
Defines functions covaprop

Documented in covaprop

#' Class "covaprop"
#' @description A function for testing some properties (symmetry, separability, type of
#' non-separability) of spatio-temporal covariance functions and some classes
#' of space-time covariance models
#' \loadmathjax
#' @slot test.statistics numeric, the value of the test statistic
#' @slot p.value numeric, the lower tail p value of the test statistic
#' @slot df numeric, the degrees of freedom, if available
#' @slot typetest character, contains the code of the test to be performed
#' @rdname covaprop-class
#' @exportClass covaprop
setClass("covaprop", slots = c(test.statistics = "matrix",
                               p.value = "matrix",
                               df = "ANY",
                               typetest = "character"))

#' @param cblock object of class \code{covablocks}
#' @param cstat object of class \code{covastat} or \code{covastatM}
#' @param nonseptype integer, this argumet is required only for objects
#' (\code{cblock} and \code{cstat}) defined to perform the type of non
#' separability test, otherwise it has to be set equal to \code{NULL} (default choice).
#' Set \code{nonseptype=0} for testing the null hypothesis that the non
#' separability is non positive; set \code{nonseptype=1} for testing the null
#' hypothesis that the non separability is non negative
#' @param sign.level numeric, level of significance
#' @details {
#' \itemize{
#' \item A message helps to decide for either reject the null hypothesis in favor of
#' the alternative or not reject it, at a specific level of significance
#' \item The test on full symmetry (when the slot \code{@typetest} is
#' equal to \code{"sym"}) represents the first step
#' for the selection of a suitable class of spatio-temporal covariance functions.
#' According to the definition of full symmetry, the null hypothesis to be
#' tested is \mjdeqn{H_0: C(\mathbf{h},u) - C(\mathbf{h},-u)=0}{H_0: C(h,u) - C(h,-u) = 0}
#' \item The test of separability (when the slot \code{@typetest} is
#' equal to \code{"sep"}) represents the second
#' step of the testing procedure. According to the definition of separability,
#' the null hypothesis to be tested is
#' \mjdeqn{H_0: C(\mathbf{h}, u)/C(\mathbf{h}, 0) - C(\mathbf{0}, u)/C(\mathbf{0},0)=0}{H_0: C(h, u)/C(h, 0) - C(0, u)/C(0,0) = 0}
#' \item The test on the type of non separability (when the slot
#' \code{@typetest} is equal to \code{"tnSep"})
#' represents the third step for the selection of a suitable class of space-time
#' covariance functions.
#' According to the definition of type of non separability, the null hypothesis
#' to be tested is that the non separability is non negative
#' \mjdeqn{H_0: C(\mathbf{h},u)/C(\mathbf{h},0) - C(\mathbf{0},u)/C(\mathbf{0},0) > 0}{H_0: C(h,u)/C(h,0) - C(0,u)/C(0,0) > 0}
#' or
#' \mjdeqn{H_0: C(\mathbf{h},u)/C(\mathbf{h},0) - C(\mathbf{0},u)/C(\mathbf{0},0) < 0}{H_0: C(h,u)/C(h,0) - C(0,u)/C(0,0) < 0}
#' if the null hypothesis to test is that the non separability is non positive
#' \item If the slot \code{@typetest} is equal to \code{"productSum"}
#' \code{"intProduct"} or \code{"gneiting"}, the goodness of a specific class of
#' space-time covariance function will be tested. For this testing procedure
#' the generic null hypothesis is: \mjdeqn{H_0: \mathbf{Af(G)}=0}{H_0: Af(G) = 0}
#' }
#' For the analytic expression of each test statistic and its probability
#' distribution see Cappello et al. (2018). In the same contribution the
#' different \code{f(G)} are given for each test to be computed.
#' }
#' @note {
#' \itemize{
#' \item A stop occurs if the type of test set in \code{cblock} is not consistent
#' with the type of test set in \code{cstat}.
#' \item If the message \code{Error in solve.default(): system is computationally singular:...}
#' appears, the inverse of the matrix involved in the test statistic
#' in (9) of Cappello et al. (2020) is computationally singular.
#' In order to overcome this numerical problem often related to the tests on the
#' models, the object \code{stpairs} (of class
#' \code{couples}) has to be modified. In particular, by considering that for each spatial
#' triplet and each temporal triplet 6 contrasts can be defined, it is advisable
#' to adopt one of the following options: 1) set equal to zero one of the
#' highest temporal lags, for each spatial and each temporal triplet, through the
#' specific \code{\link{setzero}} method, 2) substitute triplets associated with long spatial
#' or temporal distances with others characterized by lower distances.
#' Then, the user has to run again \code{\link{blocks}}, \code{\link{covablocks}},
