
Defines functions conditionPlotpcp dataprepPCP conditionClickpcp conditionClickff conditionClickfn conditionClicknf conditionClicknn conditionClickf conditionClickn getCClickFN conditionClick conditionPlotff conditionPlotfn conditionPlotnf conditionPlotnn conditionPlotf conditionPlotn conditionPlot getCPlotFN

Documented in conditionPlot

getCPlotFN <- function(CVdata, var){
  cp <- vector("character",2)
  if (is.numeric(CVdata[[var[1]]])) cp[1]<- "n"else cp[1] <- "f"
  if (length(var)> 1)
    if (is.numeric(CVdata[[var[2]]])) cp[2]<- "n"else cp[2] <- "f"
    CPlotFN <- paste(c("conditionPlot",cp),collapse="")
    if (length(var) > 2) CPlotFN <-"conditionPlotpcp"

#' Plots a conditionPlot.
#' Plots a conditionPlot, showing one, two or many predictors. The predictor setting in \code{varVal} is drawn in magenta.
#' @param CVdata the dataset used for the fit
#' @param var one more condition vars. Draws a parallel coordinate plot for more than two.
#' @param varVal the current setting of the conditionvars, shown in magenta.
#' @param pointColor a color, vector of colors,or the name of variable to be used for coloring
#' @param sim If non-NULL should be a vector of similarity weights.
#' @param resetpar For use withing shiny app.
#' @param plotrows If non-NULL should be a vector of case indices
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#'conditionPlot(mtcars, c("wt","hp"), c("wt"=3, "hp"=200), pointColor="am")
#' conditionPlot(mtcars, c("wt","hp"), mtcars[1,], pointColor="am")
#' #Calculate similarity using wt, hp observations from first case
#' sim <- similarityweight(mtcars[1, c("wt","hp")], mtcars[, c("wt","hp")], threshold=1)
#' # Marks points with black border with positive sim values. These are points within 1 (threshold) sd
#' #of pink cross.
#' conditionPlot(mtcars, c("wt","hp"), mtcars[1,], pointColor="am", sim=sim)
#' sim <- similarityweight(mtcars[1, ], mtcars, threshold=2)
#' conditionPlot(mtcars, names(mtcars), mtcars[1,], sim=sim)

conditionPlot <- function(CVdata, var, varVal, pointColor="steelblue",
                          sim=NULL,  resetpar=TRUE, plotrows=NULL){

  if (resetpar){
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  f <- getCPlotFN (CVdata, var)
  f(CVdata, var,varVal, pointColor,sim,plotrows=plotrows)

conditionPlotn <- function(CVdata, var, varVal,pointColor,sim,plotrows){
  par(mar = c(3, 3, .5,.5),
      mgp = c(1.5, .2, 0),
      tck = -.01)

  h <- hist(CVdata[[var]], xlab=var,col="paleturquoise3",border="grey60",
       breaks = 1.25*nclass.Sturges(1:nrow(CVdata) ),main="")
  varVal <- varVal[[var]]
  if (varVal < min(CVdata[[var]]) | varVal > max(CVdata[[var]]))
    yvarVal <- 0 else {
      b <- which.max(h$breaks > varVal)
      b <- max(1,b-1)
      yvarVal <- h$counts[b]/2
  points(x = varVal, y=yvarVal,col="magenta",pch=43,cex=5)

