## Display hot inputData
# Horizontal
output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({
inputData <- values[["inputData"]]
prices <- inputData[,"Prices \n($/unit)"]
output <- inputData[,grepl("Quantities|Revenue",colnames(inputData), perl=TRUE)]
missPrices <- isTRUE(any([!])))
if(input$supply == "2nd Score Auction"){colnames(inputData)[grepl("Cost Changes",colnames(inputData))] <-'Post-merger\n Cost Changes\n($/unit)'}
else{colnames(inputData)[grepl("Cost Changes",colnames(inputData))] <-'Post-merger\n Cost Changes\n(Proportion)'}
if(missPrices && input$supply == "2nd Score Auction"){colnames(inputData)[grepl("Margins",colnames(inputData))] <- "Margins\n ($/unit)"}
else{colnames(inputData)[grepl("Margins",colnames(inputData))] <- "Margins\n (p-c)/p"}
if (missPrices && any(grepl("ces|aids", demand(), perl=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)){colnames(inputData)[grepl("Quantities",colnames(inputData))] <- "Revenues"}
else{{colnames(inputData)[grepl("Revenues",colnames(inputData))] <- "Quantities"}}
if (!is.null(inputData))
rhandsontable(inputData, stretchH = "all", contextMenu = FALSE ) %>% hot_col(col = 1:ncol(inputData), valign = "htMiddle") %>%
hot_col(col = which(sapply(inputData, is.numeric)), halign = "htCenter") %>% hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE)
# Vertical
output$hotVertical <- renderRHandsontable({
#inputData <- valuesVertical[["inputData"]]
if (input$mergerTypeVertical == "Upstream"){
inputData <- mergersInputs(nrow = input$addRowsVertical, type = "Vertical", typeVertical = "Upstream")
if (input$mergerTypeVertical == "Downstream"){
inputData <- mergersInputs(nrow = input$addRowsVertical, type = "Vertical", typeVertical = "Downstream")
if (input$mergerTypeVertical == "Vertical"){
inputData <- mergersInputs(nrow = input$addRowsVertical, type = "Vertical", typeVertical = "Vertical")
missPricesDown <- isTRUE(any($pricesDown[!$sharesDown)])))
missPricesUp <- isTRUE(any($pricesUp[!$sharesDown)])))
if(missPricesDown && input$supplyVertical == "2nd Score Auction"){colnames(inputData)[grepl("marginsDown", colnames(inputData))] <- "marginsDown\n ($/unit)"}
else{colnames(inputData)[grepl("marginsDown", colnames(inputData))] <- "marginsDown\n (p-c)/p"}
if(missPricesUp && input$supplyVertical == "2nd Score Auction"){colnames(inputData)[grepl("marginsUp", colnames(inputData))] <- "marginsUp\n ($/unit)"}
else{colnames(inputData)[grepl("marginsUp", colnames(inputData))] <- "marginsUp\n (p-c)/p"}
if (!is.null(inputData))
rhandsontable(inputData, stretchH = "all", contextMenu = FALSE ) %>% hot_col(col = 1:ncol(inputData), valign = "htMiddle") %>%
hot_col(col = which(sapply(inputData, is.numeric)), halign = "htCenter") %>% hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE)
## Display summary results from mergersSummary
# Horizontal
output$results <-
if(input$inTabset != "respanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
#inputData <- values[["inputData"]]
}, na = "", digits = 1)
# Vertical
output$resultsVertical <-
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "respanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
#inputData <- valuesVertical[["inputData"]]
capture.output(result <- summary(valuesVertical[["sim"]], market = TRUE))
result <-
}, na = "", digits = 1)
## Generate no-purchase shares in Details tab
# Horizontal
output$results_shareOut <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabset != "detpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
}, rownames = TRUE, digits = 1, align = "c")
# Vertical
output$results_shareOutVertical <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "detpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
mergersNoPurch(valuesVertical[["sim"]]) # Returns an error; need to code calcRevenues() in -antitrust-
}, rownames = TRUE, digits = 1, align = "c")
## Display detailed summary values to details tab
# Horizontal
output$results_detailed <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabset != "detpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
if(input$supply == "Cournot"){
res <- NULL
capture.output(try(res <- summary(values[["sim"]], revenue= FALSE,market=FALSE),silent=TRUE))
res$product <- res$mcDelta <- NULL
try(colnames(res) <- c("Merging Party","Name","Pre-Merger Price","Post-Merger Price", "Price Change (%)","Pre-Merger Quantity","Post-Merger Quantity", "Output Change (%)"),silent=TRUE)
