <- year_month_day(2019, 2, 30)
#' year_month_day_parse(format(invalid))
#' # Can parse with time of day
#' year_month_day_parse(
#'   "2019-01-30T02:30:00.123456789",
#'   precision = "nanosecond"
#' )
#' # Can parse using multiple format strings, which will be tried
#' # in the order they are provided
#' x <- c("2019-01-01", "2020-01-01", "2021/2/3")
#' formats <- c("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d")
#' year_month_day_parse(x, format = formats)
#' # Can parse using other format tokens as well
#' year_month_day_parse(
#'   "January, 2019",
#'   format = "%B, %Y",
#'   precision = "month"
#' )
#' # Parsing a French year-month-day
#' year_month_day_parse(
#'   "octobre 1, 2000",
#'   format = "%B %d, %Y",
#'   locale = clock_locale("fr")
#' )
year_month_day_parse <- function(x,
                                 format = NULL,
                                 precision = "day",
                                 locale = clock_locale()) {

  if (!is_character(x)) {
    abort("`x` must be a character vector.")

  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  if (is_null(format)) {
    format <- year_month_day_format(precision)


  labels <- locale$labels
  mark <- locale$decimal_mark

  fields <- year_month_day_parse_cpp(

  new_year_month_day_from_fields(fields, precision, names(x))

year_month_day_format <- function(precision) {
  precision <- precision_to_string(precision)

    year = "%Y",
    month = "%Y-%m",
    day = "%Y-%m-%d",
    hour = "%Y-%m-%dT%H",
    minute = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M",
    second = ,
    millisecond = ,
    microsecond = ,
    nanosecond = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",
    abort("Internal error: Unknown precision.")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Is `x` a year-month-day?
#' Check if `x` is a year-month-day.
#' @param x `[object]`
#'   An object.
#' @return Returns `TRUE` if `x` inherits from `"clock_year_month_day"`,
#'   otherwise returns `FALSE`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_year_month_day(year_month_day(2019))
is_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "clock_year_month_day")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
vec_ptype.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {
    calendar_precision_attribute(x) + 1L,
    abort("Internal error: Invalid precision"),
    abort("Internal error: Invalid precision"),
    abort("Internal error: Invalid precision.")

#' @export
vec_ptype2.clock_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, y, ...) {
  ptype2_calendar_and_calendar(x, y, ...)

#' @export
vec_cast.clock_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, to, ...) {
  cast_calendar_to_calendar(x, to, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
calendar_is_precision.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, precision) {

year_month_day_is_precision <- function(precision) {
  if (precision == PRECISION_YEAR || precision == PRECISION_MONTH) {
  } else if (precision >= PRECISION_DAY && precision <= PRECISION_NANOSECOND) {
  } else {

year_month_day_check_precision <- function(x,
                                           arg = caller_arg(x),
                                           call = caller_env()) {
    x = x,
    values = year_month_day_precision_names(),
    arg = arg,
    call = call

year_month_day_precision_names <- function() {
  c("year", "month", "day", precision_time_names())

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
invalid_detect.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  if (precision < PRECISION_DAY) {
    rep_along(x, FALSE)
  } else {
    year <- field_year(x)
    month <- field_month(x)
    day <- field_day(x)
    invalid_detect_year_month_day_cpp(year, month, day)

#' @export
invalid_any.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  if (precision < PRECISION_DAY) {
  } else {
    year <- field_year(x)
    month <- field_month(x)
    day <- field_day(x)
    invalid_any_year_month_day_cpp(year, month, day)

#' @export
invalid_count.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  if (precision < PRECISION_DAY) {
  } else {
    year <- field_year(x)
    month <- field_month(x)
    day <- field_day(x)
    invalid_count_year_month_day_cpp(year, month, day)