conditionPlotf <- function(CVdata, var, varVal,pointColor,sim,plotrows){
  par(mar = c(3, 5, .5,.5),
      mgp = c(1.5, .2, 0),
      tck = -.01)
  var1 <- CVdata[[var]]
  tab <- table(var1)
  if (length(tab)< 16){
  if (!is.ordered(var1)) tab <- sort(tab, increasing=T)
    b <- barplot(tab,col="paleturquoise3", border="grey60", width=.8,space=.25, xlab=var,horiz=TRUE,las=1)
    varVal <- varVal[[var]]
    crossy <- match(varVal, names(tab))
    if (!is.na(crossy)){
      crossx <- tab[crossy]/2
      points(crossx,b[crossy,1], pch=43, col="magenta", cex=5)
  else {
    n <- length(tab)
    x <- rep_len(1:5, length.out=n)
    y<-  rep(1:n, each=5)[1:n]
    y <- max(y)+1 - y
    plot(c(1,5.5),range(y),type="n", ann=F, axes=F, mar=c(0,0,0,0))
    text(x,y,names(tab), offset=0)
    varVal <- varVal[[var]]
    cy <- match(varVal, names(tab))
    if (!is.na(cy)){
      crossx <- x[cy]
      crossy <- y[cy]
      points(crossx,crossy, pch=43, col="magenta", cex=5)

conditionPlotnn <- function(CVdata, var, varVal,pointColor=NULL,sim,plotrows){
  par(mar = c(3, 3, .5,.5),
      mgp = c(1.5, .2, 0),
      tck = -.01)
  if (!is.null(plotrows)) CVdata <- CVdata[plotrows,]
  if (!is.null(pointColor)) CVdata <- pointColor2var(CVdata,pointColor)
  # size 1.5 is ggplot2 default
  if (is.null(sim))
  plot(CVdata[[var[1]]], CVdata[[var[2]]], col=CVdata[["pointCols"]],
       xlab=var[1], ylab=var[2],pch=20)
  else {
    if (!is.null(plotrows))  sim <- sim[plotrows]
  plot(CVdata[[var[1]]], CVdata[[var[2]]], col=CVdata[["pointCols"]],
       xlab=var[1], ylab=var[2],pch=20)
  CVdatas <- CVdata[sim>0,]
  points(CVdatas[[var[1]]], CVdatas[[var[2]]], col="black")
  points(varVal[[var[1]]],y=varVal[[var[2]]], pch=43, col="magenta",cex=5)


conditionPlotnf <- function(CVdata, var, varVal,pointColor,sim,plotrows){
  conditionPlotfn(CVdata, rev(var),varVal,pointColor,sim,plotrows)

conditionPlotfn <- function(CVdata, var, varVal,pointColor,sim,plotrows){
  par(mar = c(3, 3, .5,.5),
      mgp = c(1.5, .2, 0),
      tck = -.01)
  var1 <- CVdata[[var[1]]]
  boxplot(formula(paste0(var[2],"~" ,var[1])), data=CVdata, border="black", col="paleturquoise3", pch=20,
          xlab=var[1], ylab=var[2])
  points(x=match(varVal[[var[1]]], levels(var1)),
               y=varVal[[var[2]]],pch=43, col="magenta",cex=5)

conditionPlotff <- function(CVdata, var, varVal,pointColor,sim,plotrows){
  par(mar = c(3, 3, .5,.5),
      mgp = c(1.5, .2, 0),
      tck = 0,las=1)
  var2 <- CVdata[[var[2]]]
  var1 <- CVdata[[var[1]]]
  tab <- table(var2, var1)
  barplot(tab, col=scales::hue_pal(h.start=30, l=90)(length(levels(var2))), axes=F, xlab=var[1], ylab=var[2],width=.8,space=.25)
  breaks<- head(seq(0, max(table(var1)),
  axis(2,at=breaks,labels=levels(var2), lwd=0)
  tab1 <- rbind(0,(tab[-nrow(tab),]))
  mid <- (apply(tab,2,cumsum) + apply(tab1,2,cumsum))/2
  crossx <- match(varVal[[var[1]]], levels(var1))
  crossy <- match(varVal[[var[2]]], levels(var2))
  crossy <- mid[crossy,crossx]
  points(x = crossx-.4,y=crossy, pch=43, col="magenta",cex=5)

conditionClick <- function(CVdata, var,click,plotrows){
   f <- getCClickFN (CVdata, var)
   f(CVdata, var,click,plotrows=plotrows)