#' \code{\link{covastatM}} and \code{\link{covaprop}}.
#' The above error message also occurs if there are at least two spatial triplets, where:
#' \itemize{
#' \item two couples are replicated;
#' \item one couple is replicated.
#' }
#' In such cases it is enough to set equal to zero one temporal lag for each temporal
#' triplet associated to the couples involved in the replications.
#' }
#' }
#' @references
#' Cappello, C., De Iaco, S., Posa, D., 2018, Testing the type of
#' non-separability and some classes of space-time covariance function models.
#' Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,
#' \bold{32} 17--35
#' Cappello, C., De Iaco, S., Posa, D., 2020, {covatest}: An {R} Package for
#' Selecting a Class of Space-Time Covariance Functions.
#' Journal of Statistical Software, \bold{94(1)} 1--42.
#' De Iaco, S., Palma, M., Posa, D., 2016. A general procedure for selecting a
#' class of fully symmetric space-time covariance functions.
#' Environmentrics, \bold{27(4)} 212--224.
#' Li, B., Genton, M.G., Sherman, M., 2007, A nonparametric assessment
#' of properties of spacetime covariance functions.
#' Journal of the American Statistical Association, \bold{102} 736--744.
#' @seealso \linkS4class{couples}
#' @seealso \linkS4class{blocks}
#' @seealso \linkS4class{covablocks}
#' @seealso \linkS4class{covastat}
#' @examples
#' # --start define the STFDF rr_13-- #
#' library(sp)
#' library(spacetime)
#' #library(gstat)
#' data(air)
#' ls()
#' if (!exists("rural")) rural = STFDF(stations, dates, data.frame(PM10 =
#' as.vector(air)))
#' rr = rural[,"2005::2010"]
#' unsel = which(apply(as(rr, "xts"), 2, function(x) all(is.na(x))))
#' r5to10 = rr[-unsel,]
#' rr_13 <- r5to10[c("DEHE046","DESN049","DETH026","DENW063","DETH061","DEBY047",
#' "DENW065","DEUB029","DENW068","DENI019","DEHE051","DERP016","DENI051"),
#' "2005::2006"]
#' # --end define the STFDF rr_13-- #
#' #--Example 1: test on symmetry--#
#' sel.staz.sym <- c("DERP016", "DENW065", "DEHE051", "DETH026", "DENW063", "DENI019",
#' "DENW068", "DEHE046", "DEUB029", "DEBY047", "DETH061", "DESN049")
#' sp.couples.in.sym <- matrix(data = c("DERP016", "DENW065", "DEHE051", "DETH026",
#' "DENW063", "DENI019", "DENW068", "DEHE046", "DEUB029", "DEBY047", "DETH061", "DESN049"),
#' ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' t.couples.in.sym <- c(1, 2)
#' couples.sym <- couples(sel.staz = sel.staz.sym, sp.couples.in = sp.couples.in.sym,
#' t.couples.in = t.couples.in.sym, typetest = "sym", typecode = character())
#' block.sym <- blocks(lb = 40, ls = 10, matdata = rr_13, pardata1 = 1, pardata2 = 1,
#' stpairs = couples.sym)
#' covabl.sym <- covablocks(stblocks = block.sym, stpairs = couples.sym, typetest = "sym")
#' covast.sym <- covastat(matdata = rr_13, pardata1 = 1, pardata2 = 1,
#' stpairs = couples.sym, typetest = "sym")
#' test.sym <- covaprop(cblock = covabl.sym, cstat = covast.sym, nonseptype = NULL,
#' sign.level = 0.05)
#' #--Example 2: test on the Gneiting model--#
#' sel.staz.mod <- c("DETH061", "DEBY047", "DEHE051", "DEUB029", "DENI019",
#' "DENI051", "DETH026", "DESN049")
#' sp.couples.in.mod <- matrix(data = c("DETH061", "DEBY047",
#'                                     "DEHE051", "DEUB029",
#'                                     "DENI019", "DENI051",
#'                                     "DEHE051", "DETH026",
#'                                     "DEBY047", "DESN049",
#'                                     "DETH026", "DETH061"),
#'                            ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#'                            t.couples.in.mod <- c(1, 2, 3)
#' couples.mod <- couples(sel.staz = sel.staz.mod,
#' sp.couples.in = sp.couples.in.mod, t.couples.in = t.couples.in.mod,
#' typetest = "gneiting", typecode = character())
#' zero.index <- matrix(data = c(3, 7, 6, 7), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' couples.mod <- setzero(x = couples.mod, zero = FALSE, index = zero.index, value = 0)
#' block.mod <- blocks(lb = 60, ls = 10, matdata = rr_13, pardata1 = 1,
#' pardata2 = 1, stpairs = couples.mod)
#' covabl.gn <- covablocks(stblocks = block.mod, stpairs = couples.mod,
#' typetest = "gneiting")
#' covast.gn <- covastatM(matdata = rr_13, pardata1 = 1, pardata2 = 1,
#' stpairs = couples.mod, typetest = "gneiting", beta.data = seq(0.5, 1, by=0.1))
#' test.gn <- covaprop(cblock = covabl.gn, cstat = covast.gn, nonseptype = NULL,
#' sign.level = 0.05)
#' ### method for covaprop
#' #1. show
#' test.sym
#' @rdname covaprop-class
#' @export
covaprop <- function(cblock, cstat, nonseptype = NULL, sign.level = 0.05) {

