
# verify wiggle returns the integeral of the squared second derivative


f <- function(x) {
  #(x + 2) * (x - 1) * (x - 3)
  x^3 - 2 * x^2 - 5 * x + 6

fprime <- function(x) { # first derivatives of f(x)
  3 * x^2 - 4 * x - 5

fdoubleprime <- function(x) { # second derivatives of f(x)
  6 * x - 4

fdoubleprime_squared <- function(x) {

bknots = c(-3, 5)
x     <- (runif(n = 100, min = -3, max = 5))
bmat  <- bsplines(x, bknots = bknots)
theta <- matrix(coef(lm(f(x) ~ bmat + 0)), ncol = 1)

bmatD1 <- bsplineD(x, bknots = bknots, derivative = 1L)
bmatD2 <- bsplineD(x, bknots = bknots, derivative = 2L)

  integrate(fdoubleprime_squared, lower = -3, upper = 5)$value
  wiggle(cp(bmat, theta), lower = -3, upper = 5)$value

# verify the result is the same if the bounds are not specified
  integrate(fdoubleprime_squared, lower = -3, upper = 5)$value
  wiggle(cp(bmat, theta))$value

# verify the wiggle result is the same if the bounds are set too wide
  integrate(fdoubleprime_squared, lower = -3, upper = 5)$value
  wiggle(cp(bmat, theta, lower = -10, upper = 20))$value

#                              Count Sign Changes                              #

# sign changes in fprime
# the data need to be sorted for fprime call
  sum(abs(diff(sign(fprime(sort(x)))))) / 2L
  sign_changes( object = cp(bmat, theta), lower = -3, upper = 5, derivative = 1)

# sign_changes in fdoubleprime
  sum(abs(diff(sign(fdoubleprime(sort(x)))))) / 2L
  sign_changes( object = cp(bmat, theta), lower = -3, upper = 5, derivative = 2)

# verify the sign_changes result is the same if the bounds are set too wide

warn <- tryCatch(sign_changes(cp(bmat, theta), lower = -10, upper = 20, derivative = 1)
                 , warning = function(w) w)
stopifnot(inherits(warn, "warning"))
stopifnot(warn$message == "setting lower = min(object$bknots)")

  sign_changes( object = cp(bmat, theta), lower = -3, upper = 5, derivative = 1)
  suppressWarnings(sign_changes(cp(bmat, theta), lower = -10, upper = 20, derivative = 1))

#                                 End of File                                  #

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