
Defines functions plotellipse

Documented in plotellipse

#'Plots an ellipse    
#'Plots a minimum ellipse around a set of data  
#'@param ellipse  Gives the parameters of the ellipse - output from the ellipsoidhull functon in cluster.  
#'@details  Routine adapted from a suggestion made on CrossValidated:  http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/9898/how-to-plot-an-ellipse-from-eigenvalues-and-eigenvectors-in-r
#'@return Nothing - just plots the ellipse.  
#'@import ape
#'@importFrom graphics lines 
#'@references Maechler, M., Rousseeuw, P., Struyf, A., Hubert, M., Hornik, K.(2013).
#'cluster: Cluster Analysis Basics and Extensions. R package version 1.14.4.




RR<-chol(m)                               	# Cholesky decomposition
angles<-seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=200)          	# angles for ellipse
ell<-(d^1.5)*cbind(cos(angles),sin(angles))%*%RR  	# ellipse scaled with factor 1
ellCtr<-sweep(ell,2,c,"+")               		# center ellipse to the data centroid
lines(ellCtr,type="l",lwd=2,asp=1,col='purple')            	# plot ellipse


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convevol documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.