#' @export
invalid_resolve.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ..., invalid = NULL) {
  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)
  invalid <- validate_invalid(invalid)

  if (precision < PRECISION_DAY) {
  } else {
    fields <- invalid_resolve_year_month_day_cpp(x, precision, invalid, current_env())
    new_year_month_day_from_fields(fields, precision, names(x))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Getters: year-month-day
#' @description
#' These are year-month-day methods for the [getter generics][clock-getters].
#' - `get_year()` returns the Gregorian year.
#' - `get_month()` returns the month of the year.
#' - `get_day()` returns the day of the month.
#' - There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.
#' @param x `[clock_year_month_day]`
#'   A year-month-day to get the component from.
#' @return The component.
#' @name year-month-day-getters
#' @examples
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:3, 5:7, 1, 20, 30)
#' get_month(x)
#' get_day(x)
#' get_second(x)
#' # Cannot extract more precise components
#' y <- year_month_day(2019, 1)
#' try(get_day(y))
#' # Cannot extract components that don't exist for this calendar
#' try(get_quarter(x))

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_year.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_month.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_MONTH)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_day.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_DAY)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_hour.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_HOUR)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_minute.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_MINUTE)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_second.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_SECOND)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_millisecond.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_exact_precision(x, PRECISION_MILLISECOND)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_microsecond.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_exact_precision(x, PRECISION_MICROSECOND)

#' @rdname year-month-day-getters
#' @export
get_nanosecond.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  calendar_check_exact_precision(x, PRECISION_NANOSECOND)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Setters: year-month-day
#' @description
#' These are year-month-day methods for the
#' [setter generics][clock-setters].
#' - `set_year()` sets the Gregorian year.
#' - `set_month()` sets the month of the year. Valid values are in the range
#'   of `[1, 12]`.
#' - `set_day()` sets the day of the month. Valid values are in the range
#'   of `[1, 31]`.
#' - There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param x `[clock_year_month_day]`
#'   A year-month-day vector.
#' @param value `[integer / "last"]`
#'   The value to set the component to.
#'   For `set_day()`, this can also be `"last"` to set the day to the
#'   last day of the month.
#' @return `x` with the component set.
#' @name year-month-day-setters
#' @examples
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:3)
#' # Set the day
#' set_day(x, 12:14)
#' # Set to the "last" day of the month
#' set_day(x, "last")
#' # Set to an invalid day of the month
#' invalid <- set_day(x, 31)
#' invalid
#' # Then resolve the invalid day by choosing the next valid day
#' invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")
#' # Cannot set a component two levels more precise than where you currently are
#' try(set_hour(x, 5))

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_year.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "year")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_month.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_YEAR)
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "month")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_day.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_MONTH)
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "day")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_hour.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_DAY)
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "hour")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_minute.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_HOUR)
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "minute")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_second.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_MINUTE)
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "second")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_millisecond.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_exact_precision(x, c(PRECISION_SECOND, PRECISION_MILLISECOND))
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "millisecond")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_microsecond.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_exact_precision(x, c(PRECISION_SECOND, PRECISION_MICROSECOND))
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "microsecond")

#' @rdname year-month-day-setters
#' @export
set_nanosecond.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, value, ...) {
  calendar_check_exact_precision(x, c(PRECISION_SECOND, PRECISION_NANOSECOND))
  set_field_year_month_day(x, value, "nanosecond")

set_field_year_month_day <- function(x, value, component) {
  if (is_last(value) && identical(component, "day")) {

  precision_fields <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)
  precision_value <- year_month_day_component_to_precision(component)
  precision_out <- precision_common2(precision_fields, precision_value)

  names_out <- names(x)

  value <- vec_cast(value, integer())
  value <- unname(value)

    year = check_between_year(value),
    month = check_between_month(value),
    day = check_between_day_of_month(value),
    hour = check_between_hour(value),
    minute = check_between_minute(value),
    second = check_between_second(value),
    millisecond = check_between_subsecond(value, PRECISION_MILLISECOND),
    microsecond = check_between_subsecond(value, PRECISION_MICROSECOND),
    nanosecond = check_between_subsecond(value, PRECISION_NANOSECOND),
    abort("Unknown `component`", .internal = TRUE)

  args <- vec_recycle_common(x = x, value = value)
  args <- df_list_propagate_missing(args)
  x <- args$x
  value <- args$value