  is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5) abs(x -
                                                                round(x)) < tol

  is.scalar <- function (x){length(x) == 1L && is.vector(x, mode = "numeric")}

  is.square.matrix <- function( x )
    ### determines if the given matrix is a square matrix
    ### arguments
    ### x = a matrix object
    #if ( !is.matrix( x ) ){ #Not necessary for the arguments of this function
    #  message("Start error message. argument x is not a matrix.")
    #  stop("End error message. Stop running.")}
    return( nrow(x) == ncol(x) )

  is.singular.matrix <- function( x, tol=1e-90 )
    ### this function returns TRUE if the matrix argument x
    ### is singular and FALSE otherwise
    ### argument
    ### x = a numeric square matrix
    ### tol = tolerance level for zero
    if (!is.square.matrix( x ) ){
      message("Start error message. The matrix inverse required for the computation of the test statistic, given in Cappello, C. et al., 2020, can not be computed, because the matrix is not a square matrix.")
      stop("End error message. Stop running.")}
    #if ( !is.numeric( x ) ){ #Not necessary for the arguments of this function
    #   message("Start error message. argument x is not a numeric matrix.")
    #   stop("End error message. Stop running.")}
    det.x <- det( x )
    return( abs( det.x ) < tol )


  if (!inherits(cblock, "covablocks")){
    message("Start error message. cblock argument has to be of class covablocks.")
    stop("End error message. Stop running.")

  if (!inherits(cstat, "covastat") && !inherits(cstat, "covastatM")){
    message("Start error message. cstat argument has to be of class covastat.")
    stop("End error message. Stop running.")

 if(cblock@typetest != cstat@typetest){
   message("Start error message. The arguments cblocks and cstat are referred to different typetest. Please verify the consistency of the arguments.")
    stop("End error message. Stop running.")

  typetest <- cblock@typetest
  if (typetest == "sym") {
    type.test <- 0
  }else{if (typetest == "sep"){
    type.test <- 1
  }else{if (typetest == "tnSep"){
    type.test <- 2
  }else{if (typetest == "productSum"){
    type.test <- 4
  }else{if (typetest == "intProduct"){
    type.test <- 5
  }else{type.test <- 6 #Gneiting

  if (is.null(nonseptype) == FALSE && type.test != 2) {
    message("Warning message: the nonseptype will be ignored since it is not required for the selected type of test.")
  if (type.test == 2) {
  if (is.scalar(nonseptype) == FALSE || nonseptype < 0 || nonseptype > 1) {
    message("Start error message. The argument for nonseptype is not admissible.")
    stop("End error message. Stop running.")

