get_vignette_link <- function(...) {
x <- vignette(...)
if (nzchar(out <- x$PDF)) {
ext <- tools::file_ext(out)
port <- if (tolower(ext) == "html")
else 0L
if (port > 0L) {
out <- sprintf("",
port, basename(x$Dir), out)
stop("no html help found")
## Load competitiontoolbox datasets
# Simulated outcome data
data("sumboxdata", package = "competitiontoolbox")
data("sumboxdata_trade", package = "competitiontoolbox")
data("indicboxdata", package = "competitiontoolbox")
# Simulation count data
data("sumboxmktCnt", package = "competitiontoolbox")
data("sumboxmktCnt_trade", package = "competitiontoolbox")
data("indicboxmktCnt", package = "competitiontoolbox")
## Run server-side Shiny program
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
nPossProds <- 10 # Only allow 10 products by default
msgCatcher <- function(expr){
w.handler <- function(w){ # warning handler
W <<- append(W,conditionMessage(w))
e.handler <- function(e){ # error handler
E <<- append(E, conditionMessage(e))
list(value = withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(expr, error = e.handler),
warning = w.handler), warning = W, error = E)
## Update calcElastTariffs radio button
if (input$supplyTariffs == "Bertrand") {
inputId = "calcElastTariffs",
choices = c("market elasticity AND 1 or more margins",
"2 or more margins")
} else {
inputId = "calcElastTariffs",
choices = c("market elasticity AND 1 or more margins",
"1 or more margins")
##### Source Mergers and Trade functions #####
## Inputs
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Inputs/mergersInputs.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Inputs/tradeInputs.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Inputs/reactiveInputs.R"), local = TRUE)
## Simulations
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Simulations/mergersSims.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Simulations/tradeSims.R"), local = TRUE)
## Summary Tables
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Summary/mergersSummary.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Summary/tradeSummary.R"), local = TRUE)
## No-purchase Shares
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Details/mergersNoPurch.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Details/tradeNoPurch.R"), local = TRUE)
## Diagnostics Data
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Diagnostics/mergersDiag.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Diagnostics/tradeDiag.R"), local = TRUE)
## Identification
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Diagnostics/isOverID.R"), local = TRUE)
## Template Code
source(paste0(getwd(), "/R/mergersTemplateCode.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/R/tradeTemplateCode.R"), local = TRUE)
## Create a series of reactive values
valuesQuota <- reactiveValues(inputData = tradeInputs(nPossProds), sim = NULL, msg = NULL)
valuesTariffs <- reactiveValues(inputData = tradeInputs(nPossProds), sim = NULL, msg = NULL)
valuesVertical <- reactiveValues(inputData = mergersInputs(), sim = NULL, msg = NULL)
values <- reactiveValues(inputData = mergersInputs(), sim = NULL, msg = NULL)
## Initialize reactive values using inputData (Charles fix?)
observeEvent((input$menu == "Tariffs") | input$addRowsTariffs, {
valuesTariffs[["inputData"]] <- tradeInputs(nrow = input$addRowsTariffs, type = "Tariffs")
observeEvent((input$menu == "Quotas") | input$addRowsQuota, {
valuesQuota[["inputData"]] <- tradeInputs(nrow = input$addRowsQuota, type = "Quotas")
observeEvent(input$menu == "Vertical", {
valuesVertical[["inputData"]] <- mergersInputs(nrow = input$addRowsVertical, type = "Vertical")
observeEvent(input$menu == "Horizontal", {
values[["inputData"]] <- mergersInputs(type = "Horizontal")
## Update reactive values based on user input
valuesTariffs[["inputData"]] <- hot_to_r(input$hotTariffs)
valuesQuota[["inputData"]] <- hot_to_r(input$hotQuota)
#valuesVertical[["inputData"]] <- mergersInputs(type = "Vertical")
valuesVertical$inputData <- hot_to_r(input$hotVertical)
valuesVertical$inputData[!$inputData$Name) & valuesVertical$inputData$Name != '', ]
#values[["inputData"]] <- mergersInputs()
values$inputData <- hot_to_r(input$hot)
values$inputData[!$inputData$Name) & values$inputData$Name != '', ]
## Simulate Mergers and Trade when corresponding "simulate" button is clicked by the observer
observeEvent(input$simulate | input$simulateVertical | input$simulateTariffs | input$simulateQuota, {
if(input$menu == "Tariffs"){
valuesTariffs[["sim"]] <- valuesTariffs[["msg"]] <- NULL
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabsetTariffs", selected = "respanelTariffs")
indata <- valuesTariffs[["inputData"]]
} else if (input$menu == "Quotas"){
valuesQuota[["sim"]] <- valuesQuota[["msg"]] <- NULL
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabsetQuota", selected = "respanelQuota")
indata <- valuesQuota[["inputData"]]
} else if (input$menu == "Vertical") {
valuesVertical[["sim"]] <- valuesVertical[["msg"]] <- NULL
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabsetVertical", selected = "respanelVertical")
indata <- valuesVertical[["inputData"]]
} else {
values[["sim"]] <- values[["msg"]] <- NULL
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabset", selected = "respanel")
indata <- values[["inputData"]]