} else {
isAuction <- grepl("Auction",class(values[["sim"]]))
isRevDemand <- grepl("ces|aids",class(values[["sim"]]), = TRUE)
inLevels <- FALSE
#isAIDS <- grepl("aids",class(values[["sim"]]), = TRUE)
missPrice <- any([["sim"]]@prices))
if(isAuction && missPrice){inLevels = TRUE}
capture.output(res <- summary(values[["sim"]], revenue=isRevDemand & missPrice, insideOnly=TRUE, levels=inLevels))
res$Name <- rownames(res)
res$mcDelta <- NULL
res <- res[,c(1, ncol(res), 2 : (ncol(res) - 1))]
res$cmcr <- NA
try(res$cmcr[res$isParty=="*"] <- cmcr(values[["sim"]]))
thesenames <- c("Merging Party","Name","Pre-Merger Price","Post-Merger Price", "Price Change (%)","Pre-Merger Share (%)","Post-Merger Share (%)", "Share Change (%)",'Compensating Marginal Cost Reduction (%)')
#if(isAIDS && missPrice){thesenames <- thesenames[!thesenames %in% c("Pre-Merger Price","Post-Merger Price")]}
colnames(res) <- thesenames
if(all($`Compensating Marginal Cost Reduction (%)`))) res$`Compensating Marginal Cost Reduction (%)` <- NULL
#res[,c("Pre-Merger Share (%)","Post-Merger Share (%)")] <- res[,c("Pre-Merger Share (%)","Post-Merger Share (%)")] * 100 / colSums( res[,c("Pre-Merger Share (%)","Post-Merger Share (%)")])
if(inLevels){ colnames(res)[ colnames(res) == "Price Change (%)"] = "Price Change ($/unit)"}
}, digits = 2)
# Vertical
output$results_detailedVertical <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "detpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
## ASK CHARLES if the complicated logic for results_detailed in -Horizontal- needs to be replicated here...
capture.output(result <- summary(valuesVertical[["sim"]]))
result <-
result$Name <- rownames(result)
result <- result[, c(1, ncol(result), 2:(ncol(result)-1))]
}, digits = 2)
## Display market elasticity in Elasticities tab
# Horizontal
output$results_mktelast <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabset != "elastpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
if(input$pre_elast == "Pre-Merger"){ preMerger = TRUE}
else{preMerger = FALSE}
res <- as.matrix(elast(values[["sim"]], preMerger=preMerger, market = TRUE))
colnames(res) <- "Market"
}, rownames = FALSE)
# Vertical
output$results_mktelastVertical <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "elastpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
if(input$pre_elastVertical == "Pre-Merger"){preMerger = TRUE}
else{preMerger = FALSE}
res <- as.matrix(elast(valuesVertical[["sim"]], preMerger = preMerger, market = TRUE)) # Returns an error; need to code elast() in -antitrust-
colnames(res) <- "Market"
}, rownames = FALSE)
## Display elasticities to Elasticities tab
# Horizontal
output$results_elast <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabset != "elastpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
isCournot <- grepl("Cournot", class(values[["sim"]]))
if(input$pre_elast == "Pre-Merger"){preMerger = TRUE}
else{preMerger = FALSE}
if(!isCournot && input$diversions){
res <- diversion(values[["sim"]], preMerger = preMerger)
else{res <- elast(values[["sim"]], preMerger = preMerger)}
if(isCournot){colnames(res) <- "Elasticity"}
}, rownames = TRUE)
# Vertical
output$results_elastVertical <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "elastpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
isCournot <- grepl("Cournot", class(valuesVertical[["sim"]]))
if(input$pre_elastVertical == "Pre-Merger"){preMerger = TRUE}
else{preMerger = FALSE}
if(!isCournot && input$diversionsVertical){
res <- diversion(valuesVertical[["sim"]], preMerger = preMerger)
else{res <- elast(valuesVertical[["sim"]], preMerger = preMerger)}
if(isCournot){colnames(res) <- "Elasticity"}
}, rownames = TRUE)
## Display inputted vs fitted mkt elasticity in Diagnostics tab
# Horizontal
output$results_diag_elast <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabset != "diagpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
res <- mergersDiag(values[["sim"]], mktElast = TRUE)
}, digits = 2, rownames = FALSE, align = "c")
# Vertical
output$results_diag_elastVertical <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "diagpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
## UNCLEAR what to do here. Should we look at upstream or downstream margins/prices/etc to calculate the fitted mkt elasticity?
