
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: Vahid Nassiri
## Note that it is a modified version of the function ORICC2 from 
## R package ORIClust

#' modified version of ORICC2 from package ORIClust
#' @param data 
#' @param data.col 
#' @param id.col 
#' @param n.rep 
#' @param n.top 
#' @param transform 
#' @param name.profile 
#' @param cyclical.profile 
#' @param onefile 
#' @param plot.format 
#' @import ORIClust
#' @return 
#' @author Vahid Nassiri (taken from ORIClust package)
#' @noRd

modifiedORICC2 <- function (data,data.col,id.col=NULL,n.rep,n.top=NULL,transform=NULL, name.profile=NULL, 
		cyclical.profile=NULL, onefile=NULL,plot.format=NULL){
	### added
	clustNames <- "clustNames"
	if (is.null(id.col)){
		id.col <- 1;
		id <- 1:nrow(data);
		data <- cbind(id,data);
		data.col <- data.col+1;
	if (is.null(transform))  {transform <- 0}
	if (is.null(cyclical.profile))  {cyclical.profile <- 0}        
	if (is.null(onefile))  {onefile <- TRUE}
	if (is.null(plot.format)) {plot.format <- "eps"}  
	x <- data;
	max.inf <- 1e30;
	if (transform==0)  x[,data.col] <- x[,data.col]
	if (transform==1)  x[,data.col] <- log(x[,data.col])
	if (transform==2)  x[,data.col] <- sqrt(x[,data.col])
	if (transform==3)  x[,data.col] <- x[,data.col]^(1/3)
	qq <- nrow(x)
	n <- sum(n.rep)
	n.time <- length(n.rep)
	uo <- 1
	for(i in 1:n.time){
		uo <- uo+1/i
	vv <- log(n)
	n.name.profile <- 0;
	n.profile <- 0;
	if (is.null(name.profile)==FALSE){
		if (name.profile[1]=="all") profile <- 1:(2*n.time-2);
		n.name.profile <- length(name.profile)
		name.pro1 <- paste("up down max at",2:(n.time-1),sep=" ")
		name.pro2 <- paste("down up min at",2:(n.time-1),sep=" ")
		all.pro <- c("decreasing",name.pro1,"increasing",name.pro2)
			profile <- rep(0,n.name.profile)
			for(i in 1:n.name.profile){
				for(j in 1:(2*n.time-2)){
					if (name.profile[i]==all.pro[j]) profile[i] <- j       
		if (any(profile==0))  stop(" The input of name.profile is wrong!")
		n.profile <- length(profile)
		profile <- sort(profile);
	cyclical.profile <- as.matrix(cyclical.profile)
	n.cyclical.profile <- 0;
		if (ncol(cyclical.profile)!=2 )  stop(" There must be two column in cyclical!")
		if (min(cyclical.profile)<2&cyclical.profile[1,1]!=0 )  stop("the minimum time point must be larger than 2 in cyclical !")
		if (any(cyclical.profile[,1]==cyclical.profile[,2]) )  stop("the minimum time point and the maximum time point must not be the same in cyclical!")
		if (max(cyclical.profile)>(n.time-1)) stop("the maximum time point must be smaller than n.time in cyclical !")