  field <- year_month_day_component_to_field(component)

  out <- vec_unstructure(x)
  out[[field]] <- value

  new_year_month_day_from_fields(out, precision_out, names = names_out)

set_field_year_month_day_last <- function(x) {
  precision_fields <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)
  precision_out <- precision_common2(precision_fields, PRECISION_DAY)

  names_out <- names(x)

  year <- field_year(x)
  month <- field_month(x)
  value <- get_year_month_day_last_cpp(year, month)

  out <- vec_unstructure(x)
  out[["day"]] <- value

  new_year_month_day_from_fields(out, precision_out, names = names_out)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
calendar_name.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

year_month_day_component_to_precision <- function(component) {
    year = PRECISION_YEAR,
    month = PRECISION_MONTH,
    day = PRECISION_DAY,
    hour = PRECISION_HOUR,
    minute = PRECISION_MINUTE,
    second = PRECISION_SECOND,
    millisecond = PRECISION_MILLISECOND,
    microsecond = PRECISION_MICROSECOND,
    nanosecond = PRECISION_NANOSECOND,
    abort("Internal error: Unknown component name.")

year_month_day_component_to_field <- function(component) {
  switch (
    year = component,
    month = component,
    day = component,
    hour = component,
    minute = component,
    second = component,
    millisecond = "subsecond",
    microsecond = "subsecond",
    nanosecond = "subsecond",
    abort("Internal error: Unknown component name.")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Support for vctrs arithmetic
#' @inheritParams vctrs::vec_arith
#' @name clock-arith
#' @return The result of the arithmetic operation.
#' @examples
#' vctrs::vec_arith("+", year_month_day(2019), 1)

#' @rdname clock-arith
#' @method vec_arith clock_year_month_day
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_year_month_day <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  UseMethod("vec_arith.clock_year_month_day", y)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_year_month_day MISSING
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.MISSING <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_calendar_and_missing(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_year_month_day clock_year_month_day
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_calendar_and_calendar(op, x, y, ..., calendar_minus_calendar_fn = year_month_day_minus_year_month_day)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_year_month_day clock_duration
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.clock_duration <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_calendar_and_duration(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_duration clock_year_month_day
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_duration.clock_year_month_day <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_duration_and_calendar(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_year_month_day numeric
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_year_month_day.numeric <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_calendar_and_numeric(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.numeric clock_year_month_day
#' @export
vec_arith.numeric.clock_year_month_day <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_numeric_and_calendar(op, x, y, ...)

year_month_day_minus_year_month_day <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  args <- vec_recycle_common(x = x, y = y)
  args <- vec_cast_common(!!!args)
  x <- args$x
  y <- args$y

  names <- names_common(x, y)

  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  if (precision > PRECISION_MONTH) {
    stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y, ...)

  fields <- year_month_day_minus_year_month_day_cpp(x, y, precision)

  new_duration_from_fields(fields, precision, names)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Arithmetic: year-month-day
#' @description
#' These are year-month-day methods for the
#' [arithmetic generics][clock-arithmetic].
#' - `add_years()`
#' - `add_quarters()`
#' - `add_months()`
#' Notably, _you cannot add days to a year-month-day_. For day-based arithmetic,
#' first convert to a time point with [as_naive_time()] or [as_sys_time()].
#' @details
#' Adding a single quarter with `add_quarters()` is equivalent to adding
#' 3 months.
#' `x` and `n` are recycled against each other using
#' [tidyverse recycling rules][vctrs::vector_recycling_rules].
#' @inheritParams clock-arithmetic
#' @param x `[clock_year_month_day]`
#'   A year-month-day vector.
#' @return `x` after performing the arithmetic.
#' @name year-month-day-arithmetic
#' @examples
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)
#' add_years(x, 1:5)
#' y <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 31)
#' # Adding 1 month to `y` generates an invalid date
#' y_plus <- add_months(y, 1:2)
#' y_plus
#' # Invalid dates are fine, as long as they are eventually resolved
#' # by either manually resolving, or by calling `invalid_resolve()`
#' # Resolve by returning the previous / next valid moment in time
#' invalid_resolve(y_plus, invalid = "previous")
#' invalid_resolve(y_plus, invalid = "next")
#' # Manually resolve by setting to the last day of the month
#' invalid <- invalid_detect(y_plus)
#' y_plus[invalid] <- set_day(y_plus[invalid], "last")
#' y_plus

