
Defines functions base.bal.tab.base base.bal.tab.cont base.bal.tab.binary base.bal.tab

base.bal.tab <- function(X, ...) {
    fun <- switch(attr(X, "X.class"),
                  "binary" = base.bal.tab.binary,
                  "cont" = base.bal.tab.cont,
                  "subclass.binary" = base.bal.tab.subclass.binary,
                  "subclass.cont" = base.bal.tab.subclass.cont,
                  "cluster" = base.bal.tab.cluster,
                  "msm" = base.bal.tab.msm,
                  "multi" = base.bal.tab.multi,
                  "imp" = base.bal.tab.imp)
    fun(X, ...)

base.bal.tab.binary <- function(X, ...) {
    base.bal.tab.base(X, type = "bin", ...)
base.bal.tab.cont <- function(X, ...) {
    base.bal.tab.base(X, type = "cont", ...)

base.bal.tab.base <- function(X,
                              int = FALSE,
                              poly = 1,
                              continuous = NULL,
                              binary = NULL,
                              imbalanced.only = getOption("cobalt_imbalanced.only", FALSE),
                              un = getOption("cobalt_un", FALSE),
                              disp = NULL,
                              disp.bal.tab = getOption("cobalt_disp.bal.tab", TRUE),
                              disp.call = getOption("cobalt_disp.call", FALSE),
                              abs = FALSE,
                              quick = TRUE,
                              ...) {
    A <- clear_null(list(...))
    A$subset <- NULL

    if (type == "bin") {
        if (get.treat.type(X$treat) != "binary") {
            .err("the treatment must be a binary variable")
        if (is_null(continuous)) continuous <- getOption("cobalt_continuous", "std")
        if (is_null(binary)) binary <- getOption("cobalt_binary", "raw")
    else if (type == "cont") {
        if (is_null(continuous)) continuous <- getOption("cobalt_continuous", "std")
        if (is_null(binary)) binary <- getOption("cobalt_binary", "std")
    if (is_null(X$weights)) {
        un <- TRUE
        no.adj <- TRUE
    else {
        no.adj <- FALSE
        if (type == "bin") check_if_zero_weights(X$weights, X$treat)
        else if (type == "cont") check_if_zero_weights(X$weights)
        if (ncol(X$weights) == 1) names(X$weights) <- "Adj"
    if (is_null(X$s.weights)) {
        X$s.weights <- rep(1, length(X$treat))
    disp <- do.call("process_disp", c(list(disp), A), quote = TRUE)
    out <- list()
    C <- do.call(".get_C2", c(X, A[names(A) %nin% names(X)], list(int = int, poly = poly)), quote = TRUE)
    co.names <- attr(C, "co.names")
    var_types <- attr(C, "var_types")
    if (is_not_null(X$s.d.denom.list)) {
        X$s.d.denom <- NULL
    else if (get.treat.type(X$treat) != "continuous" &&
        "mean.diffs" %in% X$stats &&
        ((binary == "std" && any(var_types == "Binary")) ||
         (continuous == "std" && any(var_types != "Binary")))) {
        X$s.d.denom <- .get_s.d.denom(X$s.d.denom,
                                      estimand = X$estimand,
                                      weights = X$weights, 
                                      subclass = X$subclass,
                                      treat = X$treat,
                                      focal = X$focal)
    else if (get.treat.type(X$treat) == "continuous" &&
             any(c("correlations", "spearman.correlations") %in% X$stats) &&
             ((binary == "std" && any(var_types == "Binary")) ||
              (continuous == "std" && any(var_types != "Binary")))) {
        X$s.d.denom <- .get_s.d.denom.cont(X$s.d.denom,
                                           weights = X$weights,
                                           subclass = X$subclass)
    else {
        X$s.d.denom <- NULL
    out[["Balance"]] <- do.call("balance.table", c(list(C, type = type, weights = X$weights, treat = X$treat, 
                                                        s.d.denom = X$s.d.denom, s.weights = X$s.weights, 
                                                        continuous = continuous, binary = binary, 
                                                        thresholds = X$thresholds,
                                                        un = un, disp = disp, 
                                                        stats = X$stats, abs = abs, 
                                                        no.adj = no.adj, quick = quick, 
                                                        var_types = var_types,
                                                        s.d.denom.list = X$s.d.denom.list), A), quote = TRUE)
    #Reassign disp... and ...threshold based on balance table output
    compute <- attr(out[["Balance"]], "compute")
    thresholds <- attr(out[["Balance"]], "thresholds")
    disp <- attr(out[["Balance"]], "disp")
    out <- c(out, threshold.summary(compute = compute,
                                    thresholds = thresholds,
                                    no.adj = no.adj,
                                    balance.table = out[["Balance"]],
                                    weight.names = names(X$weights)))

    out[["Observations"]] <- samplesize(treat = X$treat, type = type, weights = X$weights,
                                        s.weights = X$s.weights, method = X$method,
                                        discarded = X$discarded)
    out[["call"]] <- X$call
    attr(out, "print.options") <- list(thresholds = thresholds,
                                       imbalanced.only = imbalanced.only,
                                       un = un, 
                                       compute = compute, 
                                       disp = disp,
                                       disp.bal.tab = disp.bal.tab,
                                       disp.call = disp.call, 
                                       abs = abs,
                                       continuous = continuous,
                                       binary = binary,
                                       quick = quick,
                                       nweights = ifelse(no.adj, 0, ncol(X$weights)),
                                       weight.names = names(X$weights),
                                       treat_names = treat_names(X$treat),
                                       type = type,
                                       co.names = co.names)
    class(out) <- c(paste.("bal.tab", type), "bal.tab")

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cobalt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:42 a.m.