
Defines functions computeCCT computeCCT.colorSpec

Documented in computeCCT computeCCT.colorSpec

#   x      a colorSpec object with type 'light', and M spectra
#   returns an M-vector, containing CCT in Kelvin, or NA in case of error
computeCCT.colorSpec   <- function( x, isotherms='robertson', locus='robertson', strict=FALSE )
    n   = numSpectra( x )
    if( n == 0 )    return( numeric(0) )

    out = rep(NA_real_,n) 
    names(out)  = specnames(x)
    if( type(x) != 'light' )
        log_string( WARN, "The type of of '%s' is '%s', but it must be 'light'.",
                    deparse(substitute(x))[1], type(x) )
    if( ! requireNamespace( 'spacesXYZ', quietly=TRUE ) )
        log_string( ERROR, "Required package 'spacesXYZ' could not be imported."  )
    XYZ = product( radiometric(x), colorSpec::xyz1931.1nm, wavelength='auto' )
    #   suppress warning about denominator 0, during XYZ -> uv conversion
    #   this happens when spectrum is all 0s
    mask    = rowSums( abs(XYZ) ) == 0
    XYZ[mask, ] = NA_real_

    out = spacesXYZ::CCTfromXYZ( XYZ, isotherms=isotherms, locus=locus, strict=strict  )    

    return( out )


#--------       UseMethod() calls           --------------#            
computeCCT <- function( x, isotherms='robertson', locus='robertson', strict=FALSE  )

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colorSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6 a.m.