		n.cyclical.profile <- nrow(cyclical.profile)
		name.cyclical.profile <- c(0,n.cyclical.profile)
		for (i in 1:n.cyclical.profile){
			name.cyclical.profile[i] <- paste("cyclical min at",cyclical.profile[i,1],"max at",cyclical.profile[i,2] ,sep=" ")
	n.all.profile <- 2
	deta <- matrix(0,n.all.profile,qq)
	bic <- rep(0,n.all.profile)
	uu <- matrix(0,nrow=qq,ncol=n.time)
	for(j in 1:qq){
		bic1 <- rep(0,n.all.profile)
		mu <- matrix(0,n.all.profile,n.time)
		x1 <- x[j,data.col]
		x.mean <- rep(0,n.time)
		len1 <- 1;
		len2 <- 0;
		x1 <- as.numeric(x1)
		for(i in 1:n.time){
			len2 <- len2+n.rep[i]
			x.mean[i] <- mean(x1[len1:len2])
			len1 <- len1+n.rep[i]
		um1 <- ORIClust::complete.profile(x1,x.mean,n.rep)
		mu[1,] <- um1$mu
		h1 <- um1$logelr
		bic1[1] <- -2*(h1)+(1+n.time)*vv;
		um1 <- ORIClust::flat.pattern(x1,x.mean,n.rep)
		mu[2,] <- um1$mu
		h1 <- um1$logelr
		bic1[2] <- -2*(h1)+2*vv;
		re <- bic1
		mm <- min(re)
		idmin <- which.min(re)
		deta[idmin,j] <- 1;
		uu[j,] <- mu[idmin,]
		rf <- rep(0,n.all.profile)
		rf[re==mm] <- 1
		bic <- bic+rf
		# print(bic)
	xx <- data[deta[n.all.profile,]==0,]
	xx2 <- x[deta[n.all.profile,]==0,]
	qq <- nrow(xx2)
	complete.profile <- 1;
	n.all.profile <- n.profile+n.cyclical.profile+complete.profile;
	deta <- matrix(0,n.all.profile,qq)
	bic <- rep(0,n.all.profile)
	uu <- matrix(0,nrow=qq,ncol=n.time)
	for(j in 1:qq){
		bic1 <- rep(max.inf,n.all.profile)
		mu <- matrix(0,n.all.profile,n.time)
		x1 <- xx2[j,data.col]
		x.mean <- rep(0,n.time)
		len1 <- 1;
		len2 <- 0;
		x1 <- as.numeric(x1)
		for(i in 1:n.time){
			len2 <- len2+n.rep[i]
			x.mean[i] <- mean(x1[len1:len2])
			len1 <- len1+n.rep[i]
		k <- 1;
		if (is.null(name.profile)==FALSE){
			if (any(profile==1)){
				um1 <- ORIClust::decreasing(x1,x.mean,n.rep)
				mu[k,] <- um1$mu
				h1 <- um1$logelr
				if(mu[k,1]>mu[k,n.time])   bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+uo*vv;
				k <- k+1;
			for(i in 2:(n.time-1)){
				if(any(profile==i )){
					um1 <- ORIClust::up.down(x1,x.mean,n.rep,i)
					mu[k,] <- um1$mu
					h1 <- um1$logelr
					if((mu[k,1]<mu[k,i])&& (mu[k,i]>mu[k,n.time]) )   bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+uo*vv;
			if(any(profile==n.time) ){
				um1 <- ORIClust::increasing(x1,x.mean,n.rep)
				mu[k,] <- um1$mu
				h1 <- um1$logelr
				if(mu[k,1]<mu[k,n.time])   bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+uo*vv;
				k <- k+1;
			for(i in 2:(n.time-1)){
				if(any(profile==(n.time+i-1)) ){
					um1 <- ORIClust::down.up(x1,x.mean,n.rep,i)
					mu[k,] <- um1$mu
					h1 <- um1$logelr
					if((mu[k,1]>mu[k,i])&&(mu[k,i]<mu[k,n.time]) )    bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+uo*vv;
					k <- k+1
			for (i in 1:n.cyclical.profile){
				if (cyclical.profile[i,1]>cyclical.profile[i,2]){
					um1 <- ORIClust::cyclical.max.min(x1,x.mean,n.rep,cyclical.profile[i,2],cyclical.profile[i,1])
					mu[k,] <- um1$mu
					h1 <- um1$logelr
						bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+uo*vv;
					k <- k+1
				if (cyclical.profile[i,1]<cyclical.profile[i,2]){
					um1 <- ORIClust::cyclical.min.max(x1,x.mean,n.rep,cyclical.profile[i,1],cyclical.profile[i,2])
					mu[k,] <- um1$mu
