#' Select regions of interest
#' Select regions of interest in an image using different morphological operations
#' @param img An object of class \code{\link[imager]{cimg}} or a \code{list} of
#' multiple \code{\link[imager]{cimg}} items
#' @param threshold A \code{numeric} to be passed to
#' \code{\link[imager]{threshold}} or a \code{vector} of values for each
#' image in \code{img}
#' @param shrink A \code{numeric} to be passed to \code{\link[imager]{shrink}}
#' or a \code{vector} of values for each image in \code{img}
#' @param grow A \code{numeric} to be passed to \code{\link[imager]{grow}}
#' or a \code{vector} of values for each image in \code{img}
#' @param fill A \code{numeric} to be passed to \code{\link[imager]{fill}}
#' or a \code{vector} of values for each image in \code{img}
#' @param clean A \code{numeric} to be passed to \code{\link[imager]{clean}}
#' or a \code{vector} of values for each image in \code{img}
#' @param tolerance A \code{numeric} to be passed to \code{\link[imager]{label}}
#' or a \code{vector} of values for each image in \code{img}
#' @param n A \code{numeric} of the number of regions of interest
#' or a \code{vector} of values for each image in \code{img}
#' @return A \code{\link[imager]{cimg}}. The original input \code{img} with an
#' additional attribute \code{label}. \code{label} is a \code{vector} of
#' \code{integer}s. The labels for the selected regions of interests starts
#' from 1 and 0 is ignored. When \code{img} is a list, a \code{list} is
#' returned.
#' @details The function applies several \code{\link{imager}} morphological
#' manipulations to select the regions of interest. These include
#' \code{\link[imager]{threshold}} which sets all values below certain cut to
#' 0; \code{\link[imager]{shrink}}/\code{\link[imager]{grow}} for pixel set
#' dilation and erosion; \code{\link[imager]{fill}}/\code{\link[imager]{clean}}
#' for removing isolated regions and holes. When \code{n} is provided, the
#' individual regions (connected components) are selected where \code{tolerance}
#' is used to determine if two pixels belong to the same region.
#' @examples
#' # load images
#' fl <- system.file('extdata', 'Image0001_.jpg', package = 'colocr')
#' img <- image_load(fl)
#' # choose ROI
#' newimg <- roi_select(img, threshold = 90)
#' # check the ROI labels
#' unique(attr(newimg, 'label'))
#' @importFrom imager is.cimg grayscale threshold as.pixset shrink grow fill clean
#' @export
roi_select <- function(img, threshold, shrink = 5, grow = 5, fill = 5,
clean = 5, tolerance = .1, n = 1) {
#' @export
roi_select.default <- function(img, ...) {
warning(paste("img is of class",
". img should be a cimg or a list of cimg objects."))
#' @export
roi_select.cimg <- function(img, threshold = 50, shrink = 5, grow = 5, fill = 5,
clean = 5, tolerance = .1, n = 1) {
# check valid input
if(!missing(threshold) & !is.numeric(threshold)) {
stop('threshold should be a numeric >= 0 and < 100.')
if(!missing(threshold) & (threshold >= 100 | threshold < 0)) {
stop('threshold should be a numeric >= 0 and < 100.')
# Ideally, I'd like to check type and value of other arguments,
# however, I currently cannot since these arguments are optional
# change image to gray scale
img.g <- grayscale(img)
# apply threshold
img.t <- threshold(img.g, paste0(threshold, '%'))
# change to pixset
px <- as.pixset(1-img.t)
# apply shrink
px.m <- shrink(px, shrink)
# apply grow
px.m <- grow(px.m, grow)
# apply fill
px.m <- fill(px.m, fill)
# apply clean
px.m <- clean(px.m, clean)
# add labels when n is provided
labs.px <- .labels_add(px.m, tolerance = tolerance, n = n)
attr(img, 'label') <- as.numeric(labs.px)
# return object
#' @export
roi_select.list <- function(img, threshold, shrink = 5, grow = 5, fill = 5,
clean = 5, tolerance = .1, n = 1) {
# get the length of the image list
img_n <- length(img)
# repeat arguments to match list length
inputs <- list(threshold = threshold,
shrink = shrink,
grow = grow,
fill = fill,
clean = clean,
tolerance = tolerance,
n = n)
for(i in seq_along(inputs)) {
# lenght of argument
input_n <- length(inputs[[i]])
# use first item and return warning if not a single value or doesn't match
# length of image list
if(input_n != img_n & input_n != 1) {
inputs[[i]] <- inputs[[i]][1]
warning(paste0("Only first value in ", names(inputs)[[i]], ' will be used.'))
