

## This is a helper function to try to standardise the output from various
## predict methods. If 'ylevels' is given, it implies that we want the predicted
## class probabilities back, not just the predicted class.

predict1 <-
function (object, ..., ylevels = NULL)
  type <- if (inherits(object, "nnet"))
    if (is.null(ylevels))
    else "class"
  else if (inherits(object, "rpart"))
    else "response"
  n.trees <- if (inherits(object, "gbm"))
  else NULL
  if (inherits(object, "nnet") && !is.null(ylevels)){
    return(factor(predict(object, ..., type = type), levels = ylevels))
  if (inherits(object, "gbm") && !is.null(ylevels)){
    p1 <- predict(object, ..., n.trees = n.trees, type = type)
    out <- structure(factor(ylevels[apply(p1, 1, which.max)], levels = ylevels),
      probabilities = p1)
  predict(object, ..., n.trees = n.trees, type = type)

## This is a slightly hacky function to extract confidence bounds on predictions
## from certain classes of model, and pass them on in a standard fashion. Most
## notable is the approach for models of class "custompred", which will be a
## wrapper object for some model that has no predict method, designed to behave
## like an lm object under a predict call.

confpred <-
function (model, newdata)
  if (identical(class(model), "lm")){
    pred <- predict(object = model, newdata = newdata, interval = "confidence",
      type = "response")
    upr <- pred[, "upr"]
    lwr <- pred[, "lwr"]
    return(cbind(lwr, upr))
  if (inherits(model, "custompred")){
    pred <- predict(object = model, newdata = newdata, interval = "confidence")
    upr <- pred[, "upr"]
    lwr <- pred[, "lwr"]
    return(cbind(lwr, upr))
  if (identical(class(model), c("glm", "lm"))){
    pred <- predict(object = model, newdata = newdata, type = "link", se.fit =
    upr <- model$family$linkinv(pred$fit + (2 * pred$se.fit))
    lwr <- model$family$linkinv(pred$fit - (2 * pred$se.fit))
    return(cbind(lwr, upr))
  if (identical(class(model), c("gam", "glm", "lm")) && "mgcv.conv" %in% names(
    pred <- predict(object = model, newdata = newdata, type = "link", se.fit =
    upr <- model$family$linkinv(pred$fit + (2 * pred$se.fit))
    lwr <- model$family$linkinv(pred$fit - (2 * pred$se.fit))
    return(cbind(lwr, upr))

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condvis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:57 a.m.