					h1 <- um1$logelr
						bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+uo*vv;
					k <- k+1
			um1 <- ORIClust::complete.profile(x1,x.mean,n.rep)
			mu[k,] <- um1$mu
			h1 <- um1$logelr
			bic1[k] <- -2*(h1)+(1+n.time)*vv;
			k <- k+1
		re <- bic1
		mm <- min(re)
		idmin <- which.min(re)
		deta[idmin,j] <- 1;
		uu[j,] <- mu[idmin,]
		rf <- rep(0,n.all.profile)
		rf[re==mm] <- 1
		bic <- bic+rf
		#  print(bic)
	suu <- uu
	inn <- nrow(suu)
	vb <- apply(suu,1,sd)
	vb <- vb^2
	if (is.null(n.top))  {
		n.top <- inn
		ino <- 1:inn
		svb <- rev(sort(vb))
		ino <- rev(order(vb))
		ino <- ino[1:n.top]; 
		infor1 <- paste("ORICC select", inn, "genes");
		infor2 <- paste("retain the top", n.top, "genes");
	if(n.top>inn ){
		infor1 <- paste("ORICC select", inn, "genes");
		infor2 <- paste("retain the top", inn, "genes");
	top.id <- xx[ino,id.col];
	match <- rep(0,length(ino))
	for(j in 1:length(ino)){
		for( i in 1:n.all.profile){
			if(deta[i,ino[j]]==1) match[j] <-  i
	cluster <- rep(0,length(ino));
	k.cluster <- 1;
	if (n.profile>0){
		for(j.cluster in 1:n.profile){
			flag <- 0;  
			for(i in 1:length(match)){       
				if(match[i]==j.cluster) {cluster[i] <- k.cluster;flag <- 1;}
				k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
		for(j.cluster in (n.profile+1):(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile)){
			flag <- 0; 
			for(i in 1:length(match)){       
				if(match[i]==j.cluster) {cluster[i] <- k.cluster;flag <- 1;}
				k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
		flag <- 0; 
		for(i in 1:length(match)){       
			if(match[i]==n.all.profile) {cluster[i] <- k.cluster;flag <- 1;}
			k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;       
	#### write the data for each cluster into external txt file
	Cluster <- 1;
	name.output.file <- "cluster of raw data.txt"
	this.cluster.mat1 <- c()
	if (n.profile>0){
		for(j.cluster in 1:n.profile){
			this.cluster.mat <- c()  
			for(i in 1:length(match)){       
				if(match[i]==j.cluster) {this.cluster.mat <- rbind(this.cluster.mat,xx[ino[i],])}
				this.cluster.mat <- cbind(Cluster,this.cluster.mat)    
				Cluster <- Cluster+1;  
			this.cluster.mat1 <- rbind(this.cluster.mat1,this.cluster.mat) 
		for(j.cluster in (n.profile+1):(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile)){
			this.cluster.mat <- c()  
			for(i in 1:length(match)){       
				if(match[i]==j.cluster) {this.cluster.mat <- rbind(this.cluster.mat,xx[ino[i],])}
				this.cluster.mat <- cbind(Cluster,this.cluster.mat)       
				Cluster <- Cluster+1;
			this.cluster.mat1 <- rbind(this.cluster.mat1,this.cluster.mat) 
		this.cluster.mat <- c()  
		for(i in 1:length(match)){       
			if(match[i]==(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile+1)) {this.cluster.mat<- rbind(this.cluster.mat,xx[ino[i],])}
			this.cluster.mat<- cbind(Cluster,this.cluster.mat)           
			Cluster<- Cluster+1;    
		this.cluster.mat1<- rbind(this.cluster.mat1,this.cluster.mat)      
	#write.table(this.cluster.mat1, name.output.file, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE)  
	if (plot.format!="eps" && plot.format!="jpg") stop("the plot.format must be 'eps' or 'jpg' !")  