# Standardize "Margin" and "Output" column names of horizontal merger sims
# Drop products from horizontal merger sim inputs that have missing market shares
if (input$menu != "Vertical") {
colnames(indata)[grepl("Margins", colnames(indata), perl = TRUE)] <- "Margins"
colnames(indata)[grepl("Quantities|Revenues", colnames(indata), perl = TRUE)] <- "Output"
indata <- indata[![, "Output"]), ]
indata$mcDelta <- 0
# Drop products from vertical merger sim inputs that have missing downstream market shares
if (input$menu == "Vertical") {
indata <- indata[![, "sharesDown"]), ]
if (input$menu == "Tariffs") {
tariffPost <- indata[,grep('New.*\\n(Tariff)',colnames(indata), perl=TRUE), drop = TRUE]
tariffPost[] <- 0
tariffPre <- indata[,grep('Cur.*\\n(Tariff)',colnames(indata), perl = TRUE), drop= TRUE]
tariffPre[] <- 0
indata$mcDelta <- (tariffPost - tariffPre)
indata$mcDelta <- indata$mcDelta/(1 - tariffPost)
##### Run simulations based on input$menu:
if (req(input$menu) == "Tariffs") {
indata$Owner <- factor(indata$Owner,levels=unique(indata$Owner))
## For diagnostic purposes: output the three key inputs for the merger simulation
print(c(supply(), demand(), as.character(elasticity())))
thisSim <- msgCatcher(
# Run merger simulation
tradeSims(supply = supply(), demand = demand(), indata = indata, mktElast = elasticity(),
type = input$menu)
thisSim <<- thisSim # Delete later
} else if (input$menu == "Quotas") {
indata$Owner <- factor(indata$Owner,levels=unique(indata$Owner))
## For diagnostic purposes: output the three key inputs for the merger simulation
print(c(supply(), demand(), as.character(elasticity())))
thisSim <- msgCatcher(
# Run merger simulation
tradeSims(supply = supply(),demand = demand(), indata = indata, mktElast = elasticity(),
type = input$menu)
thisSim <<- thisSim # Delete later
} else if (input$menu == "Vertical") {
## For diagnostic purposes: output the two key inputs for the vertical merger simulation
print(c(supply(), demand()))
thisSim <- msgCatcher(
# Run merger simulation
mergersSims(supply = supply(), indata = indata,
type = "Vertical")
thisSim <<- thisSim # Delete later
} else {
indata$mcDelta <- indata[, grep('Cost Changes', colnames(indata))]
indata$mcDelta[$mcDelta)] <- 0
indata$'Pre-merger\n Owner' <- factor(indata$'Pre-merger\n Owner',levels=unique(indata$'Pre-merger\n Owner'))
indata$'Post-merger\n Owner' <- factor(indata$'Post-merger\n Owner',levels=unique(indata$'Post-merger\n Owner'))
## For diagnostic purposes: output the three key inputs for the merger simulation
print(c(supply(), demand(), as.character(elasticity())))
thisSim <- msgCatcher(
# Run merger simulation
mergersSims(supply = supply(), demand = demand(), indata = indata, mktElast = elasticity(),
type = "Horizontal")
thisSim <<- thisSim # Delete later
thisSim$warning <- grep("are the same|INCREASE in marginal costs", thisSim$warning, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
if(length(thisSim$warning) == 0){thisSim$warning = NULL}
if (input$menu == "Tariffs") {
valuesTariffs[["sim"]] <- thisSim$value
valuesTariffs[["msg"]] <- list(error = thisSim$error, warning = thisSim$warning)
} else if (input$menu =="Quotas") {
valuesQuota[["sim"]] <- thisSim$value
valuesQuota[["msg"]] <- list(error = thisSim$error, warning = thisSim$warning)
} else if (input$menu == "Vertical") {
valuesVertical[["sim"]] <- thisSim$value
valuesVertical[["msg"]] <- list(error = thisSim$error, warning = thisSim$warning)
} else {
values[["sim"]] <- thisSim$value
values[["msg"]] <- list(error = thisSim$error, warning = thisSim$warning)
if (!is.null(thisSim$error) || !is.null(thisSim$warning)){
if (input$menu == "Tariffs") {
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabsetTariffs", selected = "msgpanelTariffs")
} else if(input$menu == "Quotas") {
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabsetQuota", selected = "msgpanelQuota")
} else if(input$menu == "Vertical") {
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabsetVertical", selected = "msgpanelVertical")
} else if(input$menu == "Horizontal") {
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "inTabset", selected = "msgpanel")
##### Source Output code for Mergers, Numerical Simulations, Trade objects #####
## Output
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Output/mergersOutput.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Output/numericalSimsOutput.R"), local = TRUE)
source(paste0(getwd(), "/Output/tradeOutput.R"), local = TRUE)
## Identify server as Internal, Local, or Public
output$urlTextQuota <- output$urlTextTariffs <- output$urlTextVertical <- output$urlText <- renderText({
thisurl <- session$clientData$url_hostname
if (grepl("atrnet\\.gov", thisurl, perl=TRUE)) {
res <- paste(h4(span("Internal Server",style="color:blue")))
} else if (grepl("^127", thisurl, perl=TRUE)) {
res <- paste(h4(span("Local Server",style="color:green")))
} else {
res <- paste(h4(span("Public Server",style="color:red")))
## Output -antitrust- and -trade- documentation
# antitrust
output$referenceATR <-
tags$iframe(id = "referenceATR",
src = get_vignette_link("Reference", package = "antitrust"),
width = "100%",
height = 768,
frameborder = 0,
marginheight = 0
# trade
output$referenceTrade <-
tags$iframe(id = "referenceTrade",
src = get_vignette_link("Reference", package = "trade"),
width = "100%",
height = 768,
frameborder = 0,
marginheight = 0
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.