
Defines functions merge2order order_merge_by_height divisive_clustering

Documented in divisive_clustering

#' @title Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
#' @description Perform a hierarchical Divisive cluster analysis on a set of
#' observations
#' @param data a set of observations, presented as a matrix-like object where
#' every row is a new observation.
#' @param details a Boolean determining whether intermediate logs explaining how
#' the algorithm works should be printed or not.
#' @param waiting a Boolean determining whether the intermediate logs should be
#' printed in chunks waiting for user input before printing the next or not.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [clustlearn::kmeans()].
#' @details This function performs a hierarchical cluster analysis for the
#' \eqn{n} objects being clustered. The definition of a set of clusters using
#' this method follows a \eqn{n} step process, which repeats until \eqn{n}
#' clusters remain:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Initially, each object is assigned to the same cluster. The sum of
#'  squares of the distances between objects and their cluster center is
#'  computed.
#'  \item The cluster with the highest sum of squares is split into two using
#'  the k-means algorithm. This step is repeated until \eqn{n} clusters remain.
#' }
#' @return An [stats::hclust()] object which describes the tree produced by the
#' clustering process.
#' @examples
#' ### !! This algorithm is very slow, so we'll only test it on some datasets !!
#' ### Helper function
#' test <- function(db, k) {
#'   print(cl <- clustlearn::divisive_clustering(db, max_iterations = 5))
#'   par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#'   plot(db, col = cutree(cl, k), asp = 1, pch = 20)
#'   h <- rev(cl$height)[50]
#'   clu <- as.hclust(cut(as.dendrogram(cl), h = h)$upper)
#'   ctr <- unique(cutree(cl, k)[cl$order])
#'   plot(clu, labels = FALSE, hang = -1, xlab = "Cluster", sub = "", main = "")
#'   rect.hclust(clu, k = k, border = ctr)
#' }
#' ### Example 1
#' # test(clustlearn::db1, 2)
#' ### Example 2
#' # test(clustlearn::db2, 2)
#' ### Example 3
#' # test(clustlearn::db3, 3)
#' ### Example 4
#' # test(clustlearn::db4, 3)
#' ### Example 5
#' test(clustlearn::db5, 3)
#' ### Example 6
#' test(clustlearn::db6, 3)
#' ### Example 7 (with explanations, no plots)
#'   cl <- clustlearn::divisive_clustering(
#'   clustlearn::db5[1:6, ],
#'   details = TRUE,
#'   waiting = FALSE
#' )
#' @author Eduardo Ruiz Sabajanes, \email{eduardo.ruizs@@edu.uah.es}
#' @export
divisive_clustering <- function(
  details = FALSE,
  waiting = TRUE,
) {
  if (details) {
    console.log("The Divisive Hierarchical Clustering algorithm defines a clustering hierarchy for a dataset following a `n` step process, which repeats until `n` clusters remain:")
    console.log("    1. Initially, each object is assigned to the same cluster. The sum of squares of the distances between objects and their cluster center is computed.")
    console.log("    2. The cluster with the highest Within-Cluster Sum-of-Squares (WCSS) is split into two using the K-Means algorithm. This step is repeated until `n` clusters remain.")
    console.log("Since this implementation builds a complete hierarchy, the second step does not need to be performed on the cluster with the highest sum of squares, but rather on any cluster with more than one element.")

    if (waiting) {
      invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

  # Prepare the data structure which will hold the answer
  ans <- structure(
      merge = numeric(0),
      height = NULL,
      order = NULL,
      labels = rownames(data),
      method = "kmeans",
      call = NULL,
      dist.method = "Euclidean"
    class = "hclust"

  # Wrap the data with additional information we'll need
  data_center <- apply(data, 2, mean)
  totss <- sum(apply(data, 1, function(x) x - data_center)^2)
  wrapped_data <- list(
    data = data,
    label = nrow(data) - 1,
    ss = totss,
    elems = -seq_len(nrow(data))