	#### create the data for making plots
	### create the  series of each cluster
	name.output.file <- "cluster of fitted mean data.txt"
	k.cluster <- 1;
	data.for.this.cluster1 <- c()
	if (n.profile>0){
		for (j.cluster in 1:n.profile){
			for (i in 1:length(match)){       
				if (match[i]==j.cluster) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,c(xx[ino[i],id.col],vb[ino[i]],suu[ino[i],]))}
				data.for.this.cluster <- cbind(k.cluster,data.for.this.cluster)
				k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;                 
			data.for.this.cluster1 <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster1,data.for.this.cluster) 
		for (j.cluster in (n.profile+1):(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile)){
			data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
			for (i in 1:length(match)){       
				if (match[i]==j.cluster) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,c(xx[ino[i],id.col],vb[ino[i]],suu[ino[i],]))}
				data.for.this.cluster <- cbind(k.cluster,data.for.this.cluster)
				k.cluster <- k.cluster+1; 
			data.for.this.cluster1 <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster1,data.for.this.cluster) 
		for (i in 1:length(match)){       
			if (match[i]==(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile+1)) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,c(xx[ino[i],id.col],vb[ino[i]],suu[ino[i],]))}
			data.for.this.cluster <- cbind(k.cluster,data.for.this.cluster)
			k.cluster <- k.cluster+1; 
		data.for.this.cluster1 <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster1,data.for.this.cluster) 
	name1 <- paste("Time ",1:n.time,sep="")
	colnames(data.for.this.cluster1) <- c("Cluster","id","Vg" ,name1)
	#write.table(data.for.this.cluster1, name.output.file, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE)  

	if (onefile==FALSE){  
		### create the  series of each cluster
		if (n.profile>0){
			for (j.cluster in 1:n.profile){
				#### create the data for making plots
				data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
				for (i in 1:length(match)){       
					if (match[i]==j.cluster) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,suu[ino[i],])}
				### now produce plots of the series
				name.title <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster, ": ",all.pro[profile[j.cluster]],sep="")
				### added
				clustNames <- c(clustNames, all.pro[profile[j.cluster]])
				### added
				clustNames <- c(clustNames, all.pro[profile[j.cluster]])
				cov.this.cluster <- c(1:n.time)
				size.this.cluster <- nrow(data.for.this.cluster)
						name.plot.profile <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster ," of fitted mean data", ".eps", sep="")      
						name.plot.profile <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster ," of fitted mean data", ".jpg", sep="")                         
					k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
					plot(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[1, ], type="l",ylim=range(data.for.this.cluster, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="Time", ylab="Expression",main=name.title )
					if(size.this.cluster>1) {
						for(ind.series in 2:size.this.cluster) {
							points(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[ind.series, ], type="l")
			for (j.cluster in (n.profile+1):(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile)){
				data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
				for (i in 1:length(match)){       
					if (match[i]==j.cluster) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,suu[ino[i],])}
				### now produce plots of the series
				name.title <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster, ": ",name.cyclical.profile[j.cluster-n.profile],sep="")
				### added
				clustNames <- c(clustNames, name.cyclical.profile[j.cluster-n.profile])
				cov.this.cluster <- c(1:n.time)
				size.this.cluster <- nrow(data.for.this.cluster)
						name.plot.profile <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster ," of fitted mean data", ".eps", sep="")
						name.plot.profile <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster ," of fitted mean data", ".jpg", sep="")
					k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
					plot(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[1, ], type="l",ylim=range(data.for.this.cluster, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="Time", ylab="Expression", main=name.title )
					if(size.this.cluster>1) {
						for(ind.series in 2:size.this.cluster) {
							points(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[ind.series, ], type="l")
			#### create the data for making plots
			data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
			for (i in 1:length(match)){       
				if (match[i]==(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile+1)) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,suu[ino[i],])}
			### now produce plots of the series
			name.title <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster, ": ", "complete profile", sep="")
			### added
			clustNames <- c(clustNames, "complete profile")