#' @rdname year-month-day-arithmetic
#' @export
add_years.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, n, ...) {
  year_month_day_plus_duration(x, n, PRECISION_YEAR)

#' @rdname year-month-day-arithmetic
#' @export
add_quarters.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, n, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_MONTH)
  year_month_day_plus_duration(x, n, PRECISION_QUARTER)

#' @rdname year-month-day-arithmetic
#' @export
add_months.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, n, ...) {
  calendar_check_minimum_precision(x, PRECISION_MONTH)
  year_month_day_plus_duration(x, n, PRECISION_MONTH)

year_month_day_plus_duration <- function(x,
                                         error_call = caller_env()) {

  x_precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  n <- duration_collect_n(n, n_precision, error_call = error_call)

  if (n_precision == PRECISION_QUARTER) {
    n <- duration_cast(n, "month")
    n_precision <- PRECISION_MONTH

  size <- vec_size_common(x = x, n = n, .call = error_call)
  args <- vec_recycle_common(x = x, n = n, .size = size)
  x <- args$x
  n <- args$n

  names <- names_common(x, n)

  x <- vec_unstructure(x)

  if (n_precision == PRECISION_YEAR) {
    fields <- year_month_day_plus_years_cpp(x$year, n)
    x$year <- fields$year
  } else if (n_precision == PRECISION_MONTH) {
    fields <- year_month_day_plus_months_cpp(x$year, x$month, n)
    x$year <- fields$year
    x$month <- fields$month
  } else {
    abort("Unknown precision.", .internal = TRUE)

  if (x_precision != n_precision) {
    x <- df_list_propagate_missing(x, size = size)

  new_year_month_day_from_fields(x, x_precision, names = names)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Convert to year-month-day
#' `as_year_month_day()` converts a vector to the year-month-day calendar.
#' Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to
#' year-month-day.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param x `[vector]`
#'   A vector to convert to year-month-day.
#' @return A year-month-day vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # From Date
#' as_year_month_day(as.Date("2019-01-01"))
#' # From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
#' as_year_month_day(as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))
#' # From other calendars
#' as_year_month_day(year_quarter_day(2019, quarter = 2, day = 50))
as_year_month_day <- function(x, ...)  {

#' @export
as_year_month_day.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop_clock_unsupported_conversion(x, "clock_year_month_day")

#' @export
as_year_month_day.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
as_sys_time.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {
  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)
  fields <- as_sys_time_year_month_day_cpp(x, precision)
  new_sys_time_from_fields(fields, precision, clock_rcrd_names(x))

#' @export
as_naive_time.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.character.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, ...) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
calendar_leap_year.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
  x <- get_year(x)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
calendar_month_factor.clock_year_month_day <- function(x,
                                                       labels = "en",
                                                       abbreviate = FALSE) {
  calendar_month_factor_impl(x, labels, abbreviate)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Grouping: year-month-day
#' @description
#' This is a year-month-day method for the [calendar_group()] generic.
#' Grouping for a year-month-day object can be done at any precision, as
#' long as `x` is at least as precise as `precision`.
#' @inheritParams calendar_group
#' @param x `[clock_year_month_day]`
#'   A year-month-day vector.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   One of:
#'   - `"year"`
#'   - `"month"`
#'   - `"day"`
#'   - `"hour"`
#'   - `"minute"`
#'   - `"second"`
#'   - `"millisecond"`
#'   - `"microsecond"`
#'   - `"nanosecond"`
#' @return `x` grouped at the specified `precision`.
#' @name year-month-day-group
#' @export
#' @examples
#' steps <- duration_days(seq(0, 100, by = 5))
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)
#' x <- as_naive_time(x) + steps
#' x <- as_year_month_day(x)
#' x
#' # Group by a single month
#' calendar_group(x, "month")
#' # Or multiple months
#' calendar_group(x, "month", n = 2)
#' # Group 3 days of the month together
#' y <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1:12)
#' calendar_group(y, "day", n = 3)
#' # Group by 5 nanosecond of the current second
#' z <- year_month_day(
#'   2019, 1, 2, 1, 5, 20, 1:20,
#'   subsecond_precision = "nanosecond"
#' )
#' calendar_group(z, "nanosecond", n = 5)
calendar_group.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, precision, ..., n = 1L) {
  n <- validate_calendar_group_n(n)
  x <- calendar_narrow(x, precision)

