
## Test `coinertia()` function

## load packages

context("Testing coinertia()")

## Load data
data(beetles, plants)

test_that("coinertia() works & returns correct object", {
    expect_message(coin <- coinertia(beetles, plants),
                   regexp = "some species contain no data")
    expect_is(coin, "coinertia")
    expect_is(coin, "list")
    expect_named(coin, c("scores", "weights", "lambda", "n.axes",
                         "symmetric", "call"))
    expect_output(print(coin), regexp = "Coinertia Analysis")
    expect_is(eigenvals(coin), "numeric")
    expect_equal(length(eigenvals(coin)), nrow(plants) - 1L)

test_that("coinertia() fails with objects with different # samples", {
    expect_error(coin <- coinertia(beetles, plants[-1, ]),
                   regexp = "Number of rows in y and x is not equal")

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cocorresp documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:08 a.m.