## See mergersDiag.R
res <- mergersDiag(valuesVertical[["sim"]], mktElast = TRUE)
}, digits = 2, rownames = FALSE, align = "c")
## Display diagnostic data to Diagnostics tab
# Horizontal
output$results_diagnostics <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabset!= "diagpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
res <- mergersDiag(values[["sim"]])
}, digits = 0 ,rownames = TRUE, align = "c")
# Vertical
output$results_diagnosticsVertical <- renderTable({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "diagpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
## UNCLEAR what to do here. Should we look at upstream or downstream margins/prices/etc. to calculate the diagnostic data?
## See mergersDiag.R
res <- mergersDiag(valuesVertical[["sim"]])
#res <- calcDiagnostics(thisSim$value) # Why does this looks different than the -horizontal- merger sim Diagnostic table?
}, digits = 2, rownames = FALSE, align = "c")
## Identify whether the model is over-identified in Diagnostics tab
# Horizontal
output$overIDText <- renderText({
isOverID(input$supply, input$calcElast, values[["inputData"]])
# Vertical
output$overIDTextVertical <- renderText({
## UNCLEAR what to do here. Market elasticity (calcElastVertical) is not a user input...
## I think all the vertical merger sims are just-identified if the bargaining parameter is held fixed?
#isOverID(input$supplyVertical, input$calcElastVertical, valuesVertical[["inputData"]]) # There is no "calcElastVertical"!
## Display parameters to Diagnostics tab
# Horizontal
output$parameters <- renderPrint({
if(input$inTabset != "diagpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["sim"]])){return()}
print(getParms(values[["sim"]], digits = 2))
# Vertical
output$parametersVertical <- renderPrint({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "diagpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["sim"]])){return()}
print(getParms(valuesVertical[["sim"]], digits = 2))
## Display template code to the R Code tab
# Horizontal
output$results_code <- renderPrint({
if(input$inTabset != "codepanel"){return()}
thisCode <- mergersTemplateCode("Horizontal")
# Vertical
output$results_codeVertical <- renderPrint({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "codepanelVertical"){return()}
thisCode <- mergersTemplateCode("Vertical")
## Display warnings to Messages tab
# Horizontal
output$warnings <- renderText({
if(input$inTabset!= "msgpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["msg"]]$warning)){return()}
paste(values[["msg"]]$warning, collapse = "\n")
# Vertical
output$warningsVertical <- renderText({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "msgpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["msg"]]$warning)){return()}
paste(valuesVertical[["msg"]]$warning, collapse = "\n")
## Display errors to Messages tab
# Horizontal
output$errors <- renderText({
if(input$inTabset!= "msgpanel" || input$simulate == 0 || is.null(values[["msg"]]$error)){cat(return())}
paste(values[["msg"]]$error, collapse = "\n")
# Vertical
output$errorsVertical <- renderText({
if(input$inTabsetVertical != "msgpanelVertical" || input$simulateVertical == 0 || is.null(valuesVertical[["msg"]]$error)){cat(return())}
paste(valuesVertical[["msg"]]$error, collapse = "\n")
output$directionsVertical <- renderUI({
#sumNumMerg <- subset(sumboxmktCnt, Outcome == input$outcomeSumATR & shareOutThresh == input$shareOutSumATR)
if (input$mergerTypeVertical == "Upstream") {
HTML(paste("Click on the Play button to simulate an upstream merger between 'U1' and 'U2'."))
} else if (input$mergerTypeVertical == "Downstream") {
HTML(paste("Click on the Play button to simulate a downstream merger between 'D1' and 'D2'."))
} else if (input$mergerTypeVertical == "Vertical") {
HTML(paste("Click on the Play button to simulate a vertical merger between 'U1' and 'D1'."))
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