# match length of the arguments to that of the list of images
if(input_n != img_n) {
inputs[[i]] <- rep(inputs[[i]], img_n)
# loop over the list of images and call roi_select
newimgs <- list()
for(i in 1:img_n) {
newimgs[[i]] <- roi_select(img[[i]],
threshold = inputs$threshold[i],
shrink = inputs$shrink[i],
grow = inputs$grow[i],
fill = inputs$fill[i],
clean = inputs$clean[i],
tolerance = inputs$tolerance[i],
n = inputs$n[i])
# return list of images
#' Show the selected regions of interest
#' Show/highlight the selected regions of interest on different image channels
#' @param img A \code{\link[imager]{cimg}} object or a \code{list} of multiple
#' images such as the one returned from \code{\link{roi_select}}
#' @param ind A \code{numeric} object of length two. For the channel indexes.
#' or a \code{list} of similar vectors for each of \code{img} items.
#' @return NULL
#' @details calling this function with \code{img} object which is returned from
#' \code{\link{roi_select}} returns four different plots. The original image, a
#' low resolution representation of the selected regions of interest and the
#' two channels indicated through \code{ind} highlighted.
#' @examples
#' # load images
#' fl <- system.file('extdata', 'Image0001_.jpg', package = 'colocr')
#' img <- image_load(fl)
#' # choose and show ROI
#' oldpar <- par()
#' par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' roi_select(img, threshold = 90) %>%
#' roi_show()
#' par(oldpar)
#' @importFrom imager highlight channel cimg
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
roi_show <- function(img, ind = c(1,2)) {
#' @export
roi_show.default <- function(img, ...) {
warning(paste("img is of class",
". img should be a cimg or a list of cimg objects."))
#' @export
roi_show.cimg <- function(img, ind = c(1,2)) {
# get labels from img
# transform labels to cimg object
labels <- attr(img, 'label')
dims <- dim(grayscale(img))
a <- array(labels, dim = dims)
px <- cimg(a)
# merge image
axes = FALSE,
main = 'Merge')
# pixset image
axes = FALSE,
main = 'Pixel Set')
# channel one highlighted
img1 <- channel(img, ind = ind[1])
axes = FALSE,
main = 'Channel One')
# channel two highlighted
img2 <- channel(img, ind = ind[2])
axes = FALSE,
main = 'Channel Two')
# return null
#' @export
roi_show.list <- function(img, ind = c(1,2)) {
# get the length of the image list
img_n <- length(img)
# repeat argument to match list length
if(!is.list(ind)) {
ind <- rep(list(ind), img_n)
# loop over the images of lists and call roi_show
for(i in 1:img_n){
ind = ind[[i]])
# return null
#' Show pixel intensities
#' Show the pixel intensities of certain image channels
#' @inheritParams roi_show
#' @return NULL
#' @details Calling this function returns two plots. The first is a scatter
#' plot of the pixel intensities from two channels. The second is the density
#' distribution of the intensities from the two channels.
#' @examples
#' # load images
#' fl <- system.file('extdata', 'Image0001_.jpg', package = 'colocr')
#' img <- image_load(fl)
#' # choose ROI and show the pixel intensities
#' oldpar <- par()
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' roi_select(img, threshold = 90) %>%
#' roi_check()
#' par(oldpar)
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @importFrom scales alpha
#' @importFrom graphics plot lines
#' @export
roi_check <- function(img, ind = c(1,2)) {
#' @export
roi_check.default <- function(img, ...) {
warning(paste("img is of class",
". img should be a cimg or a list of cimg objects."))
