
Defines functions test_statistic_exact_unconditional_test_2x2 calculate_Pvalue Exact_unconditional_test_2x2

Documented in Exact_unconditional_test_2x2

#' @title Exact unconditional test for association in 2x2 tables
#' @description Exact unconditional test for association in 2x2 tables
#' @description Described in Chapter 4 "The 2x2 Table"
#' @param n the observed counts (a 2x2 matrix)
#' @param gamma parameter for the Berger and Boos procedure (default=0.0001 gamma=0: no adj)
#' @param statistic 'Pearson' (Suissa-Shuster test default), 'LR' (likelihood ratio),
#'' unpooled' (unpooled Z), or 'Fisher' (Fisher-Boschloo test)
#' @examples
#' Exact_unconditional_test_2x2(tea)
#' Exact_unconditional_test_2x2(perondi_2004)
#' Exact_unconditional_test_2x2(lampasona_2013)
#' Exact_unconditional_test_2x2(ritland_2007)
#' @export
#' @note Somewhat crude code with maximization over a simple partition of the
#' nuisance parameter space into 'num_pi_values' equally spaced values
#' (1000, hardcoded).
#' This method could be improved with a better algorithm for the
#' maximization however, it works well for most purposes. `plot()` the results
#' to get an indication of the precision. A refinement of the maximization
#' can be done with a manual restriction of the parameter space.
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom stats dhyper
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
#' @return An object of the [contingencytables_result] class,
#' basically a subclass of [base::list()]. Use the [utils::str()] function
#' to see the specific elements returned.
Exact_unconditional_test_2x2 <- function(n, statistic = "Pearson", gamma = 0.0001) {
    x = mget(ls()),
    types = list(
      n = "counts", statistic = c("Pearson", "LR", "unpooled", "Fisher"),
      gamma = "skip"
  # Partition the parameter space into 'num_pi_values' equally spaced values
  num_pi_values <- 1000

  n1p <- n[1, 1] + n[1, 2]
  n2p <- n[2, 1] + n[2, 2]
  np1 <- n[1, 1] + n[2, 1]
  N <- sum(n)

  # Calculate and store the binomial coefficients needed
  binomcoeffs1 <- rep(0, n1p + 1)
  for (x11 in 0:n1p) {
    binomcoeffs1[x11 + 1] <- choose(n1p, x11)
  if (n1p == n2p) {
    binomcoeffs2 <- binomcoeffs1
  } else {
    binomcoeffs2 <- rep(0, n2p + 1)
    for (x21 in 0:n2p) {
      binomcoeffs2[x21 + 1] <- choose(n2p, x21)
  binomcoeffs <- outer(binomcoeffs1, binomcoeffs2)

  # Find the tables that agree equally or less with H0 as the observed
  tables <- matrix(0, n1p + 1, n2p + 1)
  Tobs <- test_statistic_exact_unconditional_test_2x2(
    n[1, 1], n[1, 2], n[2, 1], n[2, 2], statistic
  for (x11 in 0:n1p) {
    for (x21 in 0:n2p) {
      T0 <- test_statistic_exact_unconditional_test_2x2(
        x11, n1p - x11, x21, n2p - x21, statistic
      if (!is.na(T0) && T0 >= Tobs) { # ADDED !is.na(..) TO AVOID CRASH
        tables[x11 + 1, x21 + 1] <- 1

  # A simple partition the nuisance parameter space
  if (gamma == 0) {
    pivalues <- seq(0, 1, length = num_pi_values)
  } else {
    # Berger and Boos procedure
    # Use the Clopper-Pearson exact interval
    res.cpe <- unlist(ClopperPearson_exact_CI_1x2(np1, N, gamma))
    pivalues <- seq(
      res.cpe["lower"], res.cpe["upper"],
      length = num_pi_values

  # Calculate the P-value corresponding to each value of the nuisance parameter
  Pvalues <- vapply(
    X = seq_along(pivalues),
    FUN = function(i) {
      calculate_Pvalue(pivalues[i], tables, binomcoeffs, n1p, n2p)
    FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "numeric", length = 1)

  # Let the exact unconditional P-value equal the maximum of the P-values
  P <- max(Pvalues)
  index <- which(P == Pvalues)[1]

  # Add gamma (the parameter for the Berger and Boos procedure) to make sure
  # the actual significance level is bounded by the nominal level
  P <- min(c(P + gamma, 1))

  # Handle cases where the P-value is not computable
  if (sum(tables) == 0) {
    P <- 1.0

  if (statistic == "Pearson") {
    txt <- "The Suissa-Shuster exact unconditional test: P = %7.5f"
  } else if (statistic == "LR") {
    txt <- "Exact unconditional test with the LR statistic: P = %7.5f"
  } else if (statistic == "unpooled") {
    txt <- "Exact unconditional test with the unpooled Z statistic: P = %7.5f"
  } else if (statistic == "Fisher") {
    txt <- "Fisher-Boschloo exact unconditional test: P = %7.5f"

    list("Pvalue" = P, "Pvalues" = Pvalues, "pi_values" = pivalues),
    sprintf(txt, P))


# ===================================================================
calculate_Pvalue <- function(pi0, tables, binomcoeffs, n1p, n2p) {
  Pvalue <- 0
  for (x11 in 0:n1p) {
    for (x21 in 0:n2p) {
      if (tables[x11 + 1, x21 + 1] == 1) {
        Pvalue <- Pvalue + binomcoeffs[x11 + 1, x21 + 1] * (pi0^(x11 + x21)) * ((1 - pi0)^(n1p - x11 + n2p - x21))

# ========================================================
test_statistic_exact_unconditional_test_2x2 <- function(x11, x12, x21, x22, statistic) {
  N <- x11 + x12 + x21 + x22

  if (statistic == "Pearson") {
    # The Pearson chi-squared statistic
    T0 <- (N * (x11 * x22 - x12 * x21)^2) / ((x11 + x12) * (x21 + x22) * (x11 + x21) * (x12 + x22))
  } else if (statistic == "LR") {
    # The likelihood ratio statistic
    T0 <- 0
    if (x11 > 0) {
      T0 <- T0 + x11 * log(x11 / ((x11 + x12) * (x11 + x21) / N))
    if (x12 > 0) {
      T0 <- T0 + x12 * log(x12 / ((x11 + x12) * (x12 + x22) / N))
    if (x21 > 0) {
      T0 <- T0 + x21 * log(x21 / ((x21 + x22) * (x11 + x21) / N))
    if (x22 > 0) {
      T0 <- T0 + x22 * log(x22 / ((x21 + x22) * (x12 + x22) / N))
    T0 <- 2 * T0
  } else if (statistic == "unpooled") {
    # The unpooled Z statistic
    n1p <- x11 + x12
    n2p <- x21 + x22
    tmp1 <- x11 / n1p
    tmp2 <- x21 / n2p
    Z <- (tmp1 - tmp2) / sqrt((tmp1 * (1 - tmp1) / n1p) + (tmp2 * (1 - tmp2) / n2p))
    if (is.na(Z)) {
      Z <- 0
    T0 <- Z^2
  } else if (statistic == "Fisher") {
    # Fisher's exact test as test statistic
    x <- matrix(c(x11, x12, x21, x22), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    T0 <- -Fisher_exact_test_2x2(x, "hypergeometric")$P


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