
#' Base class for Counterfactual Explanation Methods for Regression Tasks
#' @description 
#' Abstract base class for counterfactual explanation methods for regression tasks.
#' `CounterfactualMethodRegr` can only be initialized for regression tasks. Child classes inherit the (public) 
#' `$find_counterfactuals()` method, which calls a (private) `$run()` method. This `$run()` method should be implemented 
#' by the child classes and return the counterfactuals as a `data.table` (preferably) or a `data.frame`.
#' @section Inheritance:
#' Child classes: \link{MOCRegr}, \link{WhatIfRegr}, \link{NICERegr}
#' @export
CounterfactualMethodRegr = R6::R6Class("CounterfactualMethodRegr", inherit = CounterfactualMethod,
  public = list(
    #' @description Creates a new CounterfactualMethodRegr object.
    #' @template predictor
    #' @template lower_upper
    #' @param distance_function (`function()` | `NULL`)\cr 
    #'  A distance function that may be used by the leaf classes. 
    #'  If specified, the function must have three arguments: `x`, `y`, and `data` and return a `double` matrix with `nrow(x)`  
    #'  rows and `nrow(y)` columns.
    initialize = function(predictor, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, distance_function = NULL) {
      super$initialize(predictor, lower, upper, distance_function)
      if (private$predictor$task != "regression") {
        stop(sprintf("%s only works for regression tasks.", class(self)[1]))
      if (is.null(private$predictor$data$y)) {
        stop("y in predictor needs to be specified")
    #' @description 
    #' Runs the counterfactual method and returns the counterfactuals.
    #' It searches for counterfactuals that have a predicted outcome in the interval `desired_outcome`.
    #' @template x_interest
    #' @param desired_outcome (`numeric(1)` | `numeric(2)`) \cr
    #' The desired predicted outcome. It can be a numeric scalar or a vector with two numeric values that specify an
    #' outcome interval. A scalar is internally converted to an interval.
    #' @return A \link{Counterfactuals} object containing the results.
    find_counterfactuals = function(x_interest, desired_outcome) {
      # Checks x_interest
      assert_data_frame(x_interest, nrows = 1L)
      assert_names(names(x_interest), must.include = names(private$predictor$data$X))
      x_interest = setDT(x_interest)[, names(private$predictor$data$X), with = FALSE]
      if (any(sapply(x_interest, typeof) != sapply(private$predictor$data$X, typeof))) {
        stop("Columns that appear in `x_interest` and `predictor$data$X` must have the same types.")

      # Checks desired_outcome
      assert_numeric(desired_outcome, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1L,  max.len = 2L)
      if (length(desired_outcome) == 1L) {
        desired_outcome = c(desired_outcome, desired_outcome)
      if (desired_outcome[2L] < desired_outcome[1L]) {
        stop("The lower bound of `desired_outcome` cannot be greater than the upper bound.")
      if (between(private$predictor$predict(x_interest)[[1L]], desired_outcome[[1L]], desired_outcome[[2L]])) {
        stop("`x_interested` is already predicted with `desired_outcome`.")
      private$x_interest = x_interest
      private$desired_outcome = desired_outcome
      cfactuals = private$run()
      if (is.data.frame(cfactuals) && nrow(merge(cfactuals, x_interest)) > 0L) {
        cfactuals = cfactuals[!x_interest, on = names(cfactuals)]
        message("`x_interest` was removed from results.")
        cfactuals = cfactuals, 
        predictor = private$predictor,
        x_interest = private$x_interest, 
        param_set = private$param_set,   
        desired = list("desired_outcome" = desired_outcome),
        method = class(self)[1]
  private = list(
    desired_outcome = NULL,
    get_pred_column = function() {

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counterfactuals documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:17 p.m.