  if (is.numeric(sign.level) == FALSE) {
    message("Start error message. The argument for sign.level is not admissible.")
    stop("End error message. Stop running.")

  if (sign.level <= 0 || sign.level >= 1) {
    message("Start error message. The specified level of significance is not admissible. It must be between 0 and 1.")
    stop("End error message. Stop running.")

  if (type.test == 0) {
    matrix_cova_cova <- cblock@mat.cova.cova
    G_vect <- cstat@G
    matrixA1 <- cstat@A
    df <- nrow(cstat@A)

    x <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(matrixA1, matrix_cova_cova), matrixA1)
    test.statistics <- (t(matrixA1 %*% G_vect)) %*% (solve(x)) %*% (matrixA1 %*% G_vect)

    message("The test statistic is equal to")

    critical.value <- pchisq(test.statistics, df = nrow(matrixA1),
                             lower.tail = FALSE)

    message("The p value is equal to")

    if (critical.value >= sign.level) {
      message("Don't reject the null hypothesis of symmetry at ",
              sign.level, " level of significance")
    } else {
      message("Reject the null hypothesis of symmetry at ", sign.level,
              " level of significance")

  if (type.test == 1) {
    matrix_cova_cova <- cblock@mat.cova.cova
    f_G <- cstat@f.G
    matrixA1 <- cstat@A
    mat_B <- cstat@B
    df <- nrow(cstat@A)

    y <- crossprod(matrix_cova_cova, mat_B)
    x <- crossprod(mat_B, y)
    test.statistics <- (t(matrixA1 %*% f_G)) %*% (solve(matrixA1 %*% x %*% t(matrixA1))) %*% (matrixA1 %*% f_G)
    critical.value <- pchisq(test.statistics, df = nrow(matrixA1),
                             lower.tail = FALSE)

    message("The test statistic is equal to")

    message("The p value is equal to")

    if (critical.value >= sign.level) {
      message("Don't reject the null hypothesis of separability at ",
              sign.level, " level of significance")
    } else {
      message("Reject the null hypothesis of separability at ", sign.level,
              " level of significance")

  if (type.test == 2) {
    if (is.null(nonseptype) == TRUE) {
      message("Start error message. The argument nonseptype must to be set.")
      stop("End error message. Stop running.")

    matrix_cova_cova <- cblock@mat.cova.cova
    f_G <- cstat@f.G
    matrixA2 <- cstat@A
    mat_B <- cstat@B
    ### test_type is equal to 0 for testing the null hypothesis that the non
    ### separability is non positive ### test_type is equal to 1 for testing
    ### the null hypothesis that the non separability is non negative ###

    onevec <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(matrixA2), ncol = 1)

    y <- crossprod(matrix_cova_cova, mat_B)
    x <- crossprod(mat_B, y)

    test.statistics <- (t(onevec) %*% (matrixA2 %*% f_G)) / sqrt(t(onevec) %*%
                       (matrixA2 %*% x %*% t(matrixA2)) %*% (onevec))

    message("The test statistic is equal to")

    if (nonseptype == 0) {
      critical.value <- pnorm(test.statistics, mean = 0, sd = 1,
                              lower.tail = FALSE)
      critical.value2 <- pnorm(test.statistics, mean = 0.5, sd = 1,
                               lower.tail = TRUE)
      message("The p value is equal to")
      if (critical.value >= sign.level) {
        message("Don't reject the null hypothesis of non positive non separability at
          ", sign.level, " level of significance")
      } else {
        message("Reject the null hypothesis of non positive non separability at
          ", sign.level, " level of significance")

    if (nonseptype == 1) {
      critical.value <- pnorm(test.statistics, mean = 0, sd = 1,
                              lower.tail = TRUE)
      critical.value2 <- pnorm(test.statistics, mean = -0.5, sd = 1,
                               lower.tail = FALSE)

      message("The p value is equal to")

      if (critical.value >= sign.level) {
        message("Don't reject the null hypothesis of non negative non separability at
          ", sign.level, " level of significance")
      } else {
        message("Reject the null hypothesis of non negative non separability at
          ", sign.level, " level of significance")

    df <- NA

  if (type.test >= 4) {
    matrix_cova_cova <- cblock@mat.cova.cova
    f_G <- cstat@f.G
    matrixA.m <- cstat@A
    df <- nrow(cstat@A)
    mat_B <- cstat@B

