# Generated by LaTeX DogWagger Version 4.0.5 from file <NCTLL_904.tex>
# Date: [2020-9-17 13:16:5]
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# - <Section 26> -
#' Animate Conway's Game of Life
#' The canvas (arena) wraps around vertically and horizontally!
#' Execution will take some time. Results will be viewed differently
#' depending on your system's default viewer for animated GIF files.
#' @param pattern Defaults to 'soup' but there are many other well-known options:
#' blinker ttetromino rpentomino toad beehive
#' beacon clock pulsar pentadecathlon galaxy spaceship
#' glidergun piheptomino switchengine conway acorn rabbits
#' boring static patterns: block snake eater
#' @param side The number of elements on the area's side (width or height)
#' @param steps The number of frames
#' @param density 0.0--1 The density of the initial, random items ('soup')
#' @param filename writes to this file name e.g. foo.gif (NULL for current GIF device)
#' @param wrap Wrap around
#' @param fps Frames per second
#' @param pause Initial pause
#' @keywords corona Conway game of life animation frames
#' @export
#' @importFrom gganimate transition_states anim_save
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import reshape2
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
#' @examples
#' corona_life( filename='animation.gif', side=50, steps=500, density=0.2 )
#' corona_life( side=100, steps=1000, pattern='rpentomino', wrap=FALSE )
#' corona_life( side=30, steps=120, pattern='spaceship' )
#' corona_life( side=100, steps=400, pattern='switchengine' )
#' corona_life( side=20, steps=30, pattern='clock' )
#' corona_life( side=20, steps=30, pattern='galaxy' )
#' corona_life( side=100, steps=200, pattern='glidergun' )
#' corona_life( side=45, steps=130, pattern='conway', fps=8, pause=40)
corona_life <- function (pattern='soup', side=50, steps=100, density=0.3,
filename=NULL, wrap=TRUE, fps=20, pause=10)
{ ARENA <- matrix(nrow=side, ncol=side);
if(!requireNamespace('gganimate', quietly = TRUE)) { stop('Missing gganimate') };
if(pattern == 'soup')
{ ARENA[] <- rbinom(side^2,1,density);
} else
{ mid <- as.integer(side/2);
ARENA[] <- rep(0, times=side*side);
ARENA <- corona_pattern(ARENA, pattern, x=mid, y=mid);
STORE <- melt( game_of_life(ARENA, steps, wrap) );
names(STORE) <- c('x', 'y', 'frame', 'on');
STORE <- STORE[ STORE$on==1, ];
print( paste('Starting ', side, 'x', side, 'animation...', steps, 'frames') );
p <- ggplot(STORE, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)) +
geom_tile(color = "green") +
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, side), expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, side), expand = c(0, 0)) +
p <- corona_unlabelled(p);
anim <- p + ggtitle('Frame {frame} of {nframes}') +
transition_length = 1,
state_length = 1); # [or have a delay variable]
if( is.null(filename) )
{ print(anim, nframes=steps, fps=fps, start_pause=pause);
print('Animation written to default output');
} else
{ pth = './images/';
if(! dir.exists(pth) )
{ stop( paste("The directory", pth, "doesn't exist, can't write", filename) );
pathname = paste (pth, filename, sep='');
gganimate::anim_save( pathname, animation=anim, nframes=steps, fps=fps, start_pause=pause );
print( paste('Animation written to ', pathname) ); # ^^ defaults to last_animation()
# - <Section 27> -
game_of_life <- function(ARENA, steps=50, wrap=TRUE)
{ side <- nrow(ARENA); # assumes side x side square matrix
q <- side-1;
STORE <- array(0, c(side, side, steps));
rotR <- function(A, L)
{ return( c(A[L], A[1:L-1]) );
rotL <- function(A, L)
{ return( c(A[2:L], A[1]) );
# fix: the initial pattern must be put in STORE[,,1]
STORE[,,1] <- ARENA;
for (i in 2:steps)
{ # rows/columns Top Right Bottom Left:
{ T <- ARENA[1,];
R <- ARENA[,side];
B <- ARENA[side,];
L <- ARENA[,1];
} else
{ T <- R <- B <- L <- rep(0, times=side);
# make 8 shifted copies of the original array
allW <- cbind(R, ARENA[,-side] ); # West is shifted 'right'
allN <- rbind(B, ARENA[-side,]); # North is shifted 'down' etc.
allE <- cbind(ARENA[,-1], L);
allS <- rbind(ARENA[-1,], T);
allNW <- rbind(rotR(B,side),cbind(R[1:q],ARENA[-side,-side]));
allNE <- rbind(rotL(B,side),cbind(ARENA[-side,-1],L[1:q]));
allSE <- rbind(cbind(ARENA[-1,-1],L[2:side]),rotL(T,side));
allSW <- rbind(cbind(R[2:side],ARENA[-1,-side]),rotR(T,side));
# Add matrices
ARENA2 <- allW + allNW + allN + allNE + allE + allSE + allS + allSW;
# Apply GoL rules:
ARENA3[ARENA==0 & ARENA2==3] <- 1;
ARENA3[ARENA==1 & ARENA2<2] <- 0;
ARENA3[ARENA==1 & ARENA2>3] <- 0;
STORE[,,i] <- ARENA;
# - <Section 28> -
corona_pattern <- function(ARENA, pattern, x=5, y=5)
{ PTN <- life[ life$pattern == pattern, ];
for( i in 1:nrow(PTN) )
{ ARENA[ x+PTN$x[i], y+PTN$y[i] ] <- 1;
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