tradeSummary <- function(res, indata,type = c("Tariffs", "Quotas")){
#a function to generate summary stats for results tab
isCournot <- grepl("Cournot",class(res))
isAuction <- grepl("Auction",class(res))
isRevDemand <- grepl("ces|aids",class(res), = TRUE)
isLogit <- grepl("logit",class(res), = TRUE)
missPrices <- any(
inLevels <- FALSE
if(isAuction && missPrices){inLevels = TRUE}
indata <- indata[!$Name),]
tariffPre <- indata[,grepl("Cur.*\\n(Tariff|Quota)",colnames(indata), perl= TRUE),drop=TRUE]
tariffPost <- indata[,grepl("New.*\\n(Tariff|Quota)",colnames(indata), perl=TRUE),drop=TRUE]
if(type == "Tariffs"){
tariffPre[] <- 0
tariffPost[] <- 0
istaxed <- tariffPre > 0 | tariffPost > 0
else if (type=="Quotas"){
## set quota for unconstrained firms to be Infinite
istaxed <- is.finite(tariffPre) | is.finite(tariffPost)
capture.output( s <- summary(res, market = FALSE))
# theseshares <- drop(res@quantities/sum(res@quantities))
# totQuantPost <- sum(s$quantityPost,na.rm=TRUE)
# s$sharesPost <- s$quantityPost/totQuantPost*100
capture.output(s <- summary(res, revenue = isRevDemand & missPrices,levels = inLevels))
theseshares <- calcShares(res, preMerger=TRUE, revenue=isRevDemand & missPrices)
theseshares <- theseshares/sum(theseshares)
thisgovrev <- thispsdelta <- thiscv <- NA
try(thiscv <- CV(res),silent = TRUE)
if(type == "Quotas"){
tariffPre[] <- 0
tariffPost[] <- 0
try(thisgovrev <- sum(tariffPost * calcRevenues(res, preMerger = FALSE) - tariffPre * calcRevenues(res, preMerger = TRUE), na.rm=TRUE))
try(thispsdelta <- tapply(drop(calcProducerSurplus(res,preMerger=FALSE)*(1 - tariffPost)) - drop(calcProducerSurplus(res,preMerger=TRUE)*(1 - tariffPre)), istaxed,sum),silent=TRUE)
foreignshare <- s$sharesPost[istaxed]
domesticshare <- s$sharesPost[!istaxed]
res <- with(s, data.frame(
#'Current Tariff HHI' = as.integer(round(hhi(res,preMerger=TRUE))),
#'HHI Change' = as.integer(round(hhi(res,preMerger=FALSE) - hhi(res,preMerger=TRUE))),
'Domestic Firm Price Change (%)'= sum(priceDelta[!istaxed] * domesticshare, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(domesticshare),
'Foreign Firm Price Change (%)'= sum(priceDelta[istaxed] * foreignshare, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(foreignshare),
'Industry Price Change (%)' = sum(priceDelta * sharesPost/100,na.rm=TRUE),
'Consumer Harm ($)' = thiscv,
'Domestic Firm Benefit ($)' = thispsdelta[1],
'Foreign Firm Harm ($)' = -thispsdelta[2],
`Gov't Revenue ($)` = thisgovrev,
'Net Domestic Harm ($)'= thiscv - thispsdelta[1] - thisgovrev,
'Net Total Harm ($)'= thiscv - thispsdelta[1] - thispsdelta[2] - thisgovrev,
#'Estimated Market Elasticity' = thiselast,
colnames(res) <- gsub('(?<=Price Change\\s)\\(%\\)',"($/unit)",colnames(res), perl=TRUE)
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