# Scoring functions implemented using auxiliary Rcpp code for better performance
#' Auxiliary Functions of a Graph Partition
#' Given a weighted graph and a partition into communities, returns the
#' internal edge weight, the size, and the cut weight for each community.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object)
#' @param edgelist alternatively, the edgelist of the graph
#' @param com Community membership vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @keywords internal
auxiliary_functions <- function(g, com, edgelist){
if(missing(edgelist)) edgelist <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
values <- cluster_auxiliary_values_Rcpp(edgelist, com)
colnames(values) <- c("m_w", "n", "c_w")
#' Maximum, Average, and Flake Out Degree Fractions of a Graph Partition
#' Given a weighted graph and a partition into communities, returns the
#' maximum, average and flake out degree fractions of each community.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object)
#' @param edgelist alternatively, the edgelist of the graph
#' @param com Community membership vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @return A numeric matrix where each row corresponds to a community, and the
#' columns contain the max, average and flake ODFs respectively.
out_degree_fractions <- function(g, com, edgelist){
if(missing(edgelist)) edgelist <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
odfs <- out_degree_fractions_Rcpp(edgelist, com)
colnames(odfs) <- c("max ODF","average ODF","flake ODF")
#' Scoring Functions of a Graph Partition
#' Computes the scoring functions of a graph and its clusters.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have
#' a "weight" attribute, those will be used as weights (otherwise, all edges are assumed to be 1).
#' @param com Community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @param type can be "local" for a cluster by cluster analysis, or "global" for
#' a global analysis of the whole graph partition.
#' @param weighted Is the graph weighted? If it is, doesn't compute TPR score.
#' @param w_max Numeric. Upper bound for edge weights. Should be generally left as default (NULL).
#' Only affects the computation of the clustering coefficient.
#' @param no_clustering_coef Logical. If TRUE, skips the computation of the clustering
#' coefficient (which can be slow on large graphs).
#' @return If \code{type=="local"}, returns a dataframe with a row for each
#' community, and a column for each score. If \code{type=="global"}, returns a
#' single row with the weighted average scores.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' scoring_functions(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
scoring_functions <- function(g, com, no_clustering_coef=TRUE,
type="local", weighted=TRUE, w_max=NULL){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g)) | weighted==FALSE){
g <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
w_max <- 1
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
n_com <- max(com)
n <- length(V(g))
function_names <- c("size", "internal density","edges inside","av degree","FOMD","expansion",
"cut ratio","conductance", "norm cut", "max ODF","average ODF","flake ODF",
"density ratio", "modularity")
D <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=n_com,ncol=length(function_names)))
colnames(D) <- function_names
rownames(D) <- c(1:n_com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
n_s <- aux_vals[,"n"]
m_s <- aux_vals[,"m_w"]
c_s <- aux_vals[,"c_w"]
D[,"size"] <- n_s
D[,"internal density"] <- m_s * 2 / (n_s * (n_s-1))
D[,"edges inside"] <- m_s
D[,"av degree"] <- m_s / n_s
D[,"expansion"] <- c_s / n_s
D[,"cut ratio"] <- c_s / (n_s * (n - n_s))
D[,"conductance"] <- c_s / (2*m_s + c_s)
D[,"norm cut"] <- c_s / (2*m_s + c_s) + c_s / ( 2*(sum(m_s)-m_s) + c_s)
D[,"density ratio"] <- local_density_ratio_Rcpp(aux_vals)
D[,c("max ODF","average ODF","flake ODF")] <- out_degree_fractions(edgelist = el, com = com)
D[,"FOMD"] <- FOMD_Rcpp(el, com)
if (!weighted){
D[,"TPR"] <- triangle_participation_ratio_communities(g, com)
if (!no_clustering_coef) {
D[,"clustering coef"] <- apply_subgraphs(g, com, weighted_transitivity, upper_bound=w_max)
internal_weight <- sum(m_s)
total_weight <- internal_weight + sum(c_s)/2 #total edge weight of the graph (the cut weight is halved because each edge gets counted twice)
coverage <- internal_weight / total_weight
if (type=="local"){
# type=="global" from here
D_glob <- apply(D,2,stats::weighted.mean, w=D$size, na.rm=TRUE)
#D_glob["size"] <- NaN
D_glob["graph_order"] <- n
D_glob["n_clusters"] <- n_com
D_glob["mean_cluster_size"] <- mean(D$size)
D_glob["modularity"] <- modularity(g, com)
D_glob["coverage"] <- coverage
D_glob["global density ratio"] <- density_ratio_from_aux(aux_vals)
density_ratio_from_aux <- function(aux_vals){
#' FOMD (Fraction Over Median Degree)
#' Given a weighted graph and a partition into communities, returns the fraction
#' of nodes of each community whose internal degree (i.e. the degree accounting
#' only intra-community edges) is greater than the median degree of the whole
#' graph.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param edgelist alternatively, the edgelist of the graph, as a matrix where the
#' first two columns to the vertices and the third is the weight of each edge.