  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  if (precision == PRECISION_YEAR) {
    value <- get_year(x)
    value <- group_component0(value, n)
    x <- set_year(x, value)
  if (precision == PRECISION_MONTH) {
    value <- get_month(x)
    value <- group_component1(value, n)
    x <- set_month(x, value)
  if (precision == PRECISION_DAY) {
    value <- get_day(x)
    value <- group_component1(value, n)
    x <- set_day(x, value)

  x <- calendar_group_time(x, n, precision)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Narrow: year-month-day
#' This is a year-month-day method for the [calendar_narrow()] generic. It
#' narrows a year-month-day vector to the specified `precision`.
#' @inheritParams year-month-day-group
#' @return `x` narrowed to the supplied `precision`.
#' @name year-month-day-narrow
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Hour precision
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 3, 4)
#' x
#' # Narrowed to day precision
#' calendar_narrow(x, "day")
#' # Or month precision
#' calendar_narrow(x, "month")
#' # Subsecond precision can be narrowed to second precision
#' milli <- calendar_widen(x, "millisecond")
#' micro <- calendar_widen(x, "microsecond")
#' milli
#' micro
#' calendar_narrow(milli, "second")
#' calendar_narrow(micro, "second")
#' # But once you have "locked in" a subsecond precision, it can't be
#' # narrowed to another subsecond precision
#' try(calendar_narrow(micro, "millisecond"))
calendar_narrow.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, precision) {
  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  out_fields <- list()
  x_fields <- unclass(x)

  if (precision >= PRECISION_YEAR) {
    out_fields[["year"]] <- x_fields[["year"]]
  if (precision >= PRECISION_MONTH) {
    out_fields[["month"]] <- x_fields[["month"]]
  if (precision >= PRECISION_DAY) {
    out_fields[["day"]] <- x_fields[["day"]]

  out_fields <- calendar_narrow_time(out_fields, precision, x_fields)

  new_year_month_day_from_fields(out_fields, precision, names = names(x))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Widen: year-month-day
#' This is a year-month-day method for the [calendar_widen()] generic. It
#' widens a year-month-day vector to the specified `precision`.
#' @inheritParams year-month-day-group
#' @return `x` widened to the supplied `precision`.
#' @name year-month-day-widen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Month precision
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 1)
#' x
#' # Widen to day precision
#' calendar_widen(x, "day")
#' # Or second precision
#' sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")
#' sec
#' # Second precision can be widened to subsecond precision
#' milli <- calendar_widen(sec, "millisecond")
#' micro <- calendar_widen(sec, "microsecond")
#' milli
#' micro
#' # But once you have "locked in" a subsecond precision, it can't
#' # be widened again
#' try(calendar_widen(milli, "microsecond"))
calendar_widen.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, precision) {
  x_precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  if (precision >= PRECISION_MONTH && x_precision < PRECISION_MONTH) {
    x <- set_month(x, 1L)
  if (precision >= PRECISION_DAY && x_precision < PRECISION_DAY) {
    x <- set_day(x, 1L)

  x <- calendar_widen_time(x, x_precision, precision)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Boundaries: year-month-day
#' This is a year-month-day method for the [calendar_start()] and
#' [calendar_end()] generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the
#' start or end of a specified `precision`.
#' @inheritParams year-month-day-group
#' @return `x` at the same precision, but with some components altered to be
#'   at the boundary value.
#' @name year-month-day-boundary
#' @examples
#' # Hour precision
#' x <- year_month_day(2019, 2:4, 5, 6)
#' x
#' # Compute the start of the month
#' calendar_start(x, "month")
#' # Or the end of the month, notice that the hour value is adjusted as well
#' calendar_end(x, "month")
#' # Compare that with just setting the day of the month to `"last"`, which
#' # doesn't adjust any other components
#' set_day(x, "last")
#' # You can't compute the start / end at a more precise precision than
#' # the input is at
#' try(calendar_start(x, "second"))