			cov.this.cluster <- c(1:n.time)
					name.plot.profile <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster ," of fitted mean data", ".eps", sep="")
					name.plot.profile <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster ," of fitted mean data", ".jpg", sep="")  
				plot(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[1, ], type="l",ylim=range(data.for.this.cluster, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="Time", ylab="Expression",main=name.title )
				if(size.this.cluster>1) {
					for(ind.series in 2:size.this.cluster) {
						points(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[ind.series, ], type="l")
	if (onefile==TRUE){  
		### create the  series of each cluster
		if (nn==1)  {a <- 1;b <- 1;}
		if (nn==2)  {a <- 1;b <- 2;}
		if (nn>=3 && nn<=6){  a <- 2; b <- floor(nn/(a+0.1))+1; }
		if (nn>=7 && nn<=12){a <- 3; b <- floor(nn/(a+0.1))+1;}
		if (nn>=13 ){ a <- 4; b <- floor(nn/(a+0.1))+1;}
			name.plot <- "cluster of fitted mean data.eps";
			name.plot <- "cluster of fitted mean data.jpg";
		k.cluster <- 1;
		if (n.profile>0){
			for (j.cluster in 1:n.profile){
				#### create the data for making plots
				data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
				for (i in 1:length(match)){       
					if (match[i]==j.cluster) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,suu[ino[i],])}
				### now produce plots of the series   
				cov.this.cluster <- c(1:n.time)
				size.this.cluster <- nrow(data.for.this.cluster)
					name.title <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster, ": ", all.pro[profile[j.cluster]], sep="")
					### added
					clustNames <- c(clustNames, all.pro[profile[j.cluster]])
					k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
					plot(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[1, ], type="l",ylim=range(data.for.this.cluster, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="Time", ylab="Expression",main=name.title )
					if(size.this.cluster>1) {
						for(ind.series in 2:size.this.cluster) {
							points(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[ind.series, ], type="l")
			for (j.cluster in (n.profile+1):(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile)){
				data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
				for (i in 1:length(match)){       
					if (match[i]==j.cluster) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,suu[ino[i],])}
				### now produce plots of the series       
				cov.this.cluster <- c(1:n.time)
				size.this.cluster <- nrow(data.for.this.cluster)
					name.title <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster, ": ", name.cyclical.profile[j.cluster-n.profile], sep="")
					### added
					clustNames <- c(clustNames, name.cyclical.profile[j.cluster-n.profile])
					k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
					plot(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[1, ], type="l",ylim=range(data.for.this.cluster, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="Time", ylab="Expression", main=name.title )
					if(size.this.cluster>1) {
						for(ind.series in 2:size.this.cluster) {
							points(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[ind.series, ], type="l")
			#### create the data for making plots
			data.for.this.cluster <- c()  
			for (i in 1:length(match)){       
				if (match[i]==(n.profile+n.cyclical.profile+1)) {data.for.this.cluster <- rbind(data.for.this.cluster,suu[ino[i],])}
			### now produce plots of the series        
			cov.this.cluster <- (1:n.time)
			size.this.cluster <- nrow(data.for.this.cluster)
				name.title <- paste("cluster ", k.cluster, ": ", "complete profile", sep="")
				### added
				clustNames <- c(clustNames, "complete profile")
				k.cluster <- k.cluster+1;
				plot(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[1, ], type="l",ylim=range(data.for.this.cluster, na.rm=TRUE), xlab="Time", ylab="Expression",main=name.title )
				if(size.this.cluster>1) {
					for(ind.series in 2:size.this.cluster) {
						points(cov.this.cluster, data.for.this.cluster[ind.series, ], type="l")
	## These lines are added to the original function to get the 
	## name of different cluster profiles as text rather than
	## jus their code. Also, "this.cluster.mat1" is given as the
	## output with the cluster names added to it. This way we don't
	## need to read it everytime. However, still the function would 
	## write the outputs as its documentation suggests.
	## Note that, we also prevent the information the function print,
	## as not all applications are involving genes.
	clustNamesFinal <- clustNames[-1]
	clustNamesFinal[clustNamesFinal == "complete profile"] <- "complete"

	this.cluster.mat.output <- cbind(this.cluster.mat1[,1], clustNamesFinal[this.cluster.mat1$Cluster], this.cluster.mat1[,-1])
	names(this.cluster.mat.output)[1] <- "Cluster"
	names(this.cluster.mat.output)[2] <- "clusterNames"
	list( cluster=cluster, top.id=top.id, rawDataWithClustering = this.cluster.mat.output)

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clustDRM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:07 a.m.