Man pages for
Load and Analyze Live Data from the COVID-19 Pandemic

avecRentrezfunction to query NCBI database servers using the "rentrex"...
badOptionbad argument error handling function
c19.fasta.datafunction to obtain FASTA sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
c19.genomic.datafunction to obtain genomic data from SARS-CoV-2019
c19.NP_fasta.datafunction to obtain FASTA seqs for nucleotides or proteins...
c19.NPs.datafunction to obtain data for nucleotides or proteins from...
c19.OWID.datafunction to read data from OWID repos
c19.ptree.datafunction to obtain "Tree of complete SARS-CoV-2 Sequences as...
c19.refGenome.datafunction to obtain sequencing data grom NCBI Reference:...
checkGeoLocfunction to check the geographical location
chk.TS.dataauxiliary function to check whether a dataset is composed of...
confBandfunction to draw confidence bands, using generalized moving...
consistency.checkfunction that determines whether there are consistency issues...
covid19.Canada.datafunction to import data for Canada as reported by Health... explorer dashboard
covid19.datafunction to read "live" data from reported covid19 cases explorer dashboard
covid19.genomic.datamain master (wrapper) function to obtain different types of...
covid19.JHU.datafunction to read "live" data as reported by JHU's CCSE...
covid19.testing.datafunction to read data related to covid19 Testing from OWID...
covid19.Toronto_city.datafunction to import data from the city of Toronto, ON - Canada...
covid19.Toronto.datafunction to import data from the city of Toronto, ON - Canada...
covid19.Toronto_OD.datafunction to import data from the city of Toronto, ON - Canada...
covid19.URL_csv.datafunction to read CSV from URLs or local replicas
covid19.US.datafunction to read the TimeSeries US detailed data
covid19.vaccinationfunction to read data related to covid19 vaccinations
data.checksfunction to check for data integrity and data consistency
estimateRRsestimate rolling rates for a given geographical location for...
generate.SIR.modelfunction to generate a simple SIR...
gen.glm.modelfunction to generate models using GLM
genModelfunction to generate models using Linear Regression "LM"
geographicalRegionsfunction to define continents and its constituent countries
getFileauxiliary function to download files in a protected fashion,...
growth.ratefunction to compute daily changes and "Growth Rates" per...
headerauxiliary fn to print "headers" adn 'titles'
header0auxiliary fn to print "headers" adn 'titles'
integrity.checkfunction that determines whether there are integrity issues...
itrendsfunction to visualize trends in daily changes in time series...
live.mapfunction to map cases in an interactive map
loadLibraryauxiliary function to check and load an specific set of... fn to create a log-scale pulldown option in plotly plots
movingFngeneric fn that computes the "fn" on a moving window
mrollingRatesfunction to compute a rolling fn (rate) of multiple...
mtrendsfunction to visualize different indicators for trends in...
nullify.dataremove inconsistencies from data by removing 'suspicious'...
OWID.reposfunction to define the OWID repos URLs
pandemics.datafunction to retrieve historical pandemics data
pandemics.loaddatainternal function to retrieve historical data on pandemics
plt.SIR.modelfunction to plot the results from the SIR model fn
preProcessingDataauxiliary function to pre-process data per geographical...
printmethod associated with 'report' objects
print.reportfunction associated to the 'report' object method
red.devel.verfunction to redirect users to install devel version from...
report.summaryfunction to summarize the current situation, will download...
report.Torfunction to obtain main indicators from Toronto data
rollingRatefunction to compute a rolling fn of a TS data
select.per.locauxiliary function to select data based on geographical...
set.plt.canvasauxiliary function to set the graphical layout
simple.SIR.ODEDefine an ODE system for a simple SIR model
single.trendfunction to visualize different indicators for trends in...
sweep.SIR.modelsfunction to perform a sweep of models and generate values of...
totals.pltfunction to plot total number of cases per day for different...
tots.per.locationfunction to compute totals per location
X.covid19.genomic.datafunction to obtain sequencing data grom NCBI Reference:... documentation built on Oct. 16, 2023, 1:06 a.m.