#' @rdname year-month-day-boundary
#' @export
calendar_start.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, precision) {
  x_precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  calendar_start_end_checks(x, x_precision, precision, "start")

  if (precision <= PRECISION_YEAR && x_precision > PRECISION_YEAR) {
    x <- set_month(x, 1L)
  if (precision <= PRECISION_MONTH && x_precision > PRECISION_MONTH) {
    x <- set_day(x, 1L)

  x <- calendar_start_time(x, x_precision, precision)


#' @rdname year-month-day-boundary
#' @export
calendar_end.clock_year_month_day <- function(x, precision) {
  x_precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(x)

  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  calendar_start_end_checks(x, x_precision, precision, "end")

  if (precision <= PRECISION_YEAR && x_precision > PRECISION_YEAR) {
    x <- set_month(x, 12L)
  if (precision <= PRECISION_MONTH && x_precision > PRECISION_MONTH) {
    x <- set_day(x, "last")

  x <- calendar_end_time(x, x_precision, precision)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Counting: year-month-day
#' This is a year-month-day method for the [calendar_count_between()] generic.
#' It counts the number of `precision` units between `start` and `end`
#' (i.e., the number of years or months).
#' @details
#' `"quarter"` is equivalent to `"month"` precision with `n` set to `n * 3L`.
#' @inheritParams calendar-count-between
#' @param start,end `[clock_year_month_day]`
#'   A pair of year-month-day vectors. These will be recycled to their
#'   common size.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   One of:
#'   - `"year"`
#'   - `"quarter"`
#'   - `"month"`
#' @inherit calendar-count-between return
#' @name year-month-day-count-between
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Compute an individual's age in years
#' x <- year_month_day(2001, 2, 4)
#' today <- year_month_day(2021, 11, 30)
#' calendar_count_between(x, today, "year")
#' # Compute the number of months between two dates, taking
#' # into account the day of the month and time of day
#' x <- year_month_day(2000, 4, 2, 5)
#' y <- year_month_day(2000, 7, c(1, 2, 2), c(3, 4, 6))
#' calendar_count_between(x, y, "month")
calendar_count_between.clock_year_month_day <- function(start,
                                                        n = 1L) {

calendar_count_between_standardize_precision_n.clock_year_month_day <- function(x,
                                                                                n) {
  precision_int <- precision_to_integer(precision)


  if (!(precision_int %in% allowed_precisions)) {
    abort("`precision` must be one of: 'year', 'quarter', 'month'.")

  if (precision_int == PRECISION_QUARTER) {
    # See #270's comment for why this is well-defined
    precision <- "month"
    n <- n * 3L

  list(precision = precision, n = n)

calendar_count_between_compute.clock_year_month_day <- function(start,
                                                                precision) {
  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  if (precision == PRECISION_YEAR) {
    out <- get_year(end) - get_year(start)

  if (precision == PRECISION_MONTH) {
    out <- (get_year(end) - get_year(start)) * 12L
    out <- out + (get_month(end) - get_month(start))

  abort("Internal error: `precision` should be 'year' or 'month' at this point.")