#' @param com Community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the FOMD of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' FOMD(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
FOMD <- function(g, com, edgelist=NULL){
if(is.null(edgelist)) edgelist <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
FOMD_Rcpp(edgelist, com)
#' Internal Density
#' Internal density of a graph's communities. That is, the sum of weights of their
#' edges divided by the number of unordered pairs of vertices (which is the number of potential edges).
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the internal density of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' internal_density(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
internal_density <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
n_s <- aux_vals[,"n"]
m_s <- aux_vals[,"m_w"]
c_s <- aux_vals[,"c_w"]
return(m_s * 2 / (n_s * (n_s-1)))
#' Edges Inside
#' Number of edges inside a graph's communities, or their accumulated weight if
#' the graph's edges are weighted.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the internal edge weight of each community
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' edges_inside(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
edges_inside <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
#' Average Degree
#' Average degree (weighted degree, if the graph is weighted) of a graph's communities.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the average degree of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' average_degree(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
average_degree <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
n_s <- aux_vals[,"n"]
m_s <- aux_vals[,"m_w"]
return(m_s / n_s)
#' Expansion
#' Given a graph (possibly weighted) split into communities, the expansion of a community
#' is the sum of all edge weights connecting it to the rest of the graph divided by the number
#' of vertices in the community
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the expansion of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' expansion(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
expansion <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
n_s <- aux_vals[,"n"]
c_s <- aux_vals[,"c_w"]
return(c_s / n_s)
#' Cut Ratio
#' The cut ratio of a graph's community is the total edge weight connecting the community
#' to the rest of the graph divided by number of unordered pairs of vertices such that one
#' belongs to the community and the other does not.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the cut ratio of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' cut_ratio(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
cut_ratio <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
n_s <- aux_vals[,"n"]
m_s <- aux_vals[,"m_w"]
c_s <- aux_vals[,"c_w"]
n <- length(V(g))
return(c_s / (n_s * (n - n_s)))
#' Conductance
#' Conductance of a graph's communities, which is given by
#' \deqn{\frac{c_s}{2m_s + c_s}},
#' where \eqn{c_s} is the weight of the edges connecting the community s to the rest
#' of the graph, and m_s is the internal weight of the community.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the conductance of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' conductance(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
conductance <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
m_s <- aux_vals[,"m_w"]
c_s <- aux_vals[,"c_w"]
return(c_s / (2*m_s + c_s))
#' Normalized cut
#' Normalized cut of a graph's communities, which is given by
#' \deqn{\frac{c_s}{2m_s+c_s}+\frac{c_s}{2(m-m_s)+c_s}},
#' where \eqn{c_s} is the weight of the edges connecting the community s to the rest
#' of the graph, \eqn{m_s} is the internal weight of the community, and \eqn{m} is
#' the total weight of the network.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @return Numeric vector with the normalized cut of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' normalized_cut(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
normalized_cut <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
# just to make the following lines more readable. (note that _s stands for subgraph)
m_s <- aux_vals[,"m_w"]
c_s <- aux_vals[,"c_w"]
return( c_s / (2*m_s + c_s) + c_s / ( 2*(sum(m_s)-m_s) + c_s) )
#' Density Ratio
#' Density ratio of a graph's communities.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight"
#' attribute, those will be used as weights.
#' @param com community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex.
#' @param type can either be "local" or "global"
#' @return Numeric vector with the internal density of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' density_ratio(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
density_ratio <- function(g, com, type="local"){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
aux_vals <- auxiliary_functions(edgelist = el, com = com)
if (type=="local"){
#' Max Out Degree Fraction
#' Computes the Maximum Out Degree Fraction (Max ODF) of a graph (which can be weighted)
#' and its communities.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight" attribute, those will be used as weights (otherwise, all edges are assumed to be 1).
#' @param com Community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @return Numeric vector with the Max ODF of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' max_odf(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
max_odf <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
ODFs <- out_degree_fractions(edgelist = el, com = com)
#' Average Out Degree Fraction
#' Computes the Average Out Degree Fraction (Average ODF) of a graph (which can be weighted)
#' and its communities.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight" attribute, those will be used as weights (otherwise, all edges are assumed to be 1).
#' @param com Community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @return Numeric vector with the Average ODF of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' average_odf(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
average_odf <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
ODFs <- out_degree_fractions(edgelist = el, com = com)
#' Flake Out Degree Fraction
#' Computes the Flake Out Degree Fraction (Max ODF) of a graph (which can be weighted)
#' and its communities.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object). If the edges have a "weight" attribute, those will be used as weights (otherwise, all edges are assumed to be 1).
#' @param com Community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @return Numeric vector with the Max ODF of each community.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' max_odf(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
max_odf <- function(g, com){
if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(g))){
G <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value=1)
el <- igraph_to_edgelist(g)
ODFs <- out_degree_fractions(edgelist = el, com = com)
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