
Defines functions v_scale.mlm bread.mlm coef_CS.mlm weightMatrix.mlm targetVariance.mlm model_matrix.mlm residuals_CS.mlm vcovCR.mlm

Documented in vcovCR.mlm

# vcovCR with defaults

#' Cluster-robust variance-covariance matrix for an mlm object.
#' \code{vcovCR} returns a sandwich estimate of the variance-covariance matrix
#' of a set of regression coefficient estimates from an \code{mlm} object.
#' @param cluster Optional expression or vector indicating which observations
#'   belong to the same cluster. If not specified, each row of the data will be
#'   treated as a separate cluster.
#' @param target Optional matrix or vector describing the working
#'   variance-covariance model used to calculate the \code{CR2} and \code{CR4}
#'   adjustment matrices. If not specified, the target is taken to be an
#'   identity matrix.
#' @inheritParams vcovCR
#' @return An object of class \code{c("vcovCR","clubSandwich")}, which consists
#'   of a matrix of the estimated variance of and covariances between the
#'   regression coefficient estimates.
#' @seealso \code{\link{vcovCR}}
#' @examples
#' iris_fit <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~ Species + 
#'                Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris)
#' Vcluster <- vcovCR(iris_fit, type = "CR2")
#' Vcluster
#' @export

vcovCR.mlm <- function(obj, cluster, type, target, inverse_var, form = "sandwich", ...) {
  resids <- residuals(obj)
  d <- ncol(resids)
  N <- nrow(resids)
  # Cluster by observation if clustering variable is not specified
  if (missing(cluster)) cluster <- 1:N
  # Handle omitted observations in the clustering variable
  if (inherits(na.action(obj), "omit") && length(cluster) != N) {
    cluster <- cluster[-na.action(obj)]
  # Handle weights of zero in the clustering variable
  if (!is.null(wts <- weights(obj))) {
    pos_wts <- wts > 0
    if (!all(pos_wts)) cluster <- cluster[pos_wts]
    N <- sum(pos_wts)
  if (length(cluster) == N) cluster <- rep(cluster, each = d)
  if (length(cluster) != d * N) stop("Clustering variable is not correct length.")  
  if (missing(target)) target <- NULL
  if (missing(inverse_var)) inverse_var <- is.null(weights(obj)) & is.null(target)
  vcov_CR(obj, cluster = cluster, type = type, 
          target = target, inverse_var = inverse_var, form = form)

# nobs()

# residuals

#' @export

residuals_CS.mlm <- function(obj) {
  w <- obj$weights
  if (is.null(w) || all(pos_wts <- w > 0)) {
    res <- residuals(obj)
  } else {
    res <- residuals(obj)[pos_wts,,drop=FALSE]

# model_matrix()

#' @export

model_matrix.mlm <- function(obj) {
  X <- model.matrix(obj)
  w <- obj$weights
  if (!is.null(w) && !all(pos_wts <- w > 0)) {
    X <- X[pos_wts > 0,,drop=FALSE]
  d <- ncol(residuals(obj))
  X_mat <- X %x% diag(1L, nrow = d)
  rownames(X_mat) <- rep(dimnames(X)[[1]], each = d)
  colnames(X_mat) <- paste(rep(colnames(residuals(obj)), ncol(X)), 
                           rep(colnames(X), each = d), sep = ":")
  i <- unlist(lapply(1:d, function(x) seq(x, ncol(X_mat), d)))

# get "working" variance-covariance matrix

#' @export

targetVariance.mlm <- function(obj, cluster) {
  matrix_list(rep(1, nobs(obj) * ncol(residuals(obj))), cluster, "both")

# Get weighting matrix

#' @export

weightMatrix.mlm <- function(obj, cluster) {
  weights <- weights(obj)
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- w_scale <- 1
  } else {
    weights <- weights[weights > 0]
    w_scale <- mean(weights)
    weights <- weights / w_scale
  W <- rep(weights, length.out = nobs(obj))
  W <- rep(W, each = ncol(residuals(obj)))
  W_list <- matrix_list(W, cluster, "both")
  attr(W_list, "w_scale") <- w_scale

# get coefficient estimates

#' @export

coef_CS.mlm <- function(obj) {
  cf <- coef(obj)
  res <- as.vector(cf)
  names(res) <- paste(rep(colnames(cf), each = nrow(cf)), 
                      rep(rownames(cf), ncol(cf)), sep = ":")

# Get bread matrix and scaling constant

#' @export

bread.mlm <- function(x, ...) {
  if(!is.null(x$na.action)) class(x$na.action) <- "omit"
  cf <- coef(x)
  rval <- summary.lm(x)
  rval <- kronecker(
    structure(diag(ncol(cf)), .Dimnames = rep.int(list(colnames(cf)), 2L)),
    structure(rval$cov.unscaled,  .Dimnames = rep.int(list(rownames(cf)), 2L)) * as.vector(sum(rval$df[1:2])),
    make.dimnames = TRUE

#' @export

v_scale.mlm <- function(obj) {

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clubSandwich documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.