getCClickFN <- function(CVdata, var){
  cp <- vector("character",2)
  if (is.numeric(CVdata[[var[1]]])) cp[1]<- "n"else cp[1] <- "f"
  if (length(var)> 1)
    if (is.numeric(CVdata[[var[2]]])) cp[2]<- "n"else cp[2] <- "f"
    CPlotFN <- paste(c("conditionClick",cp),collapse="")
    if (length(var) > 2) CPlotFN <-"conditionClickpcp"

conditionClickn <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){

conditionClickf <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){
  ry <- ceiling(click$y)
  var1 <- CVdata[[var]]
  tab <- table(var1)
  if (length(tab)< 16){
    if (!is.ordered(var1)) tab <- sort(tab, increasing=T)
    if (ry >= 1 & ry <= length(names(tab)))
    else NULL
  else {
    rx <- round(click$x)
    ry <- round(click$y)
    n <- length(tab)
    tabm <- t(matrix(1:n, ncol=5))
    tabm[]<- ""
    tabm[1:n] <- names(tab)
    tabm <- t(tabm)
    if (rx >=1 & rx <= 5 & ry >=1 & ry <= nrow(tabm)){
      ry <- nrow(tabm)+1 - ry 
      nvar <- tabm[ry,rx]
      if (nvar !="")
      else NULL
    else NULL
conditionClicknn <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){
  setNames(c(click$x,click$y), var)

conditionClicknf <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){

  rx <- round(click$x)
  var2 <- CVdata[[var[2]]]
  if (rx >= 1 & rx <= length(levels(var2)))
    setNames( list(click$y,levels(var2)[rx]),var)
  else  NULL

conditionClickfn <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){
  rx <- round(click$x)
  var1 <- CVdata[[var[1]]]
  if (rx >= 1 & rx <= length(levels(var1)))
    setNames(list(levels(var1)[rx], click$y),var)
  else  NULL

conditionClickff <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){
  var1 <- CVdata[[var[1]]]
  var2 <- CVdata[[var[2]]]
  tab <- table(var2, var1)
  xc <- ceiling(click$x)

  if (xc < 1 | xc > length(levels(var1)))
  else {

    tabx <- cumsum(tab[,xc])
    if (click$y > tabx[length(tabx)] | click$y < 0)
    else {
      yc <- which.max(tabx > click$y)

conditionClickpcp <- function(CVdata, var, click,plotrows){
  if (!is.null(plotrows)) CVdata <- CVdata[plotrows,]
  d <- dataprepPCP(CVdata[,var])
  ax <- round(click$y)
  if (abs(ax - click$y) <= .1){
    row <- which.min(abs(d[,ax] - click$x))
    res <- CVdata[row,var]
  else res <-NULL

dataprepPCP <- function(x){
  for ( i in 1:ncol(x)){
    if (is.factor(x[[i]]))
      x[[i]]<- as.numeric(x[[i]])
  nums <- sapply(x, is.numeric)
  x <- as.matrix(x[nums])
  x<- x[,ncol(x):1]
  x <- apply(x, 2L, function(x) (x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/
               (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
conditionPlotpcp <- function(CVdata, var,varVal, pointColor,sim,plotrows){

  par(mar = c(1, 3, .5,.5),
      mgp = c(1.5, .2, 0),
      tck = -.01)
  if (!is.null(pointColor)) CVdata <- pointColor2var(CVdata,pointColor)
  if (!is.null(plotrows)){
    CVdata <- CVdata[plotrows,]
    if (!is.null(sim)) sim <- sim[plotrows]

  col <- CVdata[["pointCols"]]
  lwd <- rep(.1, length(col))
  col <- c(col, "magenta")
  lwd <- c(lwd,3)

  CVdata1 <- rbind(CVdata[,var], varVal[,var])
  if (!is.null(sim)) {
    sim <- c(sim,1)
    lwd[sim> 0] <- 2
  parcoord1(dataprepPCP(CVdata1), col = col, lwd=lwd, horiz=FALSE, autoscale=FALSE)


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condvis2 documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 5:06 p.m.