
Defines functions download_indicator_EUS

Documented in download_indicator_EUS

#' Download  a dataset (tibble) from Eurostat.
#' From the Eurostat web site, a dataset is created whose structure is
#' years by countries, possibly conditioned to  gender, age class and other
#' variables.
#' @param indicator_code the variable describing countries, chosen within
#' the collection   convergEU_glb()$metaEUStat$selectorUser.
#' @param fromTime first year to be considered.
#' @param toTime last year to be considered.
#' @param gender  which gender, one of  c("T","F","M") for Total, Females, Males.
#' @param ageInterv a string of character representing the age class to
#'                  be considered as coded by Eurostat, for example 'Y15-74'.
#' @param countries a collection of strings representing countries
#'                   in the standard two letters format; the most important
#'                   sets are stored as a  global function
#'                   convergEU_glb(), for example convergEU_glb()$EU27;
#'                   if countries = NA, then all available countries are
#'                   downloaded.
#' @param rawDump if TRUE raw downloaded data are returned, otherwise
#'         filtered values are provided.
#' @param uniqueIdentif  identifiers of further conditional variables (1,2,...).
#' @return  a dataset (tibble) years by countries, possibly conditioned
#'          to gender, within the  list  as  component named res.
#'          If rawDump is TRUE then bulk data are provided. The list component
#'          msg may contain auxiliary information on conditioning variables.
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @references{\url{https://unimi2013-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/federico_stefanini_unimi_it/EW0cVSIgbtZAvLPNbqcxdX8Bfn5VGSRHfAH88hQwc_RIEQ?e=MgtSZu}}
#' @export
download_indicator_EUS <- function(
                  gender= c(NA,"T","F","M")[1],
                  ageInterv = NA,
                  countries =  c("BE", "DK", "FR", "DE", "EL", "IE", "IT",
                                 "LU", "NL", "PT",
                                 "ES", "AT", "FI", "SE", "CY", "CZ",
                                 "EE", "HU", "LV", "LT",
                                 "MT", "PL", "SK", "SI", "BG", "RO", "HR"),
                  uniqueIdentif = 1){
  out_obj <- convergEU_glb()$tmpl_out
  downTB <- NULL
  varFinali <- NULL
  # check time windows
  test1 <-  fromTime >= 1960
  test2 <-  toTime >  fromTime
  if ((!test1) || (!test2)) {
    out_obj$err <- "Error: wrong time window."
  # check indicator code if hierarchical
  test3 <- indicator_code %in%  convergEU_glb()$metaEUStat$selectorUser
  if (!test3) {
    out_obj$err <- "Error: indicator not available from  Eurostat database."
    # get the row to read the external name, eventually
    posizName <- which(indicator_code ==  convergEU_glb()$metaEUStat$selectorUser)
    # is it a subtable??
    checkSubSel <- is.na(convergEU_glb()$metaEUStat$subSelection[posizName])
      extName <- indicator_code
      extName <-  convergEU_glb()$metaEUStat$Official_code_purified[posizName]
    }# fine checkSubSel
  };# fine test3
  # check gender #c("Total","Females","Males") if extended tags
  if ((!(gender %in% c("T","F","M"))) & !is.na(gender)) {
    out_obj$err <- "Error: Impossible gender selection."
  ## try to download data
  mytmp <- utils::capture.output(
        downTB <- purrr::possibly(eurostat::get_eurostat,
                  quiet = FALSE)(extName,#indicator_code, because of nested data
                                 time_format = "num"),
                                 type = "message");
  # test downloaded
    out_obj$err <- list("Error: data not available, check connection and indicator.",
  ## OK data downloaded
  # early return for bulk data
  if(rawDump) return(downTB)
  # init of a selector of useful cases
  estrattore <- rep(FALSE,nrow(downTB))
  ## check selected countries
  namesDB <- unique(downTB$geo)
  test4 <-  sapply(countries,function(vx){vx %in% namesDB})
  if (any(!test4)) {
    out_obj$err <- "Error: at least one country not available."
    varFinali <- countries
    # select countries
    for(aux in countries){
      estrattore <- estrattore | (downTB$geo == aux)
  }# end of countries selection
  ## check if time present
  isTime <- "time" %in% names(downTB)
    test91 <- fromTime <= downTB$time
    test92 <- toTime >= downTB$time
    if(sum(test91 & test92) < 1){
      out_obj$err <- "Error: no observations in the selected time interval."
    varFinali <- c("time",varFinali)
    # selector of releant time
    estrattore <- estrattore & ((downTB$time >= fromTime) & (downTB$time <= toTime))
  }else{};# fine time
  ## check if sex present
  isGender <-   "sex" %in% names(downTB)
  if(isGender ){  ##&& !is.na(gender)
      if(is.na(gender)){## because unassigned
          gender <- "T"
          message_out[["gender"]] <- "Gender automatically set to 'T'."
      test8 <- gender %in% unique(downTB$sex)
         out_obj$err <- "Error: wrong gender selection."
    varFinali <- c("sex",varFinali)
    estrattore <- estrattore & (downTB$sex == gender)
  }else{};# fine sex gender
  ## check if age class present
  isAgeClass <- "age" %in% names(downTB)
      ageInterv <- unique(downTB$age)[1]
      message_out[["Age"]] <- "Age automatically set."
    test7 <- ageInterv %in% unique(downTB$age)
      out_obj$err <- "Error: wrong age class."
    varFinali <- c("age",varFinali)
    estrattore <- estrattore & (downTB$age == ageInterv)
   }else{};# fine age
  ## create a time by country database
  ttmp <- downTB[estrattore,]
  ttmp2 <- ttmp
  auxTag <- compo_cond_EUS(ttmp2)
      seleTagLs <- unique(auxTag) # unique idenifiers of further conditioning variables
      ttmp3 <- dplyr::mutate(ttmp2,auxTag = auxTag)
      ttmp3 <- dplyr::filter(ttmp3,auxTag == seleTagLs[uniqueIdentif])
      resTB <- tidyr::spread(ttmp3, key = "geo", value = "values")
      message_out[["Further_Conditioning"]] <- list(
        current=paste0("Selected uniqueIdentif = ",
               uniqueIdentif," -> ",seleTagLs[uniqueIdentif]),
        available_seleTagLs= data.frame(uniqueIdentif = 1:length(seleTagLs),
    resTB <- tidyr::spread(ttmp2, key = "geo", value = "values")
  # Exit message
  message_out[["Conditioning"]] <- list(
    indicator_code = indicator_code,
    ageInterv = ageInterv,
    gender = gender
  if(isAgeClass && !("age" %in% varFinali)) varFinali <- c("age",varFinali);
  if(isGender && !("sex" %in% varFinali)) varFinali <- c("sex",varFinali);
  for(aux in varFinali){
    if(!(aux %in% names(resTB) )){
      resTB <- dplyr::mutate(resTB, !!aux := rep(NA,nrow(resTB)))
  out_obj$res <-  resTB[,varFinali]
  if(length(message_out) > 0) out_obj$msg <- message_out

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convergEU documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:22 p.m.