  # Build a list with all clusters
  clusters <- list(wrapped_data)

  if (details) {
    console.log("STEP 1:")
    console.log("Initially, each object is assigned to the same cluster. The sum of squares of the distances between objects and their cluster center is computed.")
    cat("Initial cluster:\n")
    cat(paste0("CLUSTER #", clusters[[1]]$label, ":\n"))

    if (waiting) {
      invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

  # Until there are no clusters with sum of squares greater than 0
  iter <- 2
  while (any(sapply(clusters, function(x) length(x$elems)) > 1)) {
    # We'll operate on the first cluster and order them all afterwards
    target <- clusters[[1]]
    clusters <- clusters[-1]

    if (details) {
      console.log(paste0("STEP ", iter, ":"))
      console.log("Any cluster is selected for division:")
      cat(paste0("CLUSTER #", target$label, " (WCSS: ", target$ss, ")\n"))

      if (waiting) {
        invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

    # Split the target cluster into two using the k-means approach
    km <- clustlearn::kmeans(target$data, 2, ...)
    if (any(km$size == 0))
      km$cluster[1] <- setdiff(1:2, km$cluster[1])

    # Create clusters for each split
    lhs <- list(
      data = target$data[km$cluster == 1, , drop = FALSE],
      label = NULL,
      ss = km$withinss[1],
      elems = target$elems[km$cluster == 1]
    lhs$label <- if (length(lhs$elems) == 1) {
    } else {
      target$label - 1
    rhs <- list(
      data = target$data[km$cluster == 2, , drop = FALSE],
      label = NULL,
      ss = km$withinss[2],
      elems = target$elems[km$cluster == 2]
    rhs$label <- if (length(rhs$elems) == 1) {
    } else {
      target$label - length(lhs$elems)

    if (details) {
      console.log("The cluster is divided through the K-Means method into two that (approximately) minimize the WCSS:")
      cat(paste0("CLUSTER #", lhs$label, " (WCSS: ", lhs$ss, ")\n"))
      cat(paste0("CLUSTER #", rhs$label, " (WCSS: ", rhs$ss, ")\n"))

      if (waiting) {
        invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

    # Update the answer
    ans$merge <- c(lhs$label, rhs$label, ans$merge)
    ans$height <- c(km$totss, ans$height)

    if (details) {
      console.log("If the divided clusters containe more than one element, they are marked again for division:")

    # Replace the target cluster with the two new ones
    if (length(rhs$elems) > 1) {
      clusters <- c(list(rhs), clusters)

      if (details) {
        console.log("The following cluster is marked for division:")
        cat(paste0("CLUSTER #", lhs$label, " (WCSS: ", lhs$ss, ")\n"))
    if (length(lhs$elems) > 1) {
      clusters <- c(list(lhs), clusters)
      if (details) {
        console.log("The following cluster is marked for division:")
        cat(paste0("CLUSTER #", rhs$label, " (WCSS: ", rhs$ss, ")\n"))

    if (details) {

      if (waiting) {
        invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

    iter <- iter + 1

  # Compute the merge and order of the hclust
  ans$merge <- matrix(ans$merge, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  ans$height <- sqrt(ans$height)

  # Order the rows in merge by height
  tmp <- order_merge_by_height(ans$merge, ans$height)
  ans$merge <- tmp$merge
  ans$height <- tmp$height

  # Figure the order of the elements from the merge to build a proper dendrogram
  ans$order <- merge2order(ans$merge)

  if (details) {
    console.log("Since all clusters have been divided into clusters with a single element, the final clustering hierarchy is:")
    console.log("(Check the plot for the dendrogram representation of the hierarchy)")
    plot(ans, hang = -1)

    if (waiting) {
      invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))


  # Return the answer

order_merge_by_height <- function(merge, height) {
  ord1 <- order(height)
  ord2 <- order(ord1)
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(merge))) {
    for (j in seq_len(ncol(merge))) {
      val <- merge[i, j]
      merge[i, j] <- if (val < 0) val else ord2[val]
  merge <- merge[ord1, , drop = FALSE]
  height <- height[ord1]

  list(merge = merge, height = height)

merge2order <- function(merge) {
  order <- if (nrow(merge) > 0) merge[nrow(merge), ] else -1
  while (any(order > 0)) {
    target <- which.max(order)
    order <- c(
      order[seq_along(order) < target],
      merge[order[target], ],
      order[seq_along(order) > target]

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clustlearn documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.