    # the test statistic is equal to the one used for the separability test
    if (type.test == 4 || type.test == 5 || type.test == 7) {

      y <- crossprod(matrix_cova_cova, mat_B)
      x <- crossprod(mat_B, y)
      test.statistics <- (t(matrixA.m %*% f_G)) %*% (solve(matrixA.m %*%
                          x %*% t(matrixA.m))) %*% (matrixA.m %*% f_G)

      critical.value <- pchisq(test.statistics, df = nrow(matrixA.m),
                               lower.tail = FALSE)

      message("The test statistic is equal to")

      message("The p value is equal to")

      if (critical.value >= sign.level) {
        message("Don't reject the null hypothesis on the type of the model at ",
                sign.level, " level of significance")
      } else {
        message("Reject the null hypothesis on the type of the model at ",
                sign.level, " level of significance")

    if (type.test == 6) {

      nbeta <- dim(f_G)[3]
      test.statistics <- matrix(0, nrow = nbeta, ncol = 2)
      critical.value <- matrix(0, nrow = nbeta, ncol = 2)

      colnames(test.statistics) <- c("Test Statistics", "Beta")
      colnames(critical.value) <- c("p value", "Beta")

      for (i in 1:nbeta) {
        y <- crossprod(matrix_cova_cova, mat_B[, , i])
        x <- crossprod(mat_B[, , i], y)

        test.statistics[i, 1] <- (t(matrixA.m %*% f_G[, , i])) %*%
          (solve(matrixA.m %*% x %*% t(matrixA.m))) %*% (matrixA.m %*%
                                                          f_G[, , i])
        test.statistics[i, 2] <- cstat@beta.data[i]

    critical.value[i, 1] <- pchisq(test.statistics[i, 1], df = nrow(matrixA.m),
                                       lower.tail = FALSE)
    critical.value[i, 2] <- cstat@beta.data[i]

        message("The test statistic is equal to")
        print(test.statistics[i, ])

        message("The p value is equal to")
        print(critical.value[i, 1])

        if (critical.value[i, 1] >= sign.level) {
        message("Don't reject the null hypothesis on the type of the model at ",
                  sign.level, " level of significance for beta", i)
        } else {
          message("Reject the null hypothesis on the type of the model at ",
                  sign.level, " level of significance for beta", i)


  new("covaprop", test.statistics = test.statistics, p.value = critical.value,
      df = df, typetest = typetest)


#' @include sepindex.R couples.R blocks.R covablocks.R covastat.R
#' @param object object of class \code{covaprop} for method \code{show}
#' @rdname covaprop-class
#' @aliases covaprop-method
#' @export
setMethod(f="show", signature="covaprop", definition=function(object) {
  if(object@typetest == "sym"){
    test <- "symmetry test"

  if(object@typetest == "sep"){
    test <- "separability test"

  if(object@typetest == "tnSep"){
    test <- "type of non-separability test"

  if(object@typetest == "productSum"){
    test <- "test on the product-sum class of models"

  if(object@typetest == "intProduct"){
    test <- "test on the integrated class of models"

  if(object@typetest == "gneiting"){
    test <- "test on the Gneiting class of models"

  cat("Results of the ",test, "\n")

  if(object@typetest == "sym" || object@typetest == "sep" || object@typetest == "productSum" ||
     object@typetest == "intProduct"){
    cat("X-squared=", object@test.statistics, "\n")
    cat("df=", object@df, "\n")
    cat("p value=", object@p.value, "\n")

  if(object@typetest == "tnSep"){
    cat("Z=", object@test.statistics, "\n")
    cat("p value=", object@p.value, "\n")

  if(object@typetest == "gneiting"){
    cat("X-squared=", object@test.statistics[,1], "\n")
    cat("Beta=", object@test.statistics[,2], "\n")
    cat("df=", object@df, "\n")
    cat("p value=", object@p.value, "\n")


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covatest documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:29 p.m.