#' @export
roi_check.cimg <- function(img, ind = c(1,2)) {
# get pixel intensities
pix_int <- .intensity_get(img, ind = ind)
# scatter plot
plot(pix_int[[1]], pix_int[[2]],
col = alpha(pix_int[[3]], 0.5),
pch = 16,
xlab = 'Channel One', ylab = 'Channel Two')
# density plot
d1 <- density(pix_int[[1]])
d2 <- density(pix_int[[2]])
xlim <- c(min(c(d1$x, d2$x)), max(c(d1$x, d2$x)))
ylim <- c(min(c(d1$y, d2$y)), max(c(d1$y, d2$y)))
plot(d1$x, d1$y,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
type = 'l', col = alpha('green', .5),
xlab = 'Pixel Value', ylab = 'Density')
lines(d2$x, d2$y,
col = alpha('red', .5))
# return null
#' @export
roi_check.list <- function(img, ind = c(1,2)) {
# get the length of the image list
img_n <- length(img)
# repeat argument to match list length
if(!is.list(ind)) {
ind <- rep(list(ind), img_n)
# loop over the images of lists and call roi_check
for(i in 1:img_n) {
ind = ind[[i]])
# return null
#' Test Co-localization
#' Perform co-localization test statistics.
#' @inheritParams roi_show
#' @param type A \code{character} vector of the desired co-localization
#' statistics. Default is 'pcc', other inputs are 'moc' or 'both'.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} or a \code{list} of \code{data.frame}s.
#' @details The co-localization stats requested in \code{type} is returned as
#' a column for each. When different labels are provided, the stats are
#' calculated for each label individually. When is \code{img} is a \code{list}
#' a \code{list} of such \code{data.frame}s is returned
#' @examples
#' # load images
#' fl <- system.file('extdata', 'Image0001_.jpg', package = 'colocr')
#' img <- image_load(fl)
#' # choose roi and test colocalization
#' roi_select(img, threshold = 90) %>%
#' roi_test()
#' @importFrom imager is.cimg is.pixset channel
#' @export
roi_test <- function(img, ind = c(1,2), type = 'pcc') {
#' @export
roi_test.default <- function(img, ...) {
warning(paste("img is of class",
"img should be a cimg or a list of cimg objects."))
#' @export
roi_test.cimg <- function(img, ind = c(1,2), type = 'pcc') {
# get pixel intensity
pix_int <- .intensity_get(img, ind = ind)
if(!type %in% c('pcc', 'moc', 'both')) {
stop('type takes one of these values; pcc, moc or both')
# unpack pix_int
img1.num <- pix_int[[1]]
img2.num <- pix_int[[2]]
f <- pix_int[[3]]
# use labels to subset images when provided
if(length(unique(pix_int[[3]])) > 1) {
# split pixels by labels
ll <- lapply(list(img1.num, img2.num), split, f = f)
corr <- switch (type,
'pcc' = data.frame(pcc = unlist(mapply(function(x, y) {
.pearson(x, y)
}, ll[[1]], ll[[2]]))),
'moc' = data.frame(moc = unlist(mapply(function(x, y) {
.manders(x, y)
}, ll[[1]], ll[[2]]))),
'both' = data.frame(pcc = unlist(mapply(function(x, y) {
.pearson(x, y)
}, ll[[1]], ll[[2]])),
moc = unlist(mapply(function(x, y) {
.manders(x, y)
}, ll[[1]], ll[[2]])))
} else {
# calculate correlations
corr <- switch (type,
'pcc' = data.frame(pcc = .pearson(img1.num, img2.num)),
'moc' = data.frame(moc = .manders(img1.num, img2.num)),
'both' = data.frame(pcc = .pearson(img1.num, img2.num),
moc = .manders(img1.num, img2.num))
# retrun corr
#' @export
roi_test.list <- function(img, ind = c(1,2), type = 'pcc') {
# get the length of the image list
img_n <- length(img)
# repeat arguments to match list length
if(!is.list(ind)) {
ind <- rep(list(ind), img_n)
# loop over the images of lists and call roi_check
tst <- list()
for(i in 1:img_n) {
tst[[i]] <- roi_test(img[[i]],
ind = ind[[i]],
type = type)
# return list
#' Run the shiny App
#' @return NULL
#' @importFrom shiny runApp
#' @export
colocr_app <- function(){
app_dir <- system.file('colocr_app', package = 'colocr')
runApp(app_dir, display.mode = 'normal')
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