
Defines functions is_last vec_drop_infinite check_no_missing check_inherits df_list_propagate_missing clock_print_footer clock_print max_slice max_collect warn_clock_format_failures warn_clock_parse_failures warn_clock stop_clock_ambiguous_time stop_clock_nonexistent_time stop_clock_invalid_date stop_clock_unsupported_conversion stop_clock_unsupported stop_clock posixt_tzone_standardize posixt_set_tzone posixt_tzone set_attributes vec_unstructure unstructure zeros_along ones_along date_standardize to_posixct_from_posixlt posixct_standardize check_posixt is_POSIXlt is_POSIXct is_POSIXt to_posixct

to_posixct <- function(x) {
  if (is_POSIXct(x)) {
  } else if (is_POSIXlt(x)) {
  } else {
    abort("Should either be POSIXct/POSIXlt.", .internal = TRUE)

is_POSIXt <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "POSIXt")
is_POSIXct <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "POSIXct")
is_POSIXlt <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "POSIXlt")

check_posixt <- function(x, ..., arg = caller_arg(x), call = caller_env()) {
  check_inherits(x, what = "POSIXt", arg = arg, call = call)

posixct_standardize <- function(x) {
  if (identical(typeof(x), "double")) {

  # Convert rare integer POSIXct to double
  # Preserves names
  storage.mode(x) <- "double"

to_posixct_from_posixlt <- function(x) {

date_standardize <- function(x) {
  if (identical(typeof(x), "double")) {

  # Convert somewhat rare integer Date to double.
  # Preserves names.
  storage.mode(x) <- "double"


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ones_along <- function(x, na_propagate = FALSE) {
  out <- rep(1L, vec_size(x))

  if (!na_propagate) {

  na <- vec_detect_missing(x)
  if (any(na)) {
    out[na] <- NA_integer_

zeros_along <- function(x, na_propagate = FALSE) {
  out <- vector("integer", length = vec_size(x))

  if (!na_propagate) {

  na <- vec_detect_missing(x)
  if (any(na)) {
    out[na] <- NA_integer_


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

unstructure <- function(x) {
  set_attributes(x, NULL)

vec_unstructure <- function(x) {
  # Must unclass first because `names()` might not be the same length before
  # and after unclassing
  x <- unclass(x)
  out <- unstructure(x)
  names(out) <- names(x)

set_attributes <- function(x, attributes) {
  attributes(x) <- attributes

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

posixt_tzone <- function(x) {
  tzone <- attr(x, "tzone", exact = TRUE)
posixt_set_tzone <- function(x, tzone) {
  attr(x, "tzone") <- tzone

# Standardize an R time zone attribute
# This is slightly different from the lubridate version. For POSIXlt objects,
# the time zone attribute might be a character vector of length 3. If the first
# element is `""` (which happens on a Mac with `as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())`), then
# lubridate will look to the second element and will use that as the time zone.
# I think this is incorrect, because those are always time zone abbreviations,
# and will fail to load because they aren't true time zone names. I think that
# is the reason Vitalie opened the issue noted below, and the reason for the
# time zone map in lubridate. This function works more like
# `lubridate:::tz.POSIXt()` which just takes the first element of the tzone
# attribute. https://github.com/google/cctz/issues/46
# https://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate/blob
posixt_tzone_standardize <- function(tzone) {
  if (is_null(tzone)) {
    # Like `Sys.time()`

  if (!is_character(tzone)) {
    abort("A POSIXt time zone should either be a character vector or `NULL`.")

  n <- length(tzone)

  if (n == 0L) {
      "POSIXt input had a corrupt time zone attribute of `character(0)`. ",
      "Defaulting to the current zone by assuming the zone is `\"\"`."

  if (n == 1L) {

  # Otherwise `n > 1`, likely `n == 3` for a POSIXt with time zone
  # abbreviations. The first element is either a full time zone name, or `""`,
  # so we use that
  tzone <- tzone[[1]]


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

stop_clock <- function(message, ..., call = caller_env(), class = character()) {
  rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, class = c(class, "clock_error"))

stop_clock_unsupported <- function(x, ..., details = NULL, call = caller_env()) {
  class <- class(x)[[1L]]
  message <- cli::format_inline("Can't perform this operation on a {.cls {class}}.")
  message <- c(message, details)
  stop_clock(message, ..., call = call, class = "clock_error_unsupported")

stop_clock_unsupported_conversion <- function(x, to_arg, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  class <- class(x)[[1L]]
  message <- cli::format_inline("Can't convert {.cls {class}} to {.cls {to_arg}}.")
  stop_clock(message, ..., call = call, class = "clock_error_unsupported_conversion")

