
context('Basic conversions')

test_that('valid iso3c to country.name works', {
    name_of <- function(iso3c_code) countrycode(iso3c_code, 'iso3c', 'country.name')
    expect_equal(name_of('CAN'), 'Canada')
    expect_equal(name_of(c('USA', 'CAN')), c('United States', 'Canada'))

test_that("Issue #252: new code polity5", {
    expect_equal(countrycode("United States", "country.name", "p5c"), "USA")
    expect_equal(countrycode("United States", "country.name", "p5n"), 2)

test_that('invalid iso3c to country.name returns NA', {
    name_of <- function(iso3c_code) countrycode(iso3c_code, 'iso3c', 'country.name', warn = FALSE)
    expect_equal(name_of('BAD'), NA_character_)
    expect_equal(name_of(c('BAD', 'BLA', 'CAN')), c(NA_character_, NA_character_, 'Canada'))

test_that('warn=TRUE gives warnings, but does not break conversion', {
    iso2c_of <- function(cowc_code) countrycode(cowc_code, 'cowc', 'iso2c', warn=TRUE)
    expect_warning(val <- iso2c_of('BLA'), 'not matched')
    expect_equal(val, NA_character_)
    expect_warning(val <- iso2c_of(c('ALG', 'USA')), NA)
    expect_equal(val, c('DZ','US'))
    expect_warning(val <- iso2c_of(c('BLA', 'USA')), 'not matched')
    expect_equal(val, c(NA_character_,'US'))

test_that('warn=FALSE does not give warnings', {
    iso2c_of <- function(cowc_code) countrycode(cowc_code, 'cowc', 'iso2c', warn=FALSE)
    expect_warning(iso2c_of('BLA'), NA)
    expect_warning(iso2c_of(c('BLA', 'USA')), NA)

test_that("Issue #272", {
    expect_error(countrycode("2", "cown", "country.name"), regexp = "must be numeric")

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countrycode documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:44 a.m.