calendar_count_between_proxy_compare.clock_year_month_day <- function(start,
                                                                      precision) {
  precision <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  start <- vec_proxy_compare(start)
  end <- vec_proxy_compare(end)

  if (precision >= PRECISION_YEAR) {
    start$year <- NULL
    end$year <- NULL
  if (precision >= PRECISION_MONTH) {
    start$month <- NULL
    end$month <- NULL

  list(start = start, end = end)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Sequences: year-month-day
#' @description
#' This is a year-month-day method for the [seq()] generic.
#' Sequences can only be generated for `"year"` and `"month"` precision
#' year-month-day vectors.
#' When calling `seq()`, exactly two of the following must be specified:
#' - `to`
#' - `by`
#' - Either `length.out` or `along.with`
#' @inheritParams seq.clock_duration
#' @param from `[clock_year_month_day(1)]`
#'   A `"year"` or `"month"` precision year-month-day to start the sequence
#'   from.
#'   `from` is always included in the result.
#' @param to `[clock_year_month_day(1) / NULL]`
#'   A `"year"` or `"month"` precision year-month-day to stop the sequence
#'   at.
#'   `to` is cast to the type of `from`.
#'   `to` is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides
#'   the distance between `from` and `to` exactly.
#' @return A sequence with the type of `from`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Monthly sequence
#' x <- seq(year_month_day(2019, 1), year_month_day(2020, 12), by = 1)
#' x
#' # Which we can then set the day of to get a sequence of end-of-month values
#' set_day(x, "last")
#' # Daily sequences are not allowed. Use a naive-time for this instead.
#' try(seq(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1), by = 2, length.out = 2))
#' seq(as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)), by = 2, length.out = 2)
seq.clock_year_month_day <- function(from,
                                     to = NULL,
                                     by = NULL,
                                     length.out = NULL,
                                     along.with = NULL,
                                     ...) {
  precision <- calendar_precision_attribute(from)

  if (precision > PRECISION_MONTH) {
    abort("`from` must be 'year' or 'month' precision.")

    from = from,
    to = to,
    by = by,
    length.out = length.out,
    along.with = along.with,
    precision = precision,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
clock_minimum.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
    calendar_precision_attribute(x) + 1L,
    abort("Invalid precision", .internal = TRUE),
    abort("Invalid precision", .internal = TRUE),
    abort("Invalid precision", .internal = TRUE)

#' @export
clock_maximum.clock_year_month_day <- function(x) {
    calendar_precision_attribute(x) + 1L,
    abort("Invalid precision", .internal = TRUE),
    abort("Invalid precision", .internal = TRUE),
    abort("Invalid precision", .internal = TRUE)

year_month_day_minimum <- function(precision) {
  calendar_minimum(precision, year_month_day(clock_calendar_year_minimum))
year_month_day_maximum <- function(precision) {
  calendar_maximum(precision, year_month_day(clock_calendar_year_maximum))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

clock_init_year_month_day_utils <- function(env) {
  year <- year_month_day(integer())

  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_year", year, envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_month", calendar_widen(year, "month"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_day", calendar_widen(year, "day"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_hour", calendar_widen(year, "hour"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_minute", calendar_widen(year, "minute"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_second", calendar_widen(year, "second"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_millisecond", calendar_widen(year, "millisecond"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_microsecond", calendar_widen(year, "microsecond"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_empty_year_month_day_nanosecond", calendar_widen(year, "nanosecond"), envir = env)

  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_year", year_month_day_minimum("year"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_month", year_month_day_minimum("month"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_day", year_month_day_minimum("day"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_hour", year_month_day_minimum("hour"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_minute", year_month_day_minimum("minute"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_second", year_month_day_minimum("second"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_millisecond", year_month_day_minimum("millisecond"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_microsecond", year_month_day_minimum("microsecond"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_minimum_year_month_day_nanosecond", year_month_day_minimum("nanosecond"), envir = env)

  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_year", year_month_day_maximum("year"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_month", year_month_day_maximum("month"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_day", year_month_day_maximum("day"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_hour", year_month_day_maximum("hour"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_minute", year_month_day_maximum("minute"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_second", year_month_day_maximum("second"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_millisecond", year_month_day_maximum("millisecond"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_microsecond", year_month_day_maximum("microsecond"), envir = env)
  assign("clock_maximum_year_month_day_nanosecond", year_month_day_maximum("nanosecond"), envir = env)


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clock documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:39 p.m.