# Thrown from C++
stop_clock_invalid_date <- function(i, call) {
  message <- c(
    cli::format_inline("Invalid date found at location {i}."),
    i = cli::format_inline("Resolve invalid date issues by specifying the {.arg invalid} argument.")
  stop_clock(message, call = call, class = "clock_error_invalid_date")

# Thrown from C++
stop_clock_nonexistent_time <- function(i, call) {
  message <- c(
    cli::format_inline("Nonexistent time due to daylight saving time at location {i}."),
    i = cli::format_inline("Resolve nonexistent time issues by specifying the {.arg nonexistent} argument.")
  stop_clock(message, call = call, class = "clock_error_nonexistent_time")

# Thrown from C++
stop_clock_ambiguous_time <- function(i, call) {
  message <- c(
    cli::format_inline("Ambiguous time due to daylight saving time at location {i}."),
    i = cli::format_inline("Resolve ambiguous time issues by specifying the {.arg ambiguous} argument.")
  stop_clock(message, call = call, class = "clock_error_ambiguous_time")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

warn_clock <- function(message, class = character()) {
  rlang::warn(message, class = c(class, "clock_warning"))

# Thrown from C++
warn_clock_parse_failures <- function(n, first) {
  if (n == 0) {
    abort("Internal error: warning thrown with zero failures.")
  } else if (n == 1) {
    message <- paste0(
      "Failed to parse 1 string at location ", first, ". ",
      "Returning `NA` at that location."
  } else {
    message <- paste0(
      "Failed to parse ", n, " strings, beginning at location ", first, ". ",
      "Returning `NA` at the locations where there were parse failures."

  warn_clock(message, "clock_warning_parse_failures")

# Thrown from C++
warn_clock_format_failures <- function(n, first) {
  if (n == 0) {
    abort("Internal error: warning thrown with zero failures.")
  } else if (n == 1) {
    message <- paste0(
      "Failed to format 1 string at location ", first, ". ",
      "Returning `NA` at that location."
  } else {
    message <- paste0(
      "Failed to format ", n, " strings, beginning at location ", first, ". ",
      "Returning `NA` at the locations where there were format failures."

  warn_clock(message, "clock_warning_format_failures")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

max_collect <- function(max, ..., error_call = caller_env()) {
  if (is_null(max)) {
    max <- getOption("max.print", default = 1000L)

  check_number_whole(max, min = 0, call = error_call)
  max <- vec_cast(max, integer(), call = error_call)


max_slice <- function(x, max) {
  if (max < vec_size(x)) {
    vec_slice(x, seq_len(max))
  } else {

clock_print <- function(x, max, ..., error_call = caller_env()) {
  max <- max_collect(max, error_call = error_call)
  obj_print(x, max = max)

clock_print_footer <- function(x, max) {
  size <- vec_size(x)

  if (max >= size) {

  n_omitted <- size - max

  if (n_omitted == 1L) {
    value <- " value."
  } else {
    value <- " values."

    "Reached `max` or `getOption('max.print')`. ",
    "Omitted ", n_omitted, value,
    sep = ""


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

df_list_propagate_missing <- function(x, ..., size = NULL) {

  x <- new_data_frame(x, n = size)

  complete <- vec_detect_complete(x)
  if (all(complete)) {

  incomplete <- !complete
  missing <- vec_detect_missing(x)

  aligned <- missing == incomplete
  if (all(aligned)) {
    # Already fully missing where incomplete

  n <- length(x)
  out <- vector("list", length = n)
  out <- set_names(out, names(x))

  # Propagate missings
  x <- vec_assign(x, incomplete, NA)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check_inherits <- function(x,
                           allow_null = FALSE,
                           arg = caller_arg(x),
                           call = caller_env()) {
  if (!missing(x)) {
    if (inherits(x, what)) {
    if (allow_null && is_null(x)) {

    x = x,
    what = cli::format_inline("a <{what}>"),
    arg = arg,
    call = call

check_no_missing <- function(x,
                             arg = caller_arg(x),
                             call = caller_env()) {
  if (!vec_any_missing(x)) {

  loc <- vec_detect_missing(x)
  loc <- which(loc)

  message <- c(
    "{.arg {arg}} can't contain missing values.",
    i = "The following locations are missing: {loc}."

  cli::cli_abort(message, call = call)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

vec_drop_infinite <- function(x) {
  infinite <- is.infinite(x)

  if (any(infinite)) {
    x <- vec_slice(x, !infinite)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

is_last <- function(x) {
  identical(x, "last")